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irregular past tense

narrative illustaration

prefixesre, post, pre

Teacher Tips




Word Work

Today's Lesson

Level 6 Unit 7 Lesson 2

Around the world

There once was a girl from New YorkWho couldn't find any good pork.She got on a plane,And flew straight to Spain,Where she ate all the pork with a fork.

word work

postgraduate - after graduating
pre-make - make something before
redo - do again

postafterAfter the game, there was an hour-long postgame show.

prebeforeBefore the movie came out, we watched all the previews.

reagainI had to read the book again, but I didn't have time to reread the whole thing.


During the meeting, the players the video of the game. They decided to the changes to the team until the next season. Then, they watched a of the team they would play next week.



He tucked his shirt into his trousers.

tuck - put something inside something else

She announced the rules to the group.

announce - tell something (important) to a group

His wallet was completely empty.

wallet - a flat, folding case for holding money or credit cards

He kept all of his money in the safe at the bank.

safe - a locked box used for storing valuable things

put something inside something elsetell something to many peoplea box with a lock to hold thingsa case that folds to hold things


  1. What is the most interesting thing you have heard someone announce?
  2. Which is a safer place to store things, a wallet or a safe?
  3. Which do you think is more elegant, a shirt that is tucked in or untucked?


Is there anything that people shouldn't announce?




In the fourth car, Ruth felt the train start to slow down and grabbed her friend’s hand. “Quick Maggie, put your earrings in your shoe.” She pulled off her earrings and tucked them into the top of her tall shoe. Maggie looked confused. “What’s happening?” she asked. “The train is being robbed,” Ruth explained. “Hurry.”

Maggie put her diamond earrings into her shoe and then sat back to wait anxiously. A few moments later, a tall, dirty man with long dark hair and a black hat came into the train car. He held a pistol out in front of him and announced, “Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Give me all of your money and nobody will get hurt. I’ll also take any watches, earrings and necklaces. Just put it all right here in the sack.

Ruth opened her purse and pulled out a long, satin wallet. She took out her only twenty dollar bill and placed it in the bag that Bill held open. The train finally stopped and Bill tripped forward. He fell on her lap and she pushed him off in disgust. He stood up and held the bag open for Maggie. “Please, sir. This is all the money I have left in the world,” Maggie cried. Bill laughed and took her money without a second thought.

Bill moved on to the next train car while Maggie started crying. There was a large explosion from the front of the train and all of the passengers jumped up in fear. “That has to be the safe,” Ruth said softly. She set her head against the window and sighed. Suddenly, she sat up with excitement. “Look Maggie! Their horses. They are right outside our car waiting for them.”

Summarize what has happened so far in the story.

Rising Action



Past Tensean action completed in the pastThe bird flew across the sky.

feel - feltput - putfind - foundbring - broughtteach - taught

Irregular Past Tense

Say the Past Tense

  • 40
  • Quicksand
  • black
  • 35
  • gauche
  • avec
  • 1000
  • 1
  • feel
  • put
  • find
  • bring
  • teach
  • #16368b
  • #4930e8
  • #8575f0
If I found a cat, I would . . .


wrap up

What would you do if your friend became a criminal?


Think about the villian. Write a paragraph to describe the villian and tell what problem they will cause.

You are going to write a narrative adventure story.



Word Workprefixre, pre, post

Grammarirregular past tense

Vocabularytuck, announce, wallet, safe

