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Today's Lesson

second conditionals with modals


narrative textplot structurerising action


dried, towering, pass out, stream


sequencingfirst, next, last


Teacher Tips

Level 6 Unit 3 Lesson 5

What's (the) Matter?

Physics is Phun!

My physics book, it weighs a ton, And my homework sitch was dire. I thought that I would have some fun, So I set the book on fire. The flames, they burned as high as a tree, And the teacher's look was strange.But he wasn’t mad, he just gave meA test on chemical change.

Word Work

ways to start a story:firstfirstlyfirst of allfirst thing

ways to continue a story:thennextlaterafter thatfollowing that

ways to end a story:finallyin the endultimatelyat lastto make a long story short


First, I went to the store to buy milk. After that, I walked the dog in the park. Lastly, I ate pizza with my friends.

at the end




following that

after that



first of all


Adverbs of Sequencing





driedremove moisture to preserve

Raisins are dried grapes.

toweringsomething very tall

The Eiffel Tower is towering above the city.

stream - a small, narrow river

The stream is full of icy water.

pass out - faint

Mary felt dizzy and thought she would pass out.


removing moisturea small riverfaintvery tall




pass out

Choose One

Which picture shows something towering?

Choose One

Which picture shows a stream?

Choose One

Which picture shows dried food?

Choose One

Which picture shows something that is passed out?

What's the difference?




What are some problems you might have in the woods?

Part Two

A dangerous Quest

By noon, Jon was hotter than he had ever been. The sun burned high in the sky, and sweat poured down Jon’s face. He took a break under a tree and ate some of the dried meat the villagers had given him. He tore the meat into small pieces, because if he had to stay on the mountain, he had to make the food last. He finished eating and continued on his way, slowly moving up the massive mountain.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack and Jon looked to the left. A towering tree had broken in half, and the top part was falling right toward him. Jon screamed and tried to run away, but the thin branches full of pine needles knocked him to the ground. Jon felt a sharp pain in his arm and tried to roll away from the tree. Before he could get up, he first had to break the branches on top of him and then push the incredibly heavy trunk. He finally got free and stood up shakily. His arm hurt a lot and he thought it was probably broken.

Jon had no choice but to tie his arm in his shirt and continue on. He picked up his backpack, gritted his teeth and started walking again. “I can make it. it’s just an arm. If I don’t get back with the flowers, the elder will die.” Jon kept this thought in his head while he walked. A few hours later Jon had drank all of his water and felt like he might pass out. He turned off the path to look for water, but couldn't find a stream anywhere. The sun was setting, and Jon could no longer follow it. He soon became lost. He sat down and put his head in his hand. The small , orange bird chirped above him and then hopped away. Jon jumped up to follow the bird.

The bird hopped through the trees and stopped in front of a small stream. Jon came to a stream, with clear, cool water rushing swiftly. He dipped his head in the water and drank plentifully. He filled up his water bottle and then looked up. He was at the top of the mountain. Jon took a few steps and then stopped, amazed by the view in front of him. The entire side of the mountain was filled with beautiful, tiny light purple buds surrounded by thick, dark grass. Jon dropped his bag and ran across the field. He grabbed one of the flowers and inhaled its sweet scent. Jon pulled up a few flowers and put them in his water bottle. He hoped they would help with the pain in his arm. He went back down the hill into the woods to slowly gather wood for his campfire and then finally sat down to rest.

rising action

Reading comp


Jon finds the purple flowers.

Jon leaves the path and gets lost.

A tree falls on Jon.

Jon is very, very hot.

Jon follows a robin to a stream.

Jon is very, very thirsty.


second conditionalsuse all modals EXCEPT "can" "shall" or "must"If it rains tomorrow, I could go to the library.


have to







If I had a dollar, I buy a coke.

If I won the race, I decide to give you some of the prize.

If it rained this afternoon, I would still go school.

If I finished my homework early, I go to the party.

If I had a pizza, I decide to give you half.

If I have extra time, I start another project.

What would you like to change in your life?

Moral Dilemma

Wrap Up


Complain about a problem you had this week.


Write five sentences to tell what you do before you go to sleep.

Write five sentences to tell what you do in the morning.

narrativerising action

second conditionals



dried, towering, pass out, stream

adverbs of sequencying


