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modal verbswill, would




Today's Lesson

narrativecharacter changes

reluctant magiciansleeve shuffle

Word Work

adjectivesed versus ing ending

Teacher Tips

Level 6 Unit 2 Lesson 3

Pastimes and Hobbies

Shop, shop, shop,'Til you drop, drop, drop!Pay with cash or with your phone,Shop with friends or go alone.Hurry up and get in line,That light green sweater sure is fine.This store has the best in fashion,And shopping here is my biggest passion.

'Til You Drop

Word Work

Adjectives with the -ing ending:Tell why you feel that way.That movie was exciting!

Adjectives with the -ed ending:Tell how you feel.I feel excited!

Dance class today was so humiliating. I was totally embarrassed when I fell down.


Make a Sentence

  • 35
  • Quicksand
  • black
  • 20
  • gauche
  • avec
  • 1000
  • 1
  • embarrassed
  • humiliating
  • excited
  • exciting
  • tiring
  • bored
  • #356208
  • #4f940a
  • #6dbd1d


reluctantunwilling and uncertain

He was reluctant to ski down the mountain, even though all of his friends had done it.

magiciansomeone who does magic

The magician could do many card tricks.

shufflemove around and change the order of something

The magician shuffled the cards while he did the trick.

sleevethe part of a shirt where the arm goes

Her dress has really long sleeves.





a person that does magicuncertaina covering for your armchange the order


The part of your shirt where your arm goes is called the a. sleeve b. collarc. armband d. shuffleWhen you move the cards around so they are in a different order, you a. swirl them b. spin themc. shuffle them d. reluctant themWhen you are not sure that you want to do something, you are a. determined b. reluctantc. protected d. abandonedA person that does magic is called a a. magician b. hammerc. cage d. magicer

multiple choice

Would you rather


What would you like to do with magic?

Do you like magic?


Saturday Today was the craziest day ever. I finally found something I am good at! Mom and I went to the mall, and after I reluctantly tried on six dresses, mom chose one I could wear to the wedding. We were finally leaving the horrible place, but there was a magic act in the middle of the mall. We stopped to watch the show and when the magician needed an assistant, he chose me!


I was scared when I walked to the front of the huge audience, but being an assistant was really easy. First, the magician did a card trick. He asked me to pick a card and then moved all the cards around really quickly. I saw that the card I chose was in his left hand, so I pointed at it. The magician was really surprised that I knew where the card was. He smiled and started another trick.

This time, I watched the magician hide a flower inside his sleeve and pretend that it disappeared. When he opened his empty hands, the audience gasped. I said loudly, “It’s right there in your sleeve.” The audience laughed, but the magician was embarrassed. He told us he would try one more trick, and told me I should pick another card. This time, he held my card between his fingers while he shuffled the deck. He held up a card and asked if it was mine. I said, “You know it’s not. You have my card between your fingers.”

The audience laughed loudly. The magician looked at me angrily and frowned. He said, “Well, you are so good at magic, maybe you should be a magician!” So, diary I finally found something I might be good at. On Monday I will sign up for the magic club at school. I can’t wait to be a real magician!

Character changes help us find out what they learn.

Kelly's feelings change a lot during the story.

character changes







Kelly realized she was good at magic.

Kelly became a magician's assistant.

Kelly went to art class, but she was bad at painting.

Kelly tried out for show choir, but her classmateslaughed at her.

Kelly wanted to go swimming but her mom wouldn't let her.

Kelly tried to cook, but she burned the pan.




willfuture (decided now)I will answer the phone.That's it! I won't eat any more chocolate this week.

be going tofuture (planned activity)I am going to go camping this summer.I am not going to visit my grandparents next month.

future Simple Tense

I am going to visit a museum when I go to Paris.

wouldconditional If I had 10 dollars, I would buy a hamburger.I wouldn't like to see a bear.

willfuture (decided now)Alright, on Friday we will play tennis.Okay, I won't go to Tokyo next week.

I would like to go to the moon.

future conditional

be going to

be going to

be going to







Tic Tac Toe

Wrap Up

Try to convince your teacher to let you join a club.


Write five sentences about why you don't like sports.



Write 5 sentences about your favorite sport. Explain why it is the best sport.

modal verbs:will, would

narrativefeeling changes

reluctant, magician,sleeve, shuffle

adjectivesed/ing endings



Word Work


Wrap Up



