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Today's Lesson


Pros and Cons


ancestors, butcher, inflammatory, meant


Past Continuous


Level 7 Unit 11 Lesson 4

Fun Food Facts

Get Thinking!

Is there any food that you refuse to eat?
piece of cakeDo you remember what this idiom means?That test was a piece of cake!


teacher tips


Would you be able to eat a diet without grains?


You can trace your ancestors on a family tree.


I have decided that I am going to do the Paleo diet. I am going to start eating just like the first humans. Only meat and vegetables for me from now on. The Paleo diet is based on eating the foods that were obtained by hunting and gathering in the past. I will also eat fish, nuts and seeds. Our ancestors survived and were successful eating only these foods, so I believe it is the healthiest food choice for me.

teacher tips

The butcher can cut the meat exactly the way you want it.


I was eating lunch yesterday, when I realised that the quality of my meat was very bad. I am going to find a butcher that only uses meat that was grass-fed and raised outside in pastures. From now on, I refuse to eat any more meat from those huge industrial farms. It is not healthy to raise meat using the current techniques and I think it is cruel and unfair to the animals to have to live in those conditions.
Joint pain might be caused by inflammatory foods.


Many recent studies also show that grains and cereals are inflammatory and make your body swollen and painful. Plus, so many people are developing allergies to grains and gluten, so there must be a flaw in the way we are producing these foods as well. Grains are grown on fields so large that the only way to deal with pests is to use pesticides and toxic chemicals, which hurt humans. All of my fruits and vegetables will be organic and locally-grown.
Cow's milk is meant for cows.


I will also stop drinking milk and eating any dairy products. Only babies need milk and that humans were never meant to drink milk from cows. Cow’s milk is only for baby calves. So, I am very excited for my new diet. I think it will be a way for me to lose weight and have more energy. It will be difficult to order in restaurants, but I think it’s pretty easy to just cook meat and vegetables at home.


What does the writer want from their diet?
What kind of meat does the writer want to eat?
Why does the reader want to stop eating grains?
What is a Paleo diet?

teacher tips


an earlier person
person who cuts meat professionally
makes the body swollen and red
intended to do something

teacher tips


  • meant
  • promised
  • anger
  • broken
  • butcher
  • baker
  • candlestick maker
  • dancer


  • ancestors
  • inhabitants
  • endangered
  • origins
  • inflamatory
  • arguing
  • butcher
  • ancestor



teacher tips



  1. My used to live in Europe.
  2. The cut the cow into 45 different pieces.
  3. A sunburn is and makes your skin swollen and red.
  4. I am so sorry that happend. I never to hurt you.

This optional item is to be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance) in which the number of wrong answers will be displayed.

This optional item should be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance of) in which the number of correct answers will be displayed.

There must be a flaw in the way we are producing these foods
Cow’s milk is only for baby calves.
It is not healthy to raise meat using the current techniques.
Only meat and vegetables for me from now on


teacher tips

Many recent studies also show that grains and cereals are inflammatory


teacher tips


subject ->Past tense verb -> to be ->present participleI was dancing from 8:00 until dawn.
I was reading from 8:00 pm until midnight.
I was dancing at noon last Friday.
He was studying for seven hours last night.

Past Continuous

What time is it?


What was she doing at 3:05?

teacher tips


Example 3

Give Opinions

Example 2
Example 1
Restate the opinion
Reason 3
Reason 2
Reason 1

teacher tips

What is the conflict in this passage?


teacher tips

Prepare a 1 - 2 minute speech about how to stay healthy.


Why do you think there are so many fad diets these days?

Exit Interview
