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Today's Lesson






Simple Past
Level 7 Unit 3 Lesson 2

Controversial Clothing

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Do you usually follow the crowd or do your own thing?
Buckle downStop goofing around and get to work"It's time to buckle down and get this project finished."


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What do you do if you disagree with a rule?


found an old pair of socks with horses on them that his aunt had given him at Christmas. He pulled them on and made sure they were covered by his trouser legs while he walked.
But when he was getting ready for school the next day, Michael decided that maybe it was worth the hassle. He was sick and tired of navy blue trousers and white shirt and white socks. He opened his dresser drawer and hunted around until he

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By lunch time, the entire senior class knew that Michael had put ridiculous socks on that morning. Although it was such a small act of rebellion, Michael enjoyed the feeling of power he got from the socks.
In first period, while Ms. Schneider was droning on about the rules in the classroom, Michael poked his friend, Nate and lifted up the leg of his trousers. Nate saw the socks, smiled and gave him a thumbs up.


The day after that his socks were bright pink with cookies on them. On Thursday, Nate wore purple socks with a camel on them. By Friday, over twenty-five students had joined Micheal’s rebellion, and everyone loved getting a peek at the creative designs.
Right after school, he walked to the department store and spent the last of his summer money on funny socks. He wanted to have enough pairs of socks to wear them for at least two weeks without repeating. The next day he wore socks with a big purple octopus wearing a top hat.


Georgia tucked her trouser legs into the socks and showed them off proudly. “I got these socks for free,” she told everyone proudly. “The headmaster gave me these beauties.” The next day her socks were purple with green stripes.
On Monday, a girl named Georgia was caught with knee-high socks covered in smiling suns while she was changing for gym class. The gym teacher sent her to the headmaster’s office. The headmaster confiscated her socks, and gave her a pair of white socks that were so old they were almost grey.


What did Michael's first colored socks look like?What does the senior class think about Michael's socks?How does Michael's school change?


an act to resist authority
a piece of furniture that holds clothing
take something away from someone
speaking at length about something boring

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Fill in the Blank






  1. I created a to ask the school board to eliminate our uniforms.
  2. The teacher had to the gum because the students were sticking it under their desks.
  3. I keep my trousers in my .
  4. My mom was on all night about her favorite television show.
  5. I decided not to eat vegetables as a small act of .

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prior knowledge




But when he was getting ready for school the next day, Michael decided that maybe it was worth the hassle. He was sick and tired of navy blue trousers and a white shirt and white socks. He opened his dresser drawer and hunted around until he found an old pair of socks with horses on them that his aunt had given him at Christmas. He pulled them on and made sure they were covered by his trouser legs while he walked.


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I ran for 12 miles yesterday.
Simple Past is used when a time period is finished.
I have already worked 100 hours this week, and it's only Wednesday!
Present Perfect is used when a time period is not finished.
But when he was getting ready for school the next day, Michael decided that maybe it was worth the hassle. He was sick and tired of navy blue trousers and a white shirt and white socks. He opened his dresser drawer and hunted around until he found an old pair of socks with horses on them that his aunt had given him at Christmas. He pulled them on and made sure they were covered by his trouser legs while he walked.

Simple Past

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minutes 10:40- 12:11
Listen to the podcastWhat are some benefits of wearing school uniforms?


Choose: What’s the Point of School Uniforms?Minutes 8:40 - 10:18
Listen to the podcastWhat are some of the opinions the students have about uniforms?

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When can the employees wear shorts?

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minutes 12:30- 13:54
Listen to the podcastWhat are some problems of wearing school uniforms?


Choose: What’s the Point of School Uniforms?Minutes: 10:18 - 11:57
Listen to the podcastBe prepared to talk about the purpose of uniforms.

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Exit Interview

What are different places people need to wear uniforms?
