Want to create interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

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How to gamify quizzes and activities With Genially!

In this presentation I will show you a few examples of what tools are available to you if you choose to design these activities using genially, as well as a few examples of templates you can use and example quizzes I have made in the past for EDU 262

Beneifts of gamifying quizzes and activities: When quizzes are gamified, they transform traditional assessments into interactive and engaging experiences, significantly boosting student participation and motivation. Gamified quizzes encourage active learning, where students are more likely to stay focused and motivated to perform well. Research has shown that these methods not only engage students more effectively but also lead to improved retention of knowledge and overall better learning outcomes.

In the interactive questions tab on the left panel, Genially offers several types of built-in quiz question makers. These are very simple to set up and are a great way to make simple, traditional quiz-like questions.


Create a textbox containing a question, then a textbox for each answer choice. On the correct answer choice, add the interaction to go to the next page! On the incorrect answer choices, have the choice take you to an incorrect answer choice page.





What day is it today?

Another way to do quiz questions!

You can add photos and gifs from your computer or a web address by going to the "insert" tab on the left. The insert tab is where we will add photos, videos, and audio to most pages. For these gifs, I searched "person swimming" on google, copied the link address, and added it to the presentation

Great! We answered the question correctly! Now that we have some ideas on how to create questions and set up interactions to control the flow, lets go over some animations and options for making our content look and sound better!

There you will find all kinds of simple options for adding animations, similar to powerpoint. you can test them all out in real time to see which you prefer, then set timers or intervals for them to go off

You can add animations by clicking on the little ball looking icon next to where we added interactions

You can add animations to anything, for example this image that appears

Now we'll quickly go over animations that you can add to your presentation, quiz, or game to make pages more interesting

Make sure to check out the smart blocks and resources tabs on the left to see what they have to offer in the catalog before you try to google "Next button" and add your own interactions (which I have done many times before looking at the pannels)

There are all kinds of pre-built buttons, templates, image carousels, and more that you can look through to make your content visually appealing. Lots of these come with very simple interactions pre-built and can help if you are making a game or quiz from scratch!


This is a paragraph of text waiting to be awesome content

Write a title here

A few other resources that Genially has to offer to customize your creations!

Since we are using the basic subscription for genially, these presentations or quizzes cannot be downloaded directly to your computer. All that this means, is that in order to share your quiz, game, presentation or activity, you will click this button, publish it to the public, and then add a hyperlink the quiz in your course. in my experience, that looks something like this in brightspace:

Sharing your genially!

Don't have time to make a whole game from scratch because it takes long enough just preparing for classes and juggling 200 other things in life? WE HAVE TEMPLATES! genially has hundreds of pre-built games and quizzes that you can copy, change the quiz questions and answers, and make them your own. Of course depending on the content, this can take varying amounts of time but it's MUCH faster than making them from scratch (trust me) All we have to do to access these is go back to our home page in the top left and press either the "templates" or "inspirations" pannels and search through hundreds of examples. I will show you all some of my favorites!


Thank you for listening to me talk about how to use the features of genially to make interactive presentations, quizzes, and games. I'll now show you some templates that you can use to make games yourself and walk you all through how we can edit these templates to make them our own.

Something like this is an example of an incorrect answer page! When you click the yes button, it takes you back to the previous question. The no button restarts the quiz/presentation. Once again, We select the yes text and add the interaction "go back" to return to the question This is made by layering images and text, these options are found in the top left of the screen as shown!