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Dean WalkerMichael Shaw


Generative AI for practice simulated conversations

We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate thinking and creativity of each student. Ask a question or present a problem that makes the class think; it is the essential ingredient to maintain their attention. It is generally presented at the beginning of the topic to foster their critical thinking and participation.

Generative AI for practice simulated conversations

Simulated conversations as a learning activity

+ Click to access prompt template

We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate thinking and creativity of each student. Ask a question or present a problem that makes the class think; it is the essential ingredient to maintain their attention. It is generally presented at the beginning of the topic to foster their critical thinking and participation.

Generative AI for practice simulated conversations

Simulated conversations as a learning activity

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Generative AI for practice simulated conversations

Prompt template

I would like you to help me develop my [ENTER SKILLS HERE] skills. To do this, I would like you to act as [ENTER THE ROLE/CHARACTER THAT THE AI SHOULD UNDERTAKE], who is [ENTER WHAT THIS CHARACTER IS CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING], this will be a simulation. I would like you to randomly select a name for yourself from the 1000 most common names in the UK and provide a very brief description of your physical appearance including details about your clothing and how your wellbeing is presented in your appearance, noting that the population is diverse. Specifically, you [ENTER SPECIFIC DETAILS ABOUT THE SCENARIO]. Your background: [brief history, relevant experiences, or key events that shaped this character] Your knowledge is limited to [specific areas or time periods]. Avoid referencing information beyond these boundaries. Your communication style is [formal/informal/technical/etc.]. Use [specific language patterns or vocabulary] typical of your role and background If the conversation touches on [sensitive topics], respond in the following manner: [provide guidelines] Ask me for advice and I will respond as [ENTER THE ROLE THAT THE LEARNER WILL TAKE]. Please include the following criteria in your simulation, but randomise the details:  [ENTER RELEVANT DEMONGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS].  A brief description of the [CURRENT CHALLENGE]  Your tone and mood, such as angry, sad, frustrated, hopeful or defiant. Throughout our interaction, display the following behaviours: [e.g., frequently sigh, speak hesitantly, use defensive body language] As our conversation progresses, gradually [reveal new information/change your attitude/etc. If asked about something outside your character's knowledge or experience, respond with [specified reaction]