KPC Commitments 2024-2030
Melanie lycett-king
Created on July 31, 2024
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All property and land will be identified and ‘branded’ in order to raise public awareness, use and appreciation of the facilities we manage.
Local green spaces under our management will be improved for the benefit of people, nature and climate.
The Burial Ground will be extended and made ready for use by 2030.
Park Hill recreational facilities will be improved and expanded in consultation with stakeholders and residents...
Exeter Hall will be modernised to create a vibrant, multi-functional community hub that meets the needs of the council and serves a wide range of users.
Highlight activities and opportunities, hosting a fresher’s fair-style event to show the many options the village can offer.
Celebrate our village’s heritage, encouraging intergenerational history projects and supporting local history researchers.
Support community events and projects by increasing our Councillors' presence and by advising on technical aspects like road closures and licencing requirements.
Develop links with local schools, engaging with our young people and listening to their views.
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Promote our Grants programme, so valuable third-party projects can recieve the funding they deserve
Press the responsible authorities to provide further improvements across the village
Promote the village market to help increase footfall
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Ensure the agreed improvements in the high street are completed
Seek to influence the planning decisions.
Advocate for better public transport links for our village
Ensure value for money and community benefit from Stratfield Brake.
Work with the community to identify how the developments happening around Kidlington can best provide public benefits for our residents.
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Engage with the businesses and organisations used by our residents, the district council, county council and other local councils.
Increase the ease with which residents can communicate with us and hear news and updates from us.
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Assess potential for additional improvements.
Create and make public route and facility maps
Wildlife Notice boards are in place at St Mary’s Fields.
Provide interpretive boards
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
KPC Managed Property and Open Spaces
Work on rebranding is underway.
Attend meetings with key organisations
Host our Parish Website.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
business and organisations
An increased level of communication with the organisations and businesses in our community.
Discussions have started with North Kidlington school and other users.
- Replacement of the play area
- Enhanced play / outdoor facilities for the local school
- Provision of a wheeled sports park
- Conversion or demolition of the existing hut to provide a small pavilion / local hub
Improvement of the facilities in collaboration with local stakeholders and residents. This could be in the form of one or more of the following options:
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Park Hill
The playground has been identified as a priority within the cycle of review and maintenance..
We support curriculum activities including visits to our allotments and building bug and birdhouses
Build stronger links with our local schools, which enable us to engage with our young people and raise their awareness of local government.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Links with local schools
Establish links with Gosford School and are meeting with others
Liaising with developers and taking part in consultations throughout the planning process.
Reviewing all planning applications for Kidlington and where relevant neighbouring parishes. Suggesting improvements, raising concerns and challenging any that are not appropriate.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Planning Process
We will make positive connections with developers and decision-makers to ensure that major new developments in the area will benefit our community and any negative impacts will be minimised/ mitigated
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Stratfield Brake
Challenging OCC on OUFC lease agreement.
Prioritise our grant funding to maximise community benefits and engagement in ways that support our strategic commitments.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Grants Programme
Our grants programme has been refined and made more transparent. Details of how to apply are now available on our website and we are adding details of previous recipients to inspire others.
Increasing Christmas light budget to include increased presence at the Parade and High Street.
For our commercial centres to be vibrant and attractive places to visit, to support the success of our local and independent businesses.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Public Spaces
What we are already doing
Support and utilise community events
We are increasing Councillor attendance and visibility at local events, including wwearingg lanyardsrrdsds for identification, so residents know who they can turn to for expert local advice and support.
Greater communication with the organisations and businesses in our community.
Frequent digital communications to provide timely updates to residents who subscribe.
An actively used website that is valuable and trusted by our residents.
A proactive and trustworthy presence on social media and other channels.
Host our Parish Website
Issue an annual newsletter.
Hold an annual parish meeting.
Publish Councillor contact details for residents to make direct contact.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
For Residents
Maintain Council offices where residents can come and speak to staff.
Challenging Oxfordshire County Council on road and transport issues
Making contacts at the Oxford Technology Park to investigate future possibilities.
Improved community bus links serving the villages and linking the technology park with Parkway train station
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Public Transport
Discuss with OCC the possibility of a community bus scheme to provide a service to the villages.
We are negotiating with the developers and Cherwell District Council over the planning and commissioning details.
A sensitively landscaped area that will meet our nee for burial grounds for many years.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Burial Ground
The extension site has been identified
Approach Cherwell District Council with a view to taking over the ownership of the market.
Promote our market with improved signage and advertising
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Raise public awareness and engagement in the Council's work and in local democracy.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Support and utilise community events
We are increasing Councillor attendance and visibility at local events, so residents know who they can turn to for expert local advice and support.
Modernisation of Exeter Hall either through refurbishment or redevelopment in collaboration with commercial partners, other public realm stakeholders (such as OCC and CDC) and potential funding bodies.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Exeter Hall
Exeter Hall is functional. The working group continues to assess to potential of the whole site.
The Coronation Garden has been created with neighbourhood volunteers to keep it maintained
We will partner local environmental groups to help increase biodiversity, improve public access, and implement “climate friendly” and sustainable solutions where possible.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Local Green SPaces
Local green spaces and footpaths have been mapped.
For our high street to be a more attractive place to visit
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
High Street
Working with Cherwell District Council to deliver improvements to the look and feel of our High Street.
Using opportunities to speak to residents, such as at Gala Day, to hear ideas and concerns.
Develop stronger relationships with existing community forums, to aid our understanding of needs in our area.
What we are aiming to achieve
What we are already doing
Development Outreach
Communicating with developers in the area to establish how we can secure benefits for our community.