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Chapter 6

Wednesday, October 23

Reminders and Preview

Chapter 6


Maybe: Work Time

Learning Objectives




  • Persuasive Audience Analysis Worksheet due Wednesday, October 23 @ 11:59 (Blackboard)
  • Chapters 16 and 17 due Sunday, October 27 @ 11:59 (Connect)

Explain how a speaker can adapt to the audience while preparing the speech and while delivering the speech.

Identify the major situational traits of audiences.

Learning Objectives

Explain why public speakers must be audience-centered.

Explain what it means to say that audiences are egocentric.

Identify the major demographic traits of audiences.

Analzying the Audience

Pages 94-111 in The Art of Public Speaking​

Approach your classmates as a real audience!

Audience Centeredness

Audience foremost in mind during speech preparation and presentation
  • Audience-Centeredness Questions:​
    • To whom am I speaking?​
    • What do I want them to know, believe, or do?​
    • What is the most effective way of accomplishing that?​


  • Definition: Tendency to be concerned with own values, beliefs, and well-being.​
  • Implications:​
    • Listeners will judge a speaker on the basis of what they already know and believe.​
    • Speakers must take care to relate their messages to an audience's existing knowledge and beliefs.​

Demographic Analysis



  • Definition: Oversimplified image of group.​
  • Done by assuming all members are alike.​

Situational Analaysis

  • Size​
  • Physical setting​
  • Disposition toward topic​
    • Interest​
    • Knowledge​
    • Attitude​
  • Disposition toward speaker​
  • Disposition toward occasion​
  • Before
    • Assess how audience will respond
    • Adjust to make speech clear and convincing
  • During
    • Adjust for unexpected circumstances
    • Watch for feedback

ADapting Before and During a Speech


  • In groups of five, find a short commercial (less than 2 minutes) on YouTube:
    • Try searching for "audience analysis advertisements" or "Super Bowl commercials 2024"
  • Once your group has picked, come up and share it with me. No two advertisements can be the same.
  • With your group, spend 10-15 minutes to identify/answer:
    • The group or groups being appealed to in your ad. How can you tell?​
    • Analyze the verbal and visual appeals. What specifically appeals to the audience?​
    • How might the approach differ if the ads were designed to persuade a different audience?
  • We will then watch these ads as a class, and each group will provide their answers to the above questions.

Complete readings for chapters 16 and 17

Maybe: Work Time

Make the most of this time to get ahead on your work for COMS 100

Complete the Audience Analysis Worksheet

Start looking for a visual aid for the persuasive speech

Work on your draft outline for your speech

  • Reminders
    • Persuasive Audience Analysis Worksheet due Wednesday, October 23 @ 11:59 (Blackboard)
    • Chapters 16 and 17 due Sunday, October 27 @ 11:59 (Connect)
  • Preview
    • Cover key concepts from Chapter 14
    • Work Time

Reminders and Preview

Demographic Analysis

  • Age​
  • Religion​
  • Racial, ethnic, and cultural background​
  • Gender and sexual identity ​
  • Group membership​