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Communication Skills (Consolidated PEQF Content)

September 2024


This unit must be completed to comply with the Policing Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF) on the National Detective Programme. This unit should take around 60 minutes to complete and does not need to be completed all at once. You can return to this unit as often as you like.

Channels of Communication

Inter-personal communication of a message is usually achieved in two ways:

  • verbally
  • non-verbally
Albert Mehrabian (1960) studied the communications of feelings and attitudes and found the following percentage contributions for each way in a usual encounter.

Non-Verbal (Body language) Position, posture, stance, body movement, distance, gestures, eye-contact, facial expressions, clothing and adornments make up 55% of the message.

Verbal - Vocals Aspects such as tone, volume, intonation, inflection, spacers, accent, dialect, pitch and pace with which words are spoken make up approximately 38% of the message.

Verbal - Words The words make up only about 7% of the message.


Which of the following makes up the highest percentage of a message in a 'usual' communication?

Verbal - words

Verbal - vocals


Types of non-verbal communication



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By being mindful of non-verbal communication, you can enhyance your communication skills and build positive relationships with your community.

Non-visual communication refers to the exchange of information through:

  • facial expression
  • body language and eye contact
  • gesture and posture
As Police Officers, it is important not to generalise visual communication. For example in some cultures direct eye contact conveys respect whilst in others it can indicate an insult. Consider the differences in style and temperament amongst friends - this highlights that there is also likely to be differences between individuals as well as groups within society.

Haptics involves the use of touch to convey information. It can include:

  • Affectionate touch e.g., hugging, holding hands and patting on the back
  • Professional touch e.g., handshakes and fist bumps
  • Emotional touch e.g., comforting touch on the shoulder
  • Aggressive touch e.g., pushing or hitting
  • Ritualistic touch e.g., hand gestures during religious ceremonies
Consider using haptics to establish professional rapport and de-escalate tense situations. Police Officers should always be professional so use of touch may be limited.

Vocalics involves the aspects of speech such as:

  • tone
  • pitch
  • volume
  • rate of speech
  • clarity and pronunciation
Considering vocalics can help to improve interactions with others and minimise the risk of misunderstandings or conflicts.

Chronemics involves the use of time to convey information. You should consider:

  • wait and response time
  • punctuality
  • duration of an interaction
Effective use of time in non-verbal communication can enhance understanding, foster rapport and avoid misunderstandings in interpersonal and cross-cultural interactions.


Which type of non-verbal communication considers the use of time when conveying a message?




The 3 M's of Communication with an audience







Message is the core content of information you want to convey. It should be clear, concise and tailored to the audience's needs and interests.

Media refers to the channel used to transmit the message. It can include:

  • written message
  • spoken communication
  • visual aid
  • email
Choosing the right media is crucial as it can impact how the message is received an understood.

The method of communication involves the way a message is delivered or presented. It includes tone of voice, body language, communication style and the use of story telling and visuals.


What are the 3 M's of communication with an audience?

Message, Media and Method

Message, Multimedia and Method

Memo, Media and Mechanism

+ info

Preparing an operational order

Operational orders

This is a document that links basic information regarding an event/incident with the structure of the police response and the operational resource requirement. The purpose is to focus and coordinate the police response towards specific objectives, by describing how resources are to be deployed.


IIMARCH is a model which can be used when delivering an operational order.Click on the link below to find out more about IIMARCH.


Which of the following is a model that can be used to deliver an operational order?




Using social media in a professional policing context

Click on the boxes to the right to find out more about the use of social media in professional organisations, including the Police.You should also re-familiarise yourself with your forces use of social media policy so that you feel confident using social media for professional information and engagement purposes.

Disadvantages of social media

Social media used by policing

Managing the risks of social media

Uses of social media for professional organisations


Evaluating social media platforms used by communities

Some forces are now using online monitoring tools to track and follow web-based conversations. Monitoring tools are currently available on the market and have been designed to track online conversations, identify emerging issues and monitor the online communities most influential to the police. These help to:

  • understand the policing issues that people are talking about online.
  • decide how best to engage with communities to impart confidence in the police.
  • Engage with communities and work together to understand and respond to the needs of their communities.

Highlighting hot topics and emerging issues in social media enables the police to identify which sites are generating the most positive and negative comments about them. This helps them to spot the most active communities discussing the police, and find out their opinions in such discussions. This can help the police when developing a social media strategy. Understanding more about how communities talk to each other helps forces to find the right voice.

End of Unit

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Edward T Hall (1960) defines proxemics as "the distance between two or more individuals." Through his research, Hall developed the proxemic zones as seen on this slide.Most verbal and non-verbal communication, subject to cultural and environmental issues, should take place in the social and public zones. You should also be aware that you will be communicating with a diverse range of people, all of which may have a different perception of what is acceptable in terms of proxemics. Your main priority is your safety, as well as the safety of colleagues and members of the public.

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To mitigate these disadvantages, organisations should have a well thought-out social media strategy, establish clear guidelines for content creatopn and moderation, as well as regularly assessing the impact and effectiveness of social media efforts.

The following can be disadvantages of using social media:

  • Reputation risks if negative comments are not managed
  • It is time and resource intensive
  • Privacy and security concerns
  • Negative viral content
  • Misalignment with brand message

Disadvantages of professional organisations using social media

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Proxemics involves the use of space.Please re-attempt the question.

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Forces are using social media sites as a method of widening their access to communities and engaging with people through their preferred method of craeommunication. Use of platforms include:

  • Facebook - Facebook is important in establishing the police corporate identity, whether at a national, force or neighbourhood level.
  • Twitter - Twitter is particularly important in sharing breaking news.
  • Youtube - This has proved important for police forces to deliver videos broadcasting road safety messages and updates on public order situations.
  • Blogs

Social media and Policing

Click on this link to access the guidelines for the safe use of social media by Police Officers

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.

Vocalics involves the aspects of speech such as:

  • tone
  • pitch
  • volume
  • rate of speech
  • clarity and pronunciation
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When managing social media, the following points should be considered:

  • Safe passwords - Strong passwords use a mixture of numbers, letters and special characters. It is essential to keep passwords private.
  • Phishing - These fake emails attempt to gain personal details from unsuspecting users. They often purport to come from banks, credit card agencies or online shops. They include a link to a website (which usually looks official), which then requests the receiver’s personal details, including account details and/or passwords. Personal details should never be disclosed in an email.
  • Secure websites - One way of checking that a website is secure is to look for ‘https//’ in the address. The ‘s’ added shows that it is secure. Somewhere on the web browser there will also be a padlock sign that will link to the certificate, which means that a third party has verified the identity of the website. If in doubt, speak to the force IT department.

Managing social media risks

Click here to access 'Get Safe Online' for further information on managing risks.

Social media can be a valuable tool in various ways including:

  • Brand awareness
  • Customer engagement
  • Content sharing
  • Networking and partnerships
  • Talent recruitment and market research
  • Crisis management
  • Data analysis
  • Event promotion

Uses of social media by professional organisations

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