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Choice Board : HAMLET

write aninterVIEW


Draw a scene from the play

and explain!


watch a clip


Draw bubble maps for 3 characters



FOR A presentation


of the play


2 points Write an interview to one of the characters of the play. In the interview, you will ask 5 questions and the character will give full answers showing your knowledge of their temper and role in the play. When you are finished, upload your interview to your class Padlet.

2 points Draw a scene from the play and give it a title. You may choose to depict a scene with multiple characters or none at all. Add a short explanation of why you chose this scene and/or what it means to you. If you're worried about your art skills... Remember: I'm not looking for the next Monet.

3 points Write a two-paragraph journal entry for any main character. You may want to focus your entry around one of the main events in the play or a reflection in which the character looks at how they've grown or changed during the course of the story. Once finished, upload your work on the class Padlet.

3 points Watch the "To be or not to be" scene from a modern adaptation of "Hamlet" - HAMLET 2000 directed by Michael Almereya and write in about 200 words your reaction to it. Here are some questions that could help you write your appreciation: Did you like it? Do you think it is consistent with Shakespeare's intentions? Do you think it adds anything to the scene you read on your book? Focus on: setting, costumes, use of voice over (voce fuori campo)

2 points Write the timeline of the play. It should cover all the main events of the plot from beginning to the end of the play. There should be at least 10 points on the timeline accompanied by a small picture and one sentence explanation for each point. To create your timeline you can use Coggle, Padlet, Sutori or any other web app you prefer. Upload your timeline to the class Padlet.

1 point Choose 3 characters apart from Hamlet and create bubble maps (where their names are in a central circle surrounded by other circles labelled with their traits) where you list 4 personality traits for each one. If characters share a trait, make sure their names are all connected to the same sub-bubble with a line. You can use a web app to create you map (as Canva) or you can draw it on a piece of paper and then make it into a .jpeg or .png image. Once you have finished, upload it on the class Padlet.

1 point Choose two characters from the play (apart from Hamlet) and write a tweet as each one, imagining what they might share on their personal account if they were transported to this decade. You can find a template here ( twitter template) you can use. When you are in the file, make a copy of it, and then WORK ON THE COPY. Make the copy accessible by choosing "Chiunque abbia il link" option. Once you have finished, upload the link to your work on the class Padlet. If you do not want to use the template, use any other way you prefer.

2 point Make a three-slide presentation (PPT, Canva, Genially,...) on three themes of the play. Each slide should contain a brief explanation of the theme with (possibly) examples and a picture. Upload your presentation to the class Padlet

2 point Record a video (30 - 90 seconds) in which you give a brief speech as one of the play's characters. Do not use a speech you have analyzed in class. Once you have recorded it, upload it on your class Padlet in mp3 or mp4 format.

Choose any combination of activities to reach a total of 9 points. Once you've completed the activities, upload them on the class Padlet. Criteria for the assessment of your activities: - it has the required features - the language is correct - it shows understanding of the subject - it shows personal in-depth analysis - it shows creativity/ it is particularly well finished