Managing Memberships Guide V1
Created on July 15, 2024
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Membership Contract Visit Summary
Selling AMembership
Editing MembershipContracts
CLient MembershipContracts
Managing Memberships Guide
Sell AMembership
SHare A Membership
Sort byColumns
Edit aMembership
View MembershipAgreement
MembershipContracts Filter
Membership Contracts
Cancel A Membership
SUspend A Membership
Freeze A Membership
Discount forRenewals
Max Visits
Auto Renew
Referred By
Sold By
Editing Membership Contracts
Sell A Membership
Select Membership Plan
Membership Details Review
Membership Agreement Document
The above process details the steps for selling a membership from the client profile.A client can only have 1 active membership at a time and membership contracts cannot overlap.The membership plans are created and managed in the main membership plans administation page.
Membership Payment
Use timelines To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars for giving a successful presentation.
Write an awesome title
Once you click the Sell Membership or New Contract buttons on the client profile you can follow the below steps to set the membership details and proceed with the sale of the membership contract.
Delete attendanceRecord
Filter Visits By
Membership Contract Visit Summary
The membership contract visit summary is for use with membership plans that include a max visit limit. This area can be used to check and manage the check in attendance of members with max visit limits on their membership.
Membership Agreement AcceptanceThe next stage in the window is to select the method you want to use to get the client to accept the membership agreement document. You can select the membership document by clicking edit and selecting one of the documents in your drop down list that you have created in your documents administration page. You can then select which method of acceptance to use:
- Paper copy : Will give you the option to print the membership agreement for clients to sign a hard copy.
- Digital copy : Will display a digital copy of the membership agreement on the web page. This can be signed and agreed on the page by checking the acceptance box
- Digital Signature : Will display a digital copy of the membership agreement on the web page. This can be signed and agreed to using a digital signature method.
- Email document : Will email the client a digital copy of the document for them to confirm. An email address must me added to the account for this method.
Suspend a membershipSuspending a membership allows you to suspend a clients active membership and they do not retain the remaining time. You should disable auto renew on the contract before adding a suspension, as this prevents a membership overlap error from being generated.To suspend a membership open the edit membership contract and click the suspend membership button at the bottom of the window.After clicking a new section will open below where you must add the first date of the Suspension. If you know exactly how long the suspension will be you can end the end date of the suspension in at this point, if you dont you can return to this and add the last day of suspension at a later point.You can also add a suspension fee, this will update the membership fee when the suspended contract renews and will not affect historic membership billing.You can also add remarks for notes if neccessary and click the Suspend button to save the suspension. To end a membership suspension you should add a last day of suspension. Do not delete the suspesnion as this will delete the suspension record.
AutopayYou can check the autopay status for the membership in the editing menu. To change the status click enable/disable as applicable. Any changes you make to the autopay setting will apply to future contract renewals even if the plan it renews as is set differently. This setting over rides the plan setting in administration. After changing this setting it is reccomended to check the invoices associated with the memberships that may have already been generated by a renewal. You may need to manually change the autopay on an invoice that is already generated.Payment processing integration is required for Autopay to function.
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Use timelines to tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the pillars to carry out a successful presentation.
Editing Referred ByOnce you have opened the membership editing window, click Change next to 'Referred By' to change which customer reffered this client for a membership.
Editing Sold ByOnce you have opened the membership editing window, click Change next to 'Sold By' to change who recorded the sale of this membership. Please note the sold by is used for recording purposes for reports, such as the sales commision report. Changing the sold by will not altered the created by data which will display which user account was used to sell the membership.
Sort by Columns : You can sort the membership contracts by the columns in this section. Select the collumn title at the top of the list to select which column to sort the list by.You can alternate between ascending and descending results by clicking the column title again.
Write a great headline
Pose a dramatic question; it is the essential ingredient to keep the audience's attention. It is usually posed subtly at the beginning of the story to intrigue the audience and is resolved at the end.
Membership Contract FilterThe membership tab will display the active membership when you navigate to this page by default. To see other membership contracts for the client you will need to use the membership contract filters.Click the funnel icon here and the filter drop down menu will open allowing you choose the memberships to display by status.
- Active: Displays any active membership that the client currently holds as of the current date.
- All Contracts: Displays all contracts past, present and future on the account including all status's in this list and pending contracts.
- Expired: Displays all past contracts that ran to their expiry date.
- Cancelled: Displays all contracts that had a cancellation recorded.
- Frozen: Displays all contracts that are frozen on the account. Frozen memberships are not active but retain remaining time.
- Suspended: Displays all contracts that are suspended on the account. Suspended memberships are not active and do not retain remaining time.
Sell AMembership
Sell A Membership:You can sell non members a membership by clicking the sell membership button at the top of the client page next to their profile image.All other clients can be sold a membership within the membership tab by clicking the new contract button at the top right of the membership contracts section.Once you click to sell a membership a new window will open to take you through the membership settings and sale process. Please see the Sell A Membership page in this guide for more details.
Max VisitsMemberships can be set with a max visits limited and this figure can be changed in the contract editing settings.Click change to edit the max visits number and then click update to save. Any changes will apply to all future renewals so if the change is for 1 contract only then complete these steps:
- Change the max visits on the current/applicable membership and click update.
- Renew the current membership using Renew Now.
- Find and edit the new pending membership.
- Change the Max visits back on the pending contract and click update.
Additional description allows you to add any additional membership description details you wish for any future renewals. Click change to open the field where you can add the desired text and click update to save. This text will be visible to clients on their invoice.
Membership PaymentThe final step of selling a membership is to set up and take payment. At the top of this section you can edit the transaction details for :
- Paid by
- Received on
- Memo
- Amount due (Due balance of current sale item only)
- Client total (The full outstanding billing for the client)
- Client Current Balance (The full due balance for the client)
- Pay Later (Creates an invoice to be paid later)
View Membership Agreement:To view the clients membership agreement you will need to set you filter to all contracts to see the earliest membership contract that is linked to their current membership (For example if the client has a monthly auto renewing contract you will need to look at the first contract they were sold.) Scroll horizontally to the right to find the documents collumn ( Alternatively you can use the hide collumn function). In the documents collumn click where it says view. This will download the clients signed membership agreement as a PDF file. Alternatively you can access this through the clients document tab.
Delete Attendance RecordIf you please a clients check in attendance was recorded by mistake or incorrectly, you are able to remove this record from the system so that it does not affect their max visit limit. Click the trash can icon to delete the record, this cannot be undone once deleted.
Edit Sale DetailsClick the edit option on this section to make changes to the following:
- Client Account
- Sold By
- Referred By
- Location Click save at the bottom of the section to save the changes
Edit Plan DetailsClick the edit option to customize the membership plan details selected in the last step.Changes you can make here include:
- Membership Type
- Description
- Start date
- Contract Length
- Renewal Period
- Renew As
- Fee for Renewal
- Discount for Renewal
- Membership Agreement Document
- Max Visits Click save at the bottom of the section to save the changes
Edit Billing DetailsClick the edit option on this section to make changes to the following:
- Initiation Fee
- Fee Billed Each Term
- Discount
- Coupon
- Payment Due
- Revenue Date
- Revenue Category
- Invoice Option
- Auto Pay
- Additional Description
- Internal RemarksClick save at the bottom of the section to save the changes
Edit ProrationClick the edit option on this section to make changes to the Pro Rata setting for the membership. Click save at the bottom of the section to save the changesYou are unable to edit the linked packages for the membership here and this can only be added to in the membership plans administation page.
Edit A Membership :Scroll horizontally to the right ( Alternatively you can use the hide collumn function). Click the pencil icon and the edit membership contract window will open where you will be able to make some changes to existing active and pending membership contracts.See the Editing Membership Contracts page in this guide for more details.
Editing MembershipContracts
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Use timelines to tell stories in an organized, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the pillars for carrying out a successful presentation.
Share A Membership :If you wish to share a membership sold to a client with 2 or more clients, you can do this via the client membership tab.Scroll horizontally to the right to find the Shared Client Count ( Alternatively you can use the hide collumn function). In the Shared Client Count column click share and the share a membership window will open. On this window you can see any of the clients linked clients that are added via the relationships feature. Select any of the linked clients to share the membership by ticking the box next to their name. You can also manually share this with unlinked clients by searching them in the search bar under other shares. Once the clients are selected click update at the bottom of the window.
Filter Visits ByThis filter allows you to select the range of data to be displayed in the table for the clients check in attendance. Past 30 days will default to show the past 30 days of attendance records from the current date.Date Range will allow you to select a start and end date to display the attendance data within a custom period.
Here you can put a highlighted title
Use timelines to tell stories in an organized, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the pillars for carrying out a successful presentation.
Here you can place a highlighted title
Use timelines to tell stories in an organized, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the pillars for carrying out a successful presentation.
Cancel a membershipCancelling a membership allows you to cancel a clients active membership.To cancel a membership open the edit membership contract and click the cancel membership button at the bottom of the window.After clicking a new section will open below where you must add the cancellation date and reason. The cancellation date must be within the contract period. If you wish for the clients billing for this membership to be kept , then you should add the cancellation date as any date within the period other than the start date.If you are cancelling a contract to set up a different contract for the same client, you should add the cancellation date as the day before you want the new contract to commence.
Changes to Auto Renewal : Auto renew has 3 options for editing within this area. You can see the current auto renewal settings in this area, for example: ' renews 1 day before expiration ( Wednesday 31 July 2024) As the Monthly Membership Plan'If the below options are not available, the membership may have renewed already so update the filters to all contracts to check for pending memberships
Click 'Change' to edit the renewal options for an active or pending contract.You can change:
- The contract renewal period
- The plan the contract renews as
- A custom renewal fee if this is different than the default planClick save to keep the changes of cancel to return to previous settings
Click 'Disable' to stop auto renewal. If this option is not available, check if the membership has already renewed by checking for pending contracts.This option will also not be available if the auto renewal is already disabled on this contract
You can also manually renew a contract by clicking 'Renew Now' .If this option is not available, then now renewal settings are applied. Click change first to set the renewal settings and then save and the option to renew now should become available.'Renew Now' will renew the contract to the renew as setting under the auto renewal. This will renew the contract for the next period commencing from the day after the expiry date of the current contract. You can then see this contract as pending by filtering to all contracts.
Show/Hide Columns : You can use the Show/Hide columns feature to remove some of the collumns displayed on the membership contracts section. This can be used to temporarily hide the columns you do not require and reduce the need to scroll horizontally. Tick or untick the columns in the drop down menu accordingly. The collumns included are:
- Type
- Start Date
- End Date
- Renew Date
- Membership Status
- Max Visits
- Remaining Visits
- Visits Logged
- Contract Value
- Billed Amount
- Paid Amount
- Document
- Shared Client Count
Internal Remarks allows you to add any additional membership description details you wish for any future renewals. Click change to open the field where you can add the desired text and click update to save. This text will not be visible to clients.
Select the membership planYou will be required to select the membership plan you wish to sell to the client on the first page. You will see a list of the membership plans that have been created in your membership plans administration page.You can select a memberhip plan from the list by checking the box on the left hand side of the plan description. You can search for the membership plan by the description or membership type in the search bar at the top of the list. You can also use the show/hide column filter to select which column details you want to see in the membership plan list. At the bottom of the page you will see options to select how many membership plans are displayed per page as well as the option to navigate to another page of the list using the page number buttons or the next and previous buttons.Once you have selected the desired membership plan you will be taken to the next page within the same window.
Freeze a membershipFreezing a membership allows you to freeze a clients active membership and retain the remaining time. This is useful when a client is unable to attend and you wish to allow the client to retain their remaining membership time when they are able to return to the facility.You should disable auto renew on the contract before adding a freeze, as this prevents a membership overlap error from being generated.To freeze a membership open the edit membership contract and click the freeze membership button at the bottom of the window.After clicking a new section will open below where you must add the first date of the freeze. If you know exactly how long the freeze will be you can end the end date of the freeze in at this point, if you dont you can return to this and add the last day of freeze at a later point.You can also add remarks for notes if neccessary and click the freeze button to save the freeze. To end a membership freeze you should add a last day of freeze. Do not delete the freeze as this will delete the freeze record and the client would then lose their retained contract time.
Discount for renewalsYou are able to add a discount to a memberships future contract renewals. Click change to set the % or monetary discount value to be applied to all future membership renewals.If you intend for the discount to be temporary, for example 1 renewal only:
- Set the renewal discount on the current contract
- Manually renew the contract
- Remove the discount for renewals in the edit contract for the pending membership