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Elizabeth SalicrupCollege of Education, Grand Canyon UniversityEDU 585: Designing Effective Professional DevelopmentDenise StevensJuly 3, 2024

Professional Development Graphic Organizer

Districtwide Professional Development Plan

Site-Based Professional Development

Communites of Learners

Indivdualized Professional Learning Plans

Remote Professional Development via Online Video Broadcast

Professional Development Models

Districtwide Professional Development Plan

Key Characteristics

  • Introduces an entire faculty to new ideas
  • The entire district is exposed to training
  • Multiple days
(Fogarty & Pete, 2017)

Effectiveness In PracticeThe Districtwide Professional Development Plan model can be effective in creating professional development for adult learners in my art content area through incorporating relevant interactive elements into the PD. For example, integrating art elements like markers, crayons, and even clay can help enrich the "learning environment, improve focus, or put learners at ease" (Elia, 2023).

Advantages & Disadvantages

  • Needs sufficient training with practice and support to be successful in implementation (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).
  • Varying lengths
  • Can provide opportunities for teachers to engage with each other

ActivitiesIncorporating student presentation activities will allow teachers to "brainstorm ways of collaborating across disciplines" (Elia, 2023).

Site-Based Professional Development

Key Characteristics

  • Training at the building level
  • Centered around meeting schoolwide goals
  • Operates in long-term established plans
(Fogarty & Pete, 2017)

Effectiveness In PracticeThe Site-Based Professional Development model can be effective in creating professional development for adult learners in my content area of art through aligning a PD with the districts overall goals, demographics and needs (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).

Advantages & Disadvantages

  • The drawback to this model is funding
  • Obtaining buy in from stakeholders and community of learners increase sucess

Activities To help with funding there can be activities with cross collaboration between several local school districts to receive the same training in a centralized location (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).

Communities of Learners

Key Characteristics

  • Collaborative teams, can be "grade-lvel teams, department teams, core middle-level teams, literacy and math teams, and data teams" (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).

Effectiveness In PracticeCommunities of Learners model will work in the content area of art education. There can be department teams of collaboration for special teachers to engage in discussions or areas in practice of concern.

Advantages & Disadvantages

  • small groups and collaboration
  • relevant discussions (Newsela, n.d.)
  • disadvantage time constraints and disorganization (Newsela, n.d.)

ActivitiesAn activity that learners can do in a community of learners is first learning about new topics, or solving problems of practice that are relevant to there subject areas.

Individualized Professional Learning Plans

Key Characteristics

  • Are incorporation of the recertification process/requirements.
  • Staff plots the course of PD development, with specific hours, credits and state requirements.
(Fogarty & Pete, 2017)

Effectiveness In PracticeIndividualized Professional Learning Plans can contribute in the content area of art by providing a more unqic tailored learning experience that will match the content area of teachers.

Advantages & Disadvantages

  • Recertification options
  • Individual-based
  • Disadvantage can be the rigor and making experiences relevant (Fogarty & Pete, 2017)

ActivitiesActivites for this model can be teachers coming together to share where they are at in their individual plans to discuss experience or concerns. Another activity can be check-ins and suggestion conferences (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).

Remote Professional Development via Online Video Broadcast

Key Characteristics

  • Technology is included in every aspect.
  • Webinar is a common practice for participation in remote learning professional developments.
(Fogarty & Pete, 2017)

Effectiveness In PracticeThe effectiveness of a remote professional development for the content area of art can be challenging with art having skills that would need to be applied in person to master. However, if the incorporation of art history is in a webinar format it can be a relevant topic for art.

Advantages & Disadvantages

  • Disadvantage can be the delievery in a stand and believe method. Not engaging.
  • Pro can be acesseability to PD and timing.
(Fogarty & Pete, 2017)

ActivtiesA activity that can be engaging in online platforms are dicussion boards. Also the incorperation of padlets to help facuilate dicussion and engagement in the Professional Development. There can even be the use of games such as kahoots and Quizzez to engage the learners in the content.