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social media
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social media

today's topic


social media


What are the pros and cons of social media?

Do you use social networks regularly? What do you post?

What social media platforms do you use the most and why?

How do you decide who to follow on social media?

Do you think that posting pictures of you on the internet can represent a danger? Why or why not?

What steps do you take to protect your privacy on social media?

Do your parents use social media or browse the web?

Do you think children should have free internet access?

Would you accept a request from someone you don’t know but you have friends in common with? Why or why not?

Do you think social media will continue to play a significant role in society in the future?

great job!!!

social media

  • Self-awareness.
  • Self-management.
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship management.

The four aspects of emotional intelligence mentioned in the video are:

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