Qualitative Research Appraisal
Riley Maxfield
Created on July 12, 2024
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Qualitative Research
How to
Qualitative Research
6. References
5.The discussion section
4. The Results Section
3. The Method Section
2. The introduction
1. The title and abstract
(Polit & Beck, pg.44)
adAA brief summary of the article in it's entirety.. May adrress questions search as the reason why the reserach was conducted, how the stucy was conducted to answer the research questions, if there were any variables, and how it relates to nursing.
The Title and the ABstract
Discusses the population that is being researched as well as the phenomenon
The title
The Abstract
(Polit and Beck, pg. 44)
In this section, the researcher discusses the research problem as well as the central phenomena, the hypotheses or research question, and the need for the study.
The Introduction
(Polit & Beck, pg. 45)
The method section discusses the overall resrach design/setting as well as the context of the study. It also includes the steps of the study including protection of the participants, as well as how the study was analyzed.
The Method Section
(Polit & Beck, pg. 46)
The results section allows researchers to separate their data into different categories such as themes, processes, or specific patterns. This section may include different subheadings to indicate labels of findings. Participants may also have a voice within this section as direct quotes may be provided to strengthen the data that has been collected.
The Results Section
(Polit & BecK, pg. 46
This section provides insights as to how the reserachers came to their conclusions. They also may dicuss pertinent information such as the meaning of the study, and how their results came about the way they did.
The Discussion Section
When conducting a study, any articles/books mentioned or used in correlation to the study must be referenced. It also can be used to further the readers perspective about the topic.
The References
Beck, D.P. C. (2021). Lippincott CoursePoint Enhanced for Polit's Essentials of Nursing Research (10th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health. https://coursepoint.vitalsource.com/books/9781975177911
My References
The End :)
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