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Diagnosis of existing issues in the community


School Comunity project


In recent years, our school has faced a severe water crisis, characterized by irregular water supply and insufficient storage capacity. The water is only available three days a week, forcing us to rely on limited tank reserves for the remaining days. This scarcity has led to restrictive measures such as reduced watering of green areas and limited bathroom use, significantly impacting the hygiene, quality of life, and overall well-being of students and staff. The lack of sustainable water management systems further exacerbates the problem, creating an urgent need for practical and innovative solutions.


Data Collection

Observation and Documentation

Research and Analysis

Diagnosis Process

The diagnosis process revealed several critical issues:Inadequate Water Supply: The tandeo system provides water only three days a week, which is insufficient to meet the school's needs.Lack of Storage and Recycling Systems: The school lacks adequate systems for storing additional water or recycling used water, leading to further strain on available resources.High Cost of Supplementary Water: The expense of hiring water trucks is unsustainable given the school's budget constraints, making it an impractical long-term solution.

Justification of the Problem

Utilize the present continuous in its affirmative form to describe actions by oneself or others that are happening at the moment of narration through text, stories, cartoons, or narrations.

Learning progression

(Months 5-6)

Phase 3

(Months 3-4)

Phase 2

(Months 1-2)

Phase 1

Objective and scope

(Months 11-12)

Phase 6

(Months 9-10)

Phase 5

(Months 7-8)

Phase 4

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5Phase 6
Students understand the basic structure and use of the present continuous tense.Students gain an initial understanding of the water crisis and its impact on the school.The students improve accuracy in forming and using present continuous sentences.Identification of key issues and areas affected by the water crisis within the school.The students put in practice the ability to use the present continuous tense in more complex sentences and contexts.Comprehensive data on water usage and its effects on the school community.The students use the present continuous tense for storytelling and narration.The teacher proposes innovative solutions designed to address the water crisis in the school.The students show improved quality of work through constructive feedback.The teacher checks functional prototypes addressing the water crisis.Comprehensive understanding of the present continuous tense.Effective implementation of water conservation solutions, with measurable impact on the school's water usage.

Expected Outcomes

Develop students' proficiency in using the present continuous tense in English.Foster environmental awareness and problem-solving skills.Create practical solutions to alleviate the water crisis in the school.Enhance creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.Impact on the Community:Short Term Medium Term

Project Goals and Impact

These instruments are designed to provide comprehensive evaluation and feedback mechanisms throughout the project.


Peer Review

Observation Checklist


Reflection Form
