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3. Paradigmas de investigación lingüística

Aplicadas al idioma Inglés

Paradigma de investigación:

Es un método, modelo o patrón para llevar a cabo una investigación. comprendiendo ideas y creencias dentro de las cuales pueden funcionar las teorías y las prácticas.







Ferdinand De Saussure


First half of 20th Century when Linguistics started to be taken as science.Language was studied by its tangible facts (grammar, linguistic sign, language...)How language was spoken according to each individual

American School: It was established from the need pf classifying the indigenous language and as a behavioral system.

Copenhague School: They made a language theory distinguisihing the language as independent from social contexts and as a set of values adopted by a community and how they use them.


Praga School: Phonology and phonetics. They introduce the word phoneme. They establish 3 main purposes of the language: Informative, aesthetics and expresive.

Noam Chomsky


Proposed by Chomsky in 1953 with the "Logical structure of linguistics the theory". Linguistic competence: Intuitive way in which a human acquires the language. The language is general and everyone has the same ability to learn it.Linguistic performance: Real use of the language in different situations how each speaker uses the language.

Universal grammar


It comes from the generativist criticism of the linguistics.It is impossible to explain how language works without looking at mental processes. Taking this, Chomsky proposes the universalism and innatism.