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The CRAAP test

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Is it relevant?

Consider the following:

  • Does the information help answer your research question or help support your arguments/ideas?
  • Does the format of the source (e.g., website, journal article) match what you are allowed to use in your assignment?
  • Is the content and writing level of the source easy for you to understand and interpret?

Is the source accurate?

Consider the following:

  • Does the author provide evidence to support their arguments?
  • Does the author list or provide links to their sources? Can you locate and access the sources used?
  • Has the source been reviewed for accuracy?(e.g., a journal article has been peer-reviewed; a newspaper article has been fact-checked by an editorial team)
  • Is the author not using evidence and just writing from personal knowledge?

Why was the resource created?

Consider the following:

  • Was the material created simply to inform? Does it have other purposes such as to sell something, share one's opinion on a topic, misinform the reader, or promote a way of thinking?
  • Do you notice any bias in the information presented?
  • Is the author doing their best to present an objective and impartial view of the topic?

Is the source current?

Consider the following:

  • How recent is the information being provided in your source? (Note: You can check currency by looking at the source's copyright date, last updated date, or date posted/uploaded)
  • Do you need the most up-to-date information on your topic? (Note: For some topics where information gets updated often, such as those related to health or technology, it may be best to find and use current sources)
  • Does your assignment require you to use sources published within a specific time frame?

Are the authors credible?

Consider the following:

  • Who wrote and published the source?
  • Is the author a subject expert and/or qualified to write about the topic?
  • (Note: If you're unsure, you could try Googling their name to find out their qualifications)
  • Is the publisher reputable?