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The Arts

Mentor & Protégé



Rolex.org is Rolex's pact for the future of The Arts, Science, Environment and Mentor & Protégé Initiative. Click on the headings below...

What is Rolex.org

Arts - One Wish

Through the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative, Matthias Weischer – a 32-year-old painter from Germany was granted his one wish to have a years access to watch David Hockney at work.

Science - One Fortified Bag At a Time

Felix Brooks-Church has created a system to ensure that each meal consumed by every mother and infant living in an underprivileged society contains essential, life-saving nutrients. This has been supported with the funds he gained from the Rolex awards program.
The oceans are the source of life on Earth, yet despite their vastness they are in trouble. Legendary marine explorer Sylvia Earle has a powerful solution. She founded Mission Blue, a Perpetual Planet Initiative that ignites change through a global network of “Hope Spots”, marine-protected areas of critical vulnerability.

Environment - Mission Blue

Mentor & Protégé

Visual Arts







Take a look at Rolex's current partnerships:
For over half a century Rolex has partnered with some of the worlds most talanted artists and leading institutions to create a partnership of culture and creativity.