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School community project


Currently in our community a lot of paper is used that is not recycled, so we believe that at this time it is vitally important to take care of the natural resources we have. One way to do this is to recycle notebooks that are no longer used and thereby achieve a recovery process for paper already created or used to transform it into new paper products.


It is worth mentioning that paper recycling is important because it allows us to reduce the number of trees that have to be cut down to make paper. On average, for every ton of paper and cardboard that is recycled, the felling of 18 trees is avoided. The paper industry is located among those that pollute the most and consume the most resources. All processes associated with the production, distribution and consumption of paper generate soil, water and air pollution. The main source of raw materials to produce paper are forests. Finally, one of the big problems if recycling were stopped would be the increase in pollution on the planet. The excessive accumulation of garbage and the increase in resource exploitation would generate greenhouse gases and considerably increase the risk of a climate crisis.

General objective

Recycle paper to make eco-bricks that can be used to build benches at the Official Preparatory School No. 164.

It is intended to create 1,000 eco-partitions for the construction of 15 benches that will be distributed throughout the school, because there are no spaces where students can eat during recess.



Stage 1

Stage 4

Stage 3

Operative plan

Doing an investigation

making an eco-brick

building a eco-bench

Stage 2

stage 1

The teachers of the social sciences academy are the guide for the students to prepare the project for the construction of the 1000 ecopartitions. The project will consist of the following sections: Introduction: It will argue about the needs of the campus and its commitment to caring for the environment. Objective: What to pursue when recycling paper. Development: 1) It will explain the advantages of recycling paper. 2) Quantify the materials necessary to make the eco-bricks and the mold to do so, 3) conclusions.

stage 2

With the guidance of the teachers of the academy of experimental sciences, the students make the 1,000 partitions that are required for the construction of the eco-benches.

stage 3

With the guidance of the mathematics academy, the students build the benches according to the project.

stage 4

With the guidance of communication academy the students film a video where they explain the advantages of recycling paper, the process of making the eco-bricks and the construction of the eco-bench as the final product of the project..



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La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu grupo explora y se relacionacon él.

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La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu grupo explora y se relacionacon él.

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La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu grupo explora y se relacionacon él.

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¿Sabías que...

Retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve? Es quizá el recurso más efectivo para captar la atención de tu alumnado.


La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu grupo explora y se relacionacon él.

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