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Integrating mindfulness and meditation in ESL Classrooms.

Beyond meditation: Everyday mindfulness and tecnology use

Use of mindfulness practices digital tools.

Mindfulness in Education: Cultivating Focus and Well-being in the Classroom

Integrating Mindfulness in Your Classroom Curriculum

Where does mindfulness come from: unraveling the origins and evolution.

Mindfulness in the foreign language classroom: Influence on academic achievement and awareness.



Research Problem

Research Questions

Literature Review

Variablesand Constructs


Theoretical Underpinnings


Meditation and mindfulness started a long time ago in Hinduism and Buddhism. Where does mindulness come from: unraveling the origins and evolution Scientists and psychologists have discovered that being more mindful can make people improve and feel better inside their minds. Mindfulness in the foreign language classroom: Influence on academic achievement and awareness.

Students commonly face the problem of not having the same pace to learn a language and they feel stress and frustration for not learning at the same pace as their other classmates, they don't know how to channels their anxiety.

  • What effects does the implementation of meditation have on learning a foreign language?
  • How does regular mindfulness practice impact student anxiety levels in ESL learning environments?

  • Independent Variable: Use of mindfulness practices digital tools.
  • Dependent Variables: Scale that provides the effectiveness of meditation practice in kids.

  • H1: Students who participate in regular mindfulness sessions show improved academic achievement in ESL compared to those who do not.
  • H2: Integrating mindfulness practices enhances student motivation and engagement in ESL learning activities.


  • Integrating Mindfulness in Your Classroom Curriculum
  • Mindfulness in Education: Cultivating Focus and Well-being in the Classroom

  • Regular mindfulness sessions incorporated into the curriculum.
  • Pre- and post-intervention surveys to measure anxiety levels.
  • Academic performance tracking through tests and assignments.

Specific: Examines the impact of meditation and mindfulness on ESL students. Measurable: Uses quantifiable metrics to assess learners’ emotional behavior. Achievable: Techniques are practical and can be realistically applied in a classroom. Relevant: Alligns with the goal of reducing stress and improving learning. Timebound: Application and results will be achieved in an academic year.