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Mtra. Ma. Soledad Islas Solar
Pedagogy and constructivism
The integration
5.The three pillars of pedagogy
Why is pedagogy important?
Objective Describe pedagogical model based on constructivism
Programs and courses must be aligned with an approach to build activities and assessments around it to be coherent.
3. Pedagogy
The word Pedagogy comes from the Greek word “pedagogue” which means “The art of teaching children” which has been extended to all levels on education. During decades, great professors such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotel and new generations of researchers such as neuroscientists, philosophers, psychologistics, and so on have tried to improve education.
Pedagogy has been an essential part of education to transform information into knowledge. According to Caduceus, the following points make important pedagogy in the classroom.1.Improve the quality of teaching and learning 2. Have in-depth understanding of fundamental material 3. Achieve deeper learning 4.Improve student-teacher relationship
4. Why is pedagogy important?
teachers have to create an conducive environment. 1.Work in collaboration 2. Work on projects, integrating different areas 3. Create a motivational environment
How can we facilitate learning?
According to Williams and Dunns’ research, there are 8 steps that the brain follows.(See the next slide)
How does learning happen?
According to Kivunja, learning is not a passive activity,it is the process of building their knowledge coming from the information we provide them as teachers.
What is learning?
5.The three pillars of pedagogy
Click on the center and on each corner to know more about the pillars of pedagogic
The main pillars of the pedagogy are: teaching, learning, and assessment and curriculum
6.The integration
How does learning happen?
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Constructivism is a theory of learning that learners build their the new knowledge by themselves, using their previous knowledge and beliefs. Through history there has been different exponent, such as the Piaget, Vigosky, Mattews, and many others. For example, Phillips considered two views: Social constructivism or constructionism, and psychological constructivism
7. Constructivism
Constructivist pedagogy
Leaners build the meaning around the phenomena idiosyncratically; they learn in social groups .Indivuduals consider what is created inside the mind.
Humans build up knowledge based on what surrounds them in all fields such as: religion, politics, ideologies, economy and so on.Individuals include the knowledge and epistemology.
Learning constructivism
Constructivism pedagogy became important when it was found out that learning in groups facilitates the process.
Constructivism pedagogy
The following characteristics can vary according to the age of the student, students' experiences, school context, teaching style and so on. 1.Student-centered 2.Foster dialogs to create and understan a topic. 3.planned and unplanned introduction of the topic, using instructions 4. Provide opportunities for students to determine, challenge, modify, or add beliefs and understandings through interesting tasks 5. Develop metawareness of students' understanding and learning processes.
Constructivism pedagogy works with empirical activities, but what about direct instructions and lectures, they should be present in the classroom
Students learning
Unsolve issues
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"Constructivism is a theory of learning, and not a theory of teaching".
Effective constructivist teaching
Unsolve issues
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Is it possible that elementary teachers know all the disciplines they have to teach?
Teachers' subject-matter knowledge
Unsolve issues
¡ Philo-notes. (1. de septiembre 2020).What is constructivism? Philo Foundations of Educ. Team Satchel. (13 de febrero 2020). ¿Qué es la pedagogía ? 4 teorias esenciales del aprendizaje. Cartera. Kivunja, C., (2016). Teaching and learning & Assessment.Oxford. Richarson, V. (2003). Constructivist Pedagogy. University of Michigan. !
How can you facilitate? H2 L, represents the teacher’s understanding of learning and the attributes of the learners involved in learning(Kivunja,2016)
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I am very anxious to return to my classroom and teach science.Constructivism has taught me [that] I do not need to know any sciencein order to teach it. I will simply allow my students to figure things outfor themselves, for I know there is no right answer.(Mackinnon and Scarff-Seatter (1997)
I am very anxious to return to my classroom and teach science.Constructivism has taught me [that] I do not need to know any sciencein order to teach it. I will simply allow my students to figure things outfor themselves, for I know there is no right answer.(Mackinnon and Scarff-Seatter (1997)