School Community Project
Created on July 10, 2024
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School Community Project
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General design
Operational plan
Objective and scope
After the establishment of the committee to prepare the PEC, it met to identify useful sources of information for the development of the project. In this sense, it was decided to integrate information from the continuous improvement plan of the school, especially its SWOT. Likewise, the information obtained from the diagnosis applied in the subject of socio-emotional resources was taken up, in which the students were asked about the main problems identified in their community and their interest in participating in them. Likewise, a survey directed at teaching staff and support staff along the same lines; based on this process, the main problems and their feasibility for resolution were determined, also thinking about their community impact.
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Given the situations raised in the previous section, the committee decided to develop a project that allows solving problem 1 given the following reasons: 1. It is the problem with the greatest presence among the agents surveyed. 2. It is the problem that the agents surveyed would most like to help solve, which guarantees having their interest and participation. 3. It is one of the problems with the greatest impact on our staff, which is found in the SWOT of the continuous improvement plan. 4. It is the problem that could have the greatest impact at the community level and even at the national level, since, according to information from “El País”, 47% of the drinking water in our country is wasted in leaks, of which the The largest number are domestic in nature. 5. The specialties offered on our campus are an area of opportunity for the execution of the different phases of the project. !
Módulo de Liderazgo y Gestión
EAction. Students carry out repairs to water leaks identified in their home. Activity 1. Students make a short Tiktok-type video carrying out the repairs identified in their home..
Preparation of students to deal with domestic leaks through the construction academy.
Raising student awareness regarding the impact of domestic water leaks. Activity 1. Research regarding what domestic water leaks are and their possible causes. Activity 2. Preparation of a log of water leaks in the students' homes and at school. Activity 3. Quantification of the impact of water leaks. Activity 4. Debate or plenary session regarding the experiences achieved in the learning process.
Módulo de Liderazgo y Gestión
1. More than 50% of students report that the main problem they face is related to caring for the environment: water, health and deforestation, a figure that agrees with the information obtained from teachers and support staff on campus. . 2. About 30% of students identify problems related to Peace and security in their community. 3. Just over 13% identify problems related to the protection of human rights. !
Módulo de Habilidades Técnicas
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El 90% de la información que asimilamos nos llega a través de la vista? Los recursos visuales son de gran ayuda para reforzar tu mensaje: imágenes, ilustraciones, gifs, vídeos… No solo porque permanecen en la memoria, sino también porque son más atractivos y más fáciles de comprender.
¿Sabías que...
- Es clara y estructurada
- Cuenta historias jerárquicamente.
- Hace 'match' con tu audiencia.
- Adecúa las fuentes y el color al tema.
- Incluye imágenes y entretiene.
- Representa datos con gráficos.
- Utiliza líneas de tiempo.
- Es animada e interactiva.
- Emociona al cerebro, a través de elementos multimedia.
- NO se excede con los bullet points 🙃.
Una presentación genial…