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Teaching Practice and Active Methodologies for Foreign Language English II School Community Project

One of the problems faced by the municipality of Atlapexco is waste disposal, a situation that also affects CECyTEH campus Atlapexco because a large amount of paper, PET bottles, aluminum and Styrofoam are generated. In the town there is no company dedicated to recycling paper and the community does not have the habit of reusing paper, so the idea of resorting to traditional recycling techniques to produce paper that is useful for people of the institution community arose.

Garbage is a global problem that has contaminated the planet's ecosystems for several decades. Initiatives such as the 3Rs have been useful to reduce this problem. Every day, people use photocopies, white sheets, notebook pages, cardboard and printouts, which are discarded and generate a large amount of trash.


  • The project is expected to be permanent, however, it will be carried out throughout the semester.
  • It is estimated to find a space, create the utensils and obtain the necessary tools to carry out paper recycling during the first month.
  • Collect paper and once the raw materials and equipment are ready, the aim is to begin the recycling and production process of general-purpose paper.
  • Once the first cycle is completed, the results will be evaluated to make the adjustments that the process requires for its proper functioning.

Objective and scope


Promote paper recycling by producing recycled paper for the daily use of students in different environments.


Analysis of Educational Situation

CECyTEH is a concentration school, so the student population is made up of students from the municipality of Atlapexco and neighboring towns; most students live with their families, others live in houses that provide accommodation in exchange for work, and a small percentage rents a room.

General Design

Main purpose:

  • Promote paper recycling by producing recycled paper for the daily use of students in different environments.
Specific purposes:
  • Manage with the principal the space to store and recycle paper.
  • Create the utensils and obtain the tools necessary for recycling.
  • Determine the appropriate measurements and thickness to produce the paper.

Because the accumulation of waste such as PET bottles, paper, aluminum and Styrofoam is the main problem in both the municipality and the CECyTEH, the institution has already implemented a project that focuses on the collection and sale of PET bottles. To address the problem of paper waste, the implementation of a new project focused on the collection, recycling and production of paper is proposed.

General Design

Selection and Definition of the Problem

Definition of the Project Objectives

Atlapexco is a rural place, surrounded by vegetation and crossed by a river. The CECyTEH is located on one of the municipality's roads and borders different private lands that have abundant vegetation, however, there is a large amount of waste such as plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, aluminum and Styrofoam, which are also discarded daily as organic garbage.In the municipality there is no culture of separating garbage between organic and inorganic, so they are collected with inorganic waste. Waste can be found on the streets and even on green areas and even in the river. Within the School, one of the main problems is paper, although paper is reused in the offices and by students it continues to be a big problem, for this reason the interest arose in collecting paper in the community and within the school to recycle it. and produce new paper that serves the entire school community.

General Design

Project justification:

The activities are scheduled per month, on February, at the beginning of the semester, the students will start with their project, following directions of their teachers, then in meeting with the principal they will ask for space in the school where they can store and recycle the paper. The next moth they will collect paper, after that they’ll start the recycling process and finally, by the end of the semester, students will distribute the paper and evaluate the process to take decisions about the recycling process.

General Design

Planning of actions

Computer with internet connection, projector to make a presentation of the project.

Tables, blenders, scissors, washbasins, mesh racks, sponges and cleaning supplies. Printer and photocopier to test the thickness of the paper and its usefulness for these devices.

Teachers, students, maintenance staff, people of the community.

General Design

Human, material y technological resources

  • Human Resources
  • Material Resources
  • Technological Resources

It is proposed that the evaluation be formative and be carried out throughout the process, establishing specific moments, such as the dates of partial evaluations, for the delivery and review of the project.

General Design


Project based learning Collaborative Learning

Adverbs of time Connectors

9. Use adverbs of time and connectors as a means to join ideas that clearly and precisely express events or occurrences from the past through various strategies for composing oral or written texts.

  • Fundamental Contents of the Progression

Operative Plan

  • Progression
  • Active Methodology

English II

  • Learning Unit

Given the problem of waste in the municipality and on campus, the institution has implemented a project that focuses on PET bottles, however other waste continues to be a problem, for this reason paper recycling is proposed. as a solution for the accumulation of this waste.

Promote paper recycling by producing recycled paper for the daily use of students in different environments.

The municipality of Atlapexco and the CECyTEH share the problem of garbage; waste such as PET bottles, paper, aluminum and Styrofoam are generated daily, which creates a big problem because there is no process to treat waste correctly.

Operative Plan

Cross Curricular Contents:

  • Diadnosis
  • Project Objective
  • Project Justification

Operative Plan

Progressions of Knowledge Areas

Operative Plan


In this case, the project is going to be made by students next semester, so there is no information to show.


Thank you

Liliana Quintero

The College of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State of Hidalgo, CECyTEH in Spanish, is located in the Municipality of Atlapexco.

The socioeconomic level of the students is low, about 95% of the student population has some type of scholarship.