Présentation Rima & Sara
Rima Ben Ghalba
Created on July 9, 2024
Over 30 million people create interactive content in Genially.
Check out what others have designed:
Marché du travail
1. Statistiques et analyses →
2. Niveau de formation et qualification→
3. Top 5 des secteurs qui recrutent →
4. Top 5 des métiers recherché par les DE →
5. Focus sur le secteur de l'hotellerie - restauration→
6. Plan d'action→
33 658
34 024
Répartition Hommes/Femmes
67 682
Statistiques et analyses
Taux de chomage
6,1 %
DEFM (Juin2024)
Niveau de qualification (DEFM Cat.A Mai 2024)
Niveau de formation (DEFM Cat.A Mai 2024)
Source : ACOSS Mai 2024
Activités juridiques et comptables
Programmation et activités informatiques
Enquetes et sécurité
Hébergement et Restauration
Source : ACOSS Mai 2024
Magasinage et préparation de commandes
Vente en habillement et accessoires de la personnes
Etudes et développement informatique
Assistance auprès d'enfants
Focus sur les secteurs de
la Restauration et de l'Hôtellerie
Les métiers de l'Hôtellerie
Les métiers de la Restauration traditionnelle
La filière hôtellerie - restauration, qui constitue l’un des facteurs d’attractivité touristique de la France, joue un rôle majeur d’intégrateur social, surtout chez les jeunes et les personnes sans qualification. En parallèle, une offre de formation complète permet de se qualifier dans le métier choisi. Le secteur est le 6ème pourvoyeur d’emplois en France. La filière comprend la restauration traditionnelle, la restauration rapide, la restauration collective, l’hôtellerie et l’hébergement de plein air.
Zoom sur la filière hôtellerie - restauration
Source : Insee 2023
Source : enquete BMO 2024
6 350 projet de recrutemnt prévu en 2024 dans les Hauts-de-seine
Les opportunités de carrière sont vastes et variées, avec des possibilités de progression rapide.
Pourquoi ce secteur ?
Flexibilité et diversité des carrieres
Pénurie de main d'oeuvre
Création d'emploi
39,5 milliers etablissement créés en 2023 en France
ATC :Faire le point sur mes compétences
Plan d'action
Did you know...
The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.
Watch out! In Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something valuable and engaging.
Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A Genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know that... We retain 42% more information when the content moves? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture the attention ofyour audience.
Use tables and infographics
Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. Therefore, disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate visually rich note-taking through the use of images, graphs, infographics, and simple drawings.
We are visual beings.We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Narrative beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
An awesome presentation...
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or charts that help provide context to information and simplify data for your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to "read" images than to read written text.
- It is clear and structured
- It tells stories hierarchically
- It matches with your audience
- It adapts fonts and color to the theme
- It includes images and entertains
- Represent data with graphics.
- Use timelines.
- It is animated and interactive.
- Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
- DO NOT overdo it with bullet points 🙃.
Here you can put a highlighted title
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or charts that help provide context to the information and simplify the data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than written text. With Genially templates, you'll be able to include visual resources that will leave your audience amazed. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data point that will be etched in your audience's memory, and even embed external content that will surprise them: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
- They help break the monotony
- They illustrate what you want to say
- They allow for content synthesis
- They are an aesthetic resource
- They tell stories on their own
- They keep the brain awake
Here you can put a highlighted title
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be etched in your audience's memory, and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience amazed. You can also highlight specific phrases or data that will stay etched in their memory.
An awesome presentation...
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or charts that help provide context to information and simplify data for your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to "read" images than to read written text.
- It is clear and structured
- It tells stories hierarchically
- It matches with your audience
- It adapts fonts and color to the theme
- It includes images and entertains
- Represent data with graphics.
- Use timelines.
- It is animated and interactive.
- Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
- DO NOT overdo it with bullet points 🙃.
Here you can put a highlighted title
With Genially templates, you'll be able to include visual resources to leave your audience amazed. You can also highlight specific phrases or facts that will be etched into your audience's memory, and even embed external content that will surprise them: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Remember to add animation! Capture your audience's attention with your content and choose the perfect effect by selecting the element and clicking on the Animation icon, located right above.
Use tables and infographics
Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. Therefore, disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate visually rich note-taking through the use of images, graphs, infographics, and simple drawings.
We are visual beings.We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Narrative beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
Here you can put a highlighted title
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or charts that help provide context to the information and simplify the data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than written text. With Genially templates, you'll be able to include visual resources that will leave your audience amazed. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data point that will be etched in your audience's memory, and even embed external content that will surprise them: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
- They help break the monotony
- They illustrate what you want to say
- They allow for content synthesis
- They are an aesthetic resource
- They tell stories on their own
- They keep the brain awake
Here you can put a highlighted title
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be etched in your audience's memory, and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience amazed. You can also highlight specific phrases or data that will stay etched in their memory.
Here you can put a standout title, something that captivates your audience
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics, or graphs that help provide context to the information and simplify the data for your audience. We are visual beings and it is easier for us to "read" images than to read written text.
Did you know that in addition to taking advantage of our resources, you can add any visual elements you want to complement the information? Try it out using the Image or Resources menus!
Describe the problem you are going to solve and, above all, the reason why your idea is interesting
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience amazed. You can also highlight specific phrases or data that will be etched into the memory of your audience, and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Animate your content and take it to the next level
Share your idea with an image
Provide context to your topic with a subtitle
Visual content is a universal, cross-cutting language, like music. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
- They help break the monotony
- They illustrate what you want to convey
- They allow you to synthesize content
- They are an aesthetic resource
- They tell stories on their own
- They keep the brain awake.
Maps are a great ally, use them!
Interactive visual communication enhances communication results on any topic and in any context. Before you start creating, it is advisable to spend a few minutes thinking about what this map tells you.
Insert an awesome video for your presentation
And use this space to describe it. Multimedia content is essential in a presentation, to leave everyone amazed. Additionally, you will synthesize the content and entertain your audience.