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for B1 Students

revision a Vocabulary Lesson

14. Gracias

13. Equipo

6. You teacher will show you the correct answer and you'll get 1 point if you guessed correctly

12. Versus

5. When your teacher shouts "Show it", you will need to show it to your partner.

4. Your teacher will display a picture and you will have to write the word/expression it represents. Write it big enough to see from a distance.

10. Cronología

3. Take a clean sheet of paper

9. Proceso

2. Pair up: you are going to compete against each other

1. Aim: to guess the hidden word/expression



cash machine-ATM

An adjective


to eat out

contactless payment

money in general


extended family


a 5-euro-note

verb + noun

to pay by credit card

to lend/to borrow

an expression

to save for a rainy day

Verb + noun

to pay cash


Thanks to Cristina Cabal for inspiration and template.