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Cycle Parking 0.75sqm per person.

Policy H16 require developments to make a payment in lieu contribution towards the provision of off-site affordable housing.

The LPG recognises that on-site provision could be acceptable. Further guidance is expected in the Affordable Housing LPG.
1sqm per resident for schemes up to 400 residents.

0.5sqm per additional resident above 400.
Minimum unit size (excluding accessible units) – 18sqm

Maximum unit size (excluding accessible units) – 27sqm

Note – these figures do not represent a ‘range’ but provide a minimum size to ensure quality and a maximum to avoid the units being used as self-contained housing.
The LPG sets out a range of space and amenity standards but importantly flexibility around location and context:

“some flexibility in the assessment of LSPBSL applications against these recommended benchmarks may be applied to the design, scale and provision of these facilities in consideration of the site’s location and context…”

Communal space requirements reflect the economies of scale in larger developments. Schemes of up to 100 residents have a benchmark requirement of 4sqm per resident. Larger schemes have reduced space requirements.
Co-living contributes towards housing supply at a ratio of 1.8:1.

Co-living can contribute positively to well-designed, mixed and inclusive neighbourhoods.

‘Clustering’ of co-living (relative to conventional housing) could have a negative impact on creating mixed and inclusive places.

The LPG reinforces the need for co-living developers to get involved at the plan making stage

Locational Requirements
Areas which are more suitable for co-living include:

- Central Activities Zone (CAZ)
- Inner London Opportunity Areas
- Metropolitan and Major town centres
- Areas with a PTAL of 5 or 6 and Inner London areas with a PTAL of 4
- Town centres with high or medium growth potential