alexandre coutard
Created on July 7, 2024
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Congratulations! You've arrived at your destination: the present! Remember and put into practice all the secrets of history that you have learned.
Be careful! Time travel is dangerous. You will have to find out the secrets of history to reach your destination...
Roll the die
Drag the pieces
We're in the year 5000 B.C. Things have really changed! We are in the Neolithic era, the last stage of prehistory, which will last until 3500 BC. We are no longer nomads, nor do we live by hunting, fishing and gathering. Do you know what changes took place in this period? How did humans live? Comment on some of the changes you know about and before moving on, take a look at the video. You will discover many more. To see the answer, move your cursor over the red box. The Neolithic is a very long period, during which the so-called Neolithic revolution takes place. Humanity takes a different path, it is no longer nomadic but settles in one place. It begins to cultivate the land, to domesticate animals, to exchange products. Villages are formed, and activities become specialized, there are human beings who dedicate themselves to agriculture, others to livestock or fishing, others to trade. With all this, the first organized wars appear and also, the worship of our dead and perhaps the first stories of humanity.
Approximately 10th century BC. You are in ancient Greece, the people that inhabit it have decided to confront each other in a terrible war that will last 10 years... It all began with the abduction of the most beautiful woman in the world. Do you know what war this is? If you know it, you will be able to advance to Pericles' Greece, 5th Century BC. (box 16). If not... you will sail with Ulysses and lose a turn on Circe's Island. To find out the answer, slide your cursor along the blue box. The Trojan War
We're at the end of the neolithic period in Sumeria, where we believe the oldest recorded civilization was born. Look what you've found! Unfortunately throughout our history we were also accompanied by war. The first recorded war was between the Lagaš and Umma kings in 2525 BC in this graphic document called the Vulture Stele. This record shows the king of Lagaš leading a Sumerian army composed mostly of infantry. The infantrymen carried spears, copper helmets, and leather or wicker shields. The spearmen are shown arranged in what appears to be a phalanx formation, requiring training and discipline. Keep it safe! It's very valuable and will come in handy.
You're in the Year 501 AD. A knight asks you to guide him to the city of Toledo and pays you with a Visigoth coin. What a treasure! Keep it safe for the end of your journey! In the 5th century, among the Germanic peoples from the north and east, the Visigoths arrived in Spain and settled. The Visigoths adopted Latin (the language of the Romans) and their laws as well and proclaimed Christianity as the official religion of the kingdom.
You're in the year 800 AD, very close to what is now Cordoba in southern Spain. There you can see how a magnificent city called Medina Azahara was built. Today its ruins still look as magnificent as ever, and have been declared a World Heritage Site. In the year 711, in the battle of Guadalete, the Muslims from North Africa defeat the Visigoths and consolidate their power over the Iberian Peninsula. They call their kingdom Al Ándalus. You let yourself be enraptured by the wonders of the Medina Azahara and you lose a turn. But you gain a magical experience and a treasure. Look: The great Caliph Abderraman III has given you two gold coins. Keep them and don't forget to keep track of your findings.
It is the 7th century AD. Emperor Charlemagne unifies what is called the Carolingian Empire, heir to the Western Roman Empire. Strolling through the city of Avignon, in what is now France, you come across a coin. Keep it and don't forget to record your findings.
It's the year 1099 and in a house near the Spanish city of Valencia... you have found the legendary Tizona, the sword of El Cid! Take it with you, it is a treasure that will serve you well when you finish your trip.
1300, 14th Century. The Hundred Years' War rages in France and England, and to top it all off, the Black Death rages in Europe... And you've been infected! You will have to go back to the year 1000 (box 25). Look for Averroes, in the Cordoba of al-Andalus. This famous Muslim doctor will give you some remedy for this terrible disease. In this painting called The Triumph of Death, the painter Peter Brueghel the Elder depicted the images of the plague.
You're in Italy, in Florencia, in the 15th Century. Here a genius inventor was born, who also painted wonderful paintings such as: The Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. Do you know who it is? If you know, you can roll again! To see the answer, slide your cursor over the green box. Leonardo Da Vinci
You're in the year 1519! The modern age begins. Hernán Cortés has just arrived in an incredible city! Do you know where he has arrived? The document was printed in Nuremberg, Germany. Photo: UNAM. If you know, you can roll again! Slide your cursor over the red box to see the answer. On November 8, 1519, the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés and his crew entered the mythical Tenochtitlán for the first time. It was the step prior to the conquest of what is today the immense Mexico City and, therefore, of the Aztec empire.
You've arrived in England in the year 1666! They say that at this time, Isaac Newton was reading under an apple tree and an apple fell on his head. This, as well as a bump, resulted in a revolutionary idea. Do you know what it was? If you know, move ahead to the next big physics revolution in square 42. To see the answer, slide your cursor over the green box. Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Gravity and laid out the principles that govern physics to this day. He was a great inventor, scientist, and physicist.
You're in 1824 and you witness a concert like no other. Watch and listen from minute 3:30 of this video and tell me: Who is the composer? If you know the answer, move ahead to square 40; if not, slide your cursor over the red box and find out: The work is the Ninth Symphony and the composer's name is Ludwig Van Bethoven.
I don't believe it! You've invented the electric lightbulb! Thomas Alva Edison was the first to patent an incandescent carbon filament light bulb, viable outside of laboratories, or commercially. He patented it on January 27, 1880. There were already prototypes and research on how to bring electricity and light into homes, but this was the most successful. If you really want to find out more about what happened with this amazing invention, search for information about Edison and Tesla and what you discover will surprise you. Move ahead to another great invention in the history of humanity!! Go directly to square 44.
You have landed in France and the year is 1898. In a humble laboratory in Paris, two scientists make a scientific discovery that will change the history of mankind. Marie Curie and Pierre Curie have just discovered a new chemical element. Do you know what it is? Thanks to this element, we can take X-rays and cure diseases. Marie Curie was also the first woman to win the Nobel Prize. And not only that, she won two Nobel Prizes! If you know, move ahead to square 41. And don't waste time, it is essential that you take X-rays to that terrible moment in history. X-rays will save many lives in WWI. To see the answer, slide you cursor over the red box. Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discovered RADIUM. Thanks to its properties, very useful inventions arose, among them: radiography.
1914, World War 1 A terrible moment in our history that shows us that we have learned nothing. You will have to go back to square 20 to learn something about humanity.
You've landed in ancient Greece! It's the 5th century B.C. And this ancient age culture is amazing too! The Greeks shaped much of our culture, surely you know some of their gods, and their stories, right? Do you remember any of them? If you tell us a story about the Greeks, you can get on the magnificent Pegasus, the winged horse, and move ahead swiftly... meaning: you can roll again! The gods are with you. If you don't know any stories... you'll have to keep going on foot.
You've invented writing! Now this is a revolution!! How can we ever thank you? Move ahead to the next invention!! (go to square 27) We're in roughly the year 3200 BC. The period we call prehistory ends here and history begins; we will now have written documents that will give us a clearer idea of what is happening in our societies.
You have landed in the year 1440, in the middle of the Renaissance, a period in history when mankind gave free rein to its creativity. In this year, in Germany, Johannes Guttenberg invented the printing press. There were already prototypes and tests in other parts of the world, but this was the one that was most successful and marked a profound change in the history of mankind, since it not only unified all ideas, but also invented "movable type" that made it possible to "compose" all types of text. Thought and knowledge spread thanks to this great invention. They were no longer the privilege of only a few... If you have come this far, you can continue inventing incredible things, and move on to square 39. But first, take a look at this video to see how Guttenberg's printing press worked to replicate an engraving.
1492! You know what that means! You're about to set off on an incredible yet terrifying journey. Can you tell me which one? If you know, move forward to square 36. If not, go back to square 25. To see the answer, slide your cursor over the red box. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America.
On April 25, 1953, the scientific team of James Watson and Francis Crick reported in the journal 'Nature' the description of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, better known by its acronym: DNA. This great scientific contribution gave them sufficient merit to win the Nobel Prize. Although the breakthrough would not have been possible without Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkin's previous discovery of the double helix structure of DNA using X-rays. The impact of these findings on modern science has been incalculable.
1761, Austria A brilliant composer, who could write symphonies at the age of 6. He invents unique melodies, pieces that we still listen to enthralled at concerts today. Do you know who he is? If you do, you can move ahead 4 squares. Maybe if you listen to a piece of one of his famous symphonies you'll remember him...
You've landed in England in 1790. In this period in time you can see incredible things like this: Or terrible things like this: At that time young children like these worked from sunrise to sunset in the first industries, there were no workers' rights and no children's rights like there are today. What period are we talking about? To see the answer, slide your cursor over the blue box. The industrial revolution was a process of social and economic transformation that began in England in 1760 and spread throughout Europe. It had great consequences in the world as we live it now. It was characterized above all by the use of machines and the development of industry, which transformed society.
You've landed in 1915, at the beginning of the 20th Century. Do you recognize the man in the photo? If you know, you can travel (almost) at the speed of light and roll again! In 1915, this character presents his theory of relativity, introducing the mysterious concept of the curvature of space-time. Our concept of the world will never be the same...
1789, France. You are about to witness the end of the Modern Age. This event will leave an indelible mark. Do you know what happened this year? If you don't know, you miss a turn. Look at the image of this painting by the painter Delacroix, which is sure to inspire you: To see the answer, slide your cursor over the blue box. The French Revolution
We find ourselves in July 1969. Although it may sound unbelievable, 3 American astronauts walked on the moon for the first time. Do you know the name of the first astronaut to step foot on the moon? If you don't, you lose a turn. To see the answer, slide your cursor over the blue box. The astronaut was called Neil Armstrong
You have fallen into a dimensional hole! The only way out is back in time, in the previous hole. Quick!
You have fallen into a dimensional hole! The only way out is back in time, through the previous hole. Quick!
1939, World War 2 Another terrible moment in our history that shows us that we still aren't learning... How many more events of this kind will have to happen before humanity learns to live in peace? You will have to go back to square 17 to try not to forget the foundations of what we call "the civilized world".
It is time to remember a fundamental principle for humanity: without community we are nothing; either we all advance or we die trying. What defines us as human beings is love and care for the weakest. That is the greatest sign of civilization. So this time, once again, you will roll the die for the person who's coming last. And if you're last, you'll roll twice.
Según tu opinión, ¿cuándo comienza la civilización? A principios del siglo XX (y aún te falta mucho para ello), le hicieron esa misma pregunta a Margaret Mead, una brillante antropóloga estadounidense: Mira el video y reflexiona sobre su respuesta Por eso, esta vez lanzarás el dado para el que va último. Y si el último eres tú, tirarás dos veces.
You have fallen into a dimensional hole! The only way out is back in time, through the previous hole. Quick!
You've almost made it back to the present day. We're in the 90s, in the 20th Century. In the 1990s, an invention that changed everything became global and accessible. What do you think? What do you think is the invention that has revolutionized our society in the last 30 years? Here's a clue: We all use it every day. If you want to know the answer, slid your cursor over the purple box. Yes, we are talking about the internet. The Web or World Wide Web, is the system that allows us to surf the net. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee (England) and Robert Cailliau (Belgium) were working together at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland and developed the WEB. Its development was formally published in 1991 and has been growing ever since.
1200, 13th Century So many things are happening.... It is the century of the crusades. Do you dare to join them? You lose a turn in these turbulent times.
You've found something incredible! These stone knives were found in a prehistoric cave. Keep them among your treasures, and make a record of your discoveries; write them down. They will serve you well at the end of your journey.
Ooh, we're still in prehistory. But we've discovered something else! Do you know of any place where you can see today these wonders that have been made 30,000 years ago? If you have answered the question, you can continue in your turn... if not... you have to go back one square. But first here's a video that tells us about a very special place.
Each player chooses a piece and rolls the die in turns. In each turn they advance as many squares as the numbers they get on the die. In each square they must follow the instructions they find and discover the secrets of mankind. The winner is the one who reaches the end of the path first. However, the second place will go to the one who has acquired the most valuable objects during their journey.
You've gone back 5 million years in time! This is the beginning of prehistory, the Paleolithic period, we are still very primitive beings... This is a hard and dangerous life. Do you know how we lived in this time? What did we eat? If you know the answer share it, if not, use the image to describe the way of life of our ancestors 5 million years ago.
You have reached the year 500,000 BC; everything around you is very primitive, but at least we can now warm ourselves, we cook our food so we have less disease, and we can chase away the wild animals. Yes! 500,000 years ago, approximately, fire was discovered. Well, it was not discovered, because it already existed in nature, but we can say that we managed to tame it, by taking advantage of a burning branch after a fire and then maintaining it, preserving it, and learning from it. What about you? Could you light a fire without having matches or a lighter at hand? How did our ancestors do it? Tip: before traveling to 500,000 B.C. don't forget to watch this video and practice a couple of times. BEWARE: always with an adult!
In your opinion, when does civilization begin? In the early 20th century, Margaret Mead, a brilliant American anthropologist, was asked that very question: Watch the video and reflect on her answer Therefore, this time you will roll the die once more for the person whose turn is last. And if you're last, you will roll twice. This way we take the time to think about who is at the end of the line :)
Look! You're in luck! You have found a Neolithic statuette. It is made of stone and is believed to represent a goddess. Keep it and don't forget to make a record of your findings. It's sure to help you at the end of your trip.
You are still in the Paleolithic era, the first stage of prehistory. We live in caves and have just discovered a special skill. We don't just use tools, we make them! Do you know what tools we used in the paleolithic era and how we made them? If you know the answer, you advance one square (prehistory is like that... very slow). If you don't know the answer, you lose your turn. Before continuing with the game, watch the video and you will learn something new. You can look for the correct answer below. To see the answer, slide your cursor over the red box. By carving wood, bones, and stone we learned to make simple tools and weapons to hunt, work the skins and cut the meat of the animals we gathered or hunted.
We have also discovered something else that is incredible and will be used for a long time to come. We use it to collect water and food and we make it by shaping the mud. Can you imagine what it is? Find out in the video; you also have the answer below. To see the answer, slide your cursor over the blue box. Of course! Pottery. Towards the end of prehistoric times we were excellent potters.
You have fallen into a dimensional hole! The only way out is back in time to the beginning of prehistoric times. Hurry!
You've landed in ancient Egypt! Around the year 2570 BC. If you approach the pyramid of Cheops it will look something like this. It looks nothing like today's pyramids, does it? Let's see if you're really ready for this period. What is the type of writing we see in the picture called? If you know, you can move ahead 2 squares. If not, go back to the invention of writing (square 12). You can see the answer by moving your cursor over the blue box. Hieroglyphs were a writing system invented by the ancient Egyptians. It was used from pre-dynastic times until the 4th century.
Finally! A brilliant invention! You've invented the wheel! And with it you roll all the way to number 20! You have no idea how great this invention is! You will revolutionize the history of mankind! In the video, you will discover how we got here.
El 1st century AD. You are in Rome! Emperor Augustus rules the magnificent Empire. By the 1st century, Rome had conquered all the nations that inhabited what we now call Europe, and part of Africa and Asia. His empire lasted for centuries and shaped the culture of all that we now call "the West". Surely you have heard and studied about this magnificent culture that dominated for centuries a huge territory. Do you remember the name of the famous general responsible for much of the conquests of the Romans and who was assassinated in the Roman Senate when it is said he was about to be proclaimed emperor? If you do, we will name you Centurion and you will be entitled to another roll of the dice (did you know that dice were a very common game in ancient Rome?). Look, this is what the Roman forum was like in the 1st century AD. Slide your cursor over the green box to see the answer. Julius Caesar
It is the year 476 AD. The Roman Empire falls. The Ancient Age ends and the Middle Ages begin.