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Séance 0

Séance 1

Séance 2

Séance 3

Séance 4

Séance 5

Let's describe! In the picture...


There is

There are

I can see...

Make at least 5 sentences:


Let's describe! In the picture...

There is


There are

I can see...

Make at least 5 sentences:


Let's describe! In the picture...


There is

There are

I can see...


Make at least 5 sentences:

What do they all have in common?

They are all part of a team!

A medical team

A soccer team

A study team

Rappel: There is / There are

There is one (1) man.There is one (1) flower.There is one (1) chair.There is one (1) bird.There is one (1) cat.

There are two (2) men.There are three (3) flowers.There are many chairs.There are several birds.There are twenty (20) cats.

Can you guess the grammatical rule?


There is

There are





A group of people working together with a common goal.

The ability to work together toward a common goal.

The feeling of pride and loyalty among team members

A member of the same team


If a team wants to be successful, the teammates must value team work and team spirit.

A teamA teammateTeam workTeam spirit

Une équipe

Esprit d'équipe


Travail d'équipe

Write down the vocabulary:To have something in common = avoir quelque chose en communa team = une équipe ↪ a medical team, a sports team, a soccer/football team, ...To be successful = réussir, avoir du succèsTeammates = équipiersTeam work = travail d'équipeTeam spirit = esprit d'équipeTo value = valoriser | a value = une valeurCollectively ≠ Individually

Write the recap of the day:A team is composed of different people. You can find teams in sports, at school or at work. In a team, team spirit is important, it means to think collectively and not individually. Also, the teammates must value team work if they want to be successful.

Let's describe!

a logo

a TV host

a team

the name of a TV show

In the poster, there is...

The name of the TV show is


In France, the name of the game is

Koh Lanta

The goal of the game is to be the

a goal = un but

sole survivor

Tell me everything you know about the game!

a goal = un but

Living conditions

The challenges


You can become a survivor contestant!

Find in the text, three adjectives to define a survivor contestant.




Imagine other qualities that are important to win the game.

I think you must be + ADJ In my opinion, you must + VERB

Determined = déterminé

Clever = intelligent, malin

Strong = fort




We are looking for new contestants for the next season of Survivor. Write a letter and explain why you would be a good contestant.

Dear Denis,I would like to participate in the next season of Survivor because...I think I would be a good contestant because...


Let's recap!















What do you need to do to survive?Find the key verbs in the text

Become a survivor contestant!

Qualities you need

  1. ____________________
  2. ____________________
  3. ____________________
  4. ____________________
  5. ____________________

  1. __________________
  2. __________________

To collaborate

To work with your group

To team up

To make friends

To find allies





Qualities you need




Str_ _ g-w_lled

Write down the skills you need to win the game

Determined = déterminé



Quality you need



So to be the sole survivor, you need...

____________ work/spirit____________ abilities like running fast or be a good swimmer____________ abilities like solving puzzles or enigmas

Find a synonym for this word


"To win the game, you must be the strongest."

Translate the sentence.→ ______________________________________________________________________________Décomposer l'adjectif "the strongest"






Répéter l'exercice avec les phrases suivantes (traduction et décomposition):Albert Einstein is the smartest man.Usain Bolt is the fastest man.Superman is the strongest man.Robert Wadlow is the tallest man.


"To win the game, you must be the most intelligent."

Translate the sentence.→ ______________________________________________________________________________Décomposer l'adjectif "the most intelligent"






Comparer ces phrases, qui veulent dire la même chose, et tentez de deviner la règle grammaticale, concentrez-vous sur les adjectifs.Albert Einstein is the smartest man → Albert Einstein is the most intelligent man.


Le superlatif de supériorité

Le superlatif permet de dire ce ou qui est le + ou le - . Par exemple, qui est le plus grand ou le moins gentil. Il place quelqu'un ou quelque chose au dessus d'un ensemble d'éléments par rapport à une caractéristique, que cela soit positif ou négatif.Ex: The shark is the meanest sea animal.Le requin est l'animal marin le plus méchant.Ici, l'ensemble est "les animaux marins" et le requin est placé au dessus par rapport à la caractéristique " méchant".Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.Paris est la plus belle ville du monde.Quel est l'ensemble? Quelle est la caractéristique? Pour former le superlatif, il faut vérifier si l'adjectif (caractéristique) est court ou long. Adjectif court = 1 syllabe = The + adjectif + est → The + mean + est Adjectif long = à partir de 2 sylllabes = The + most + adjectif → The + most + beautiful


Le superlatif de supériorité

Exercice: Transformez les adjectifs suivants au superlatif de supériorité.Kind → ______________________Determined → ______________________Strong-willed → ______________________Manipulative → ______________________Honest → ______________________Great → ______________________

Il y a des exceptionsBad → The worst (le pire)Good → The best (le meilleur)

Exercice: Traduire les phrases suivantes.a. Je suis le meilleur nageur.b. Koh lanta est le jeu le plus difficile.c. L'Asie est le plus grand continent.d. L'Anglais est la plus belle languee. La Russie est le plus vaste pays.

Adjectifs courts

Adjectifs longs

Take a look at the list of adjectives and place them in the correct category. Adorable, Adventurous, Depressed, Horrible, Aggressive, Different, Difficult, Rich, Important, Angry, Scary, Selfish, Annoying, Innocent, Anxious, Shy, Arrogant, Jealous, Elegant, Energetic, Lazy, Successful, Expensive, Lucky, Brave, Famous, Calm, Mysterious, Nice, Clumsy, Funny, Courageous, Crazy, Powerful, Dangerous

Personality test:The shipwreck

You are on a ship, in the middle of the ocean. A storm breaks out and your ship sinks. After the shipwreck, you wake up on an island.

Question 1: What type of vegetation can you see? Is it desert? Are there trees? Can you see a jungle? Describe in a few words what you can see.Question 2: What is the 1st thing you do? Choose your answer. Look for other survivors - Find food - Explore the island

A little further (un peu plus loin), you can see a hill. You go up the hill to have a better view. At the center of the island you can see a forest.

Question 3: How do you imagine the forest? Is it large and difficult to walk in? Or is it a beautiful forest with a road? Is the forest scary or is it peaceful?

You start walking and finally you see a house.

Question 4: Describe the house. Is it little or big? Is it a cabin made of wood (bois) or is it a big luxurious house?Question 5: Is the door locked (fermée à clé) or open?

You start walking again and finally you see a wall that block your way.

Question 6: Is the wall high or low? Can you jump over it or is it too high?

Let's check the answers and reveal your personality!

Question 1: Your island is green with a lot of plants and trees → You are optimistic and you see life positively. Your island is a desert of sand and there is nothing around you → You are pessimistic and negative. Question 2: Look for others: You are altruistic, you love people and you show it. Find food → You put yourself first, you think of yourself before thinking of others.Explore the island → You are pragmatic, you look for solutions. Question 3: Your forest is large and difficult to walk in → You are an anxious person. You are scared of what you don't know.There is a road in the middle of the forest, the forest is beautiful → You are confident and determined, you have goals, you know where you are going. Question 4: The house is small or made of wood → You only need what is essential in life, you are discreet and a reserved person. The house is big and luxurious → You need more than what is essential, you are a little extravagant. Question 5: The door is locked → It is diffucult for you to overcome obstacles and difficulties. The door is open → You easily overcome obstacles and difficulties. Question 6: The wall is high → For you, obstacles in life are insurmountable and you give up easily. The wall is low and you can cross it → You are curious and you are not scared of obstacles

Task: Write a small description of yourself based on your results.

Use your test results and the adjectives we have learned since the beginning of the lesson to write the presentation. Write about your qualities and your flaws! Don't forget to use the 'Superlatif de supériorité' at least twice (2x). Minimum: 10 lines.

How does the Sorting Hat decide who goes where? What does the Hat take into account to sort the students into the houses?

Their abilities

Their personality

Their wish









It is your time to be sorted into your house! Place the hat onto your friend's head. Describe your friend's personality and sort him or her into the correct house.

What's your zodiac sign?

Team work

Formez des groupes en fonction de votre signe astrologique.Vous devrez essayer, en français, de vous mettre d'accord sur une description de votre signe astrologique. Aidez-vous des questions suivantes:

  • Quel est votre caractère?
  • Quelle est votre plus grande qualité?
  • Quel est votre plus grand défaut?
  • Comment est votre relation avec les autres?

Team work

A l'aide des dictionnaires à votre disposition, vous devrez rédiger la description de votre signe astrologique en anglais.Vous présenterez ensuite votre signe astrologique à la classe.

Final task: Let's create houses for the class

Travail individuel.Vous devez imaginer une maison, comme dans Harry Potter. Vous choisirez le symbole qui représente votre équipe, son nom et vous rédigerez la description. Le travail doit être rendu sur feuille blanche (feuille à carreaux = zéro). Dans votre description, vous parlerez des qualités et des défauts caractéristiques de votre équipe. Soyez inventifs et expliquez ce que votre équipe aime faire ou ne pas faire. N'oubliez pas d'utiliser le superlatif! Pour le symbole, soyez créatifs, dessinez quelque chose qui représente bien votre équipe, et mettez de la couleur!

Devoir Bonus

Travail individuel.Vous devez imaginer un nouveau signe astrologique. Vous choisirez le symbole qui représente ce 13ème signe, son nom et vous rédigerez la description. Le travail doit être rendu sur feuille blanche car il doit être accompagné d'une illustration (feuille à carreaux = non accepté). Dans votre description, vous parlerez des qualités et des défauts caractéristiques du signe. Soyez inventifs et expliquez ce qu'il aime faire ou ne pas faire. N'oubliez pas d'utiliser le superlatif! Pour le symbole, soyez créatifs, dessinez quelque chose qui représente bien le nouveau signe, et mettez de la couleur!
