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Teaching in a hotel management professional institute

my job

I started working in 2021 as a middle school English teacher.I started teaching high school last year, so I had to face new challenges.I work in a professional institute, so students are usually better suited for practical subjects and the majority of them think theoretical subjects are not useful, therefore they find it very hard to learn English.

MY school

  • I teach at the G. Dessì professional institute in Villaputzu, a small town in southern Sardinia (Italy).
  • The Institute includes three courses: Agricultural, Technical and Hotel Management.
  • I have been working in this institute since last September and it has been a completely new experience for me.

my students

I teach in eight classes, from the first to the last year of high school.Unfortunately, my students belong to close-minded realities and, most of them have economic and family difficulties.They chose to attend this institute since they find it difficult to engage in study because they are not motivated enough. Some of them already work and the others would like to find a job as soon as possible so they can be economically independent.


Active learning strategies

Reciprocal questioning.Translation exercises.Making up stories.

TechnologyQuiz games;Multimedia material;Films.

Interdisciplinary teaching strategies.They are useful to encourage students to develop creative and critical thinking skills.

Teaching approaches

Main difficultiesLinguistic;Fear of making mistakes;Distractors;Lack of interest in the subject.



I have chosen to participate at the Erasmus+ mobility and to attend the PBL course since I would like to learn a concrete methodology in order to engage and motivate students during my lessons.I would also like to know about the experiences of other colleagues in order to grow from a professional point of view.I'm sure I will learn a lot from this experience.

Thank you for the attention!