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How does it look for Drivers?

what is the difference from POI delivery?

How does it work?

Key information

Owners with Key Exchange cars can maximise their bookings and revenue by offering to deliver the car to the driver

Delivery at driver address/delivery at search location


Offering Delivery (Key Exchange only)

Owner - Offering delivery

When drivers search using the "Meet owner filter" they can see how many cars can be delivered to that location

Owners choose the radius and the price.

Owners can choose to deliver to POI such as trainstations 🚂 or airports ✈️ well as setting a delivery radius of up to 50km in 🇪🇺 and 30 miles in 🇺🇸Owners set their prices themselves up to 200€/2000kr or 200$ in increments of 5 e.g. 15/20/25/30

We want owners to be able to set a different price for delivery at POI vs DASL.That’s why we don’t offer DASL when drivers search for cars at a POI (for example an airport or a train station)

If a user searches at a train station by only putting the station name, they won't get the DADA option. However, if they search for the full street address of the tstation, then they will see cars that are delivered.