5 Professional Development Models
Angelica Campuzano
Created on July 3, 2024
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Districtwide Professional Development Plan
Entire district is introduced to a specific learning theory over the course of a couple days.
Site-Based Professional Development
Established long term plan which meets the demogrpahics of the school. Several components involded, like goal setting obtaining stakholders and building a comminity of learners
Communities of Learners
Indivdualized teams created to customize learning to align with appropriate standards. These teams aim to be relavant, purposful and transferable into the clasroom.
Individualized Professional Learning Plans
Created to meet state and district level Professional development requirements. Teachers are in charge of choosing what is right for them.
Remote Professional Development via Online Video Broadcast
Live or pre-recorded videos providing specific training to a large group of people remotely. Focus on the integration of technology in the classroom.
5 Professional Development Models
Angelica Campuzano
Advantages: Cooperative learning takes place and the entire districts learns all at once. Disadvantages: Not enough time to gather knowledge for proper implantation. Activities:
- Role playing
- Turn and Talks
- Collaborative learning
Advantages: Supports schoolwide goals, meets demographics of school. Disadvantages: Schools cannot afford this type of professional development. Activities:
- Long term goal setting
- Reflective teaching (Book Study)
Advantages: Very popular because of teachers choice. Disadvantages: Higher expectations based on rigor and types of PD opportunities chosen by district. Activities:
- Workshops
- Mentoring
Advantages: Accessible to a large group of people and at anytime (if pre-recorded). Disadvantages: Lack of conversation and reliability of connection (Wifi or tech complications). Activities:
- Breakout rooms, Mentimeter, Canva
- Live documents
Advantages: Individualized teams, group learning, and creating lasting change with ongoing cooperation. Disadvantages: Time consuming and smaller idea pool Activities:
- Data digs (assessing data)
- Professional learning communities (PLCs)
References Center on the developing child. (n.d.). Learning communities. Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/collective-change/key-concepts/learning-communities/#:~:text=Learning%20communities%20provide%20a%20space,are%20both%20aspirational%20and%20practical. Key Concept: Learning CommunitiesLearning communities connect people, organizations, and systems that are eager to learn and work across boundaries in pursuit of a shared...Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University Fogarty, R. J., & Pete, B. M. (2017). From staff room to classroom: A guide for planning and coaching professional development (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. ISBN-13: 9781506358307
- Collaborative learning
- Goal setting with progress monitoring
- Calls for immediate change
- Impact on a large scale
- Effects entire campus positively
I believe learning communities are the most effective type of professional development opportunities available because it allows for multiple groups of people to create change through creating and reaching shared goals for the benefit of the entire school. In learning comminutes, a small group of like minded individuals gather to begin discussing ways to improve some portion of the school or practices. With frequent meetings, each team member can present their ideas on how to make these improvements. Each person is adding to the conversation which is collaborative and helps make purposeful change. Through these meetings and shared collaboration, teachers challenge each other to create unique solutions to difficult problems. This create a collaborative culture throughout the school. This type of professional development can truly effect the school on a wide scale because of the dedicated team members working together.
Learning Communities
Benefits of Learning Communities
- Collaborative learning
- Goal setting with progress monitoring
- Calls for immediate change
- Impact on a large scale Effects entire campus positively
I believe learning communities are the most effective type of professional development opportunities available because it allows for multiple groups of people to create change through creating and reaching shared goals for the benefit of the entire school. In learning comminutes, a small group of like-minded individuals gather to begin discussing ways to improve some portion of the school or practices. With frequent meetings, each team member can present their ideas on how to make these improvements. Each person is adding to the conversation which is collaborative and helps make purposeful change. Through these meetings and shared collaboration, teachers challenge each other to create unique solutions to difficult problems. This creates a collaborative culture throughout the school. This type of professional development can profoundly affect the school on a wide scale because of the dedicated team members working together.
Learning Communities
Benefits of LEarning Communities