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Client-Centered Approach:You priotize your client's needs and goal. Actively listen to their perspectives and do not impose your own assumptions.

Education and Awareness:Be a life-long learner and continue in ongoing education and build your awareness in different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Avoid Stereotypes:Be vigilant about stereotypes and being mindful of the subtle way stereotypes can influence perceptions and interactions.

For a future practicioner:

This can lead to stereotyping clients based solely on their skin color and reduces this person to a racial stereotype rather than appreciating their individuality.

When looking at microaggresions listed in the table, acription of intelligence is the one that stood out to me. This happens when a person assigns a level of intelligence to a person of color. For example, "Asians are naturally good at math and science".

Asciption of Intelligence

Individualized Assessments:Focus on understanding each client as an individual rather than making assumptions.