Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


eTwinning corners in your school

Vote for project logo

Teachers and children communication

Educational games

Map of participating countries

Teachers introduction

Schools Introduction

Safer Internet Day2024

Winter walk to the nature ( cooperative e-book )

Weather calendary

STEM ,Coding and experiments with participation of children

Birds 'taverns

Spring children songs

Children draw the coming of Spring

Spring paintings via computer

Our school garden

Srpink walk (robotics activity)

Tree plantation

“ World Forest Day ”

Forest Protection

Minimizing our carbon footprint

Please upload your work here

Spring calendary

Suggestion of ways for abetter planet,more green and clean

" World Environment Day "

Children impressions

What do you think earth sould look like?

What would children change to make our world better

Project final evaluation

Ocean Literacy /World Water day

Endangered species if fauna and Flora

Common poem :" In which world i would like to live in?

Sustainable food recipe

Common e book "The pharmacy of nature"

eTwinning and Europe Day (9th of May)

Climate Change!

World Earth Day

World Ocean Day

“The planet that I dream to live in”

Our impressions in a Word Cloud!