5e - Unit 5 - Welcome to Hogwarts
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Welcome to Hogwarts
school of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress
Yours sincerely,
Dear student, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You are very special and have great potential. Please find enclosed a list of necessary equipment for your first year at Hogwarts.
movie extracts
final mission
04. Rules at hogwarts
05. Hogwats VS normal school
03. My spells
02. My timetable
01. in my bag
Welcome to Hogwarts
1. Number the vocabulary
_____ phials _____ a black robe _____ a tie _____ a jumper _____ a white shirt _____ a black skirt _____ a hat _____ black shoes _____ trousers
_ 1 _ a wand_____ a cauldron_____ a quill and ink _____ a book of spells _____ a crystal ball _____ a broomstick _____ an owl _____ a toad_____ parchment
U5 - Lesson 1 - In my bag...
School uniform : - a black robe- a tie - a jumper- a white shirt- a black skirt- a hat- black shoes- trousers
Pets allowed: - an owl- a toad- a cat- a rat
For your classes :- a wand- a cauldron- a quill and ink - a book of spells - a crystal ball - a broomstick - parchment- phials
List of necessary equipment :
In my witch / wizard bag ...
In my bag ...
School uniform : - a black robe- a tie - a jumper- a white shirt- a black skirt- a hat- black shoes- trousers
Pets allowed: - an owl- a toad- a cat- a rat
For your classes :- a wand- a cauldron- a quill and ink - a book of spells - a crystal ball - a broomstick - parchment- phials
List of necessary equipment :
In my witch / wizard bag ...
In my bag ...
2. Complete the sentences with "a", "an" or "∅"
First, in my bag, there is ____ orange hat, ____ brown trousers and ____ white shirt.Next, there is ____ parchment and ____ adorable toad.Then, there is ____ owl and ____ phials.Finally, there are ____ black shoes and ____ oval crystal ball.
In my witch bag, first, _____________ phials and an owl. Next, _____________ a book of spells. Then, _______________ a white shirt and a black skirt. Finally, _______________ a broomstick and a toad.
In my wizard bag, first, _____________ a wand and a cauldron. Next, _____________ a hat. Then, _______________ parchment. Finally, _______________ trousers.
3. Complete the sentences with "there is" or "there are".
School uniform : - a black robe- a tie - a jumper- a white shirt- a black skirt- a hat- black shoes- trousers
Pets allowed: - an owl- a toad- a cat- a rat
For your classes :- a wand- a cauldron- a quill and ink - a book of spells - a crystal ball - a broomstick - parchment- phials
List of necessary equipment :
In my witch / wizard bag ...
In my bag ...
On ... I have ... at ...
My timetable
On Monday, I have herbology at 11 am in the classroom. T FOn Tuesday, I have flying from 10 am to 12 pm in the playground. T FOn Thursday, I start school at 9 am. T FOn Wednesday, I finish school at 6 pm. T FOn Friday, my last lesson is herbology from 4 pm to 5 pm in the laboratory. T FEvery day, I have lunch from 12 pm to 3 pm. T F
1. Circle true or false.
Les prépositions de temps
J'utilise FROM... TO pour donner l'heure de début et de fin.J'utilise IN devant un mois, une saison, un pays, une ville, un moment de la journée.
J'utilise ON devant un jour précis.J'utilise AT devant une heure précise. /!\ exception => AT night.
Here is a typical school day at Hogwarts: ______ Monday, I start school ______ 9 am. First, I have transfiguration ______ the classroom. Then, ______ 10 am ______ 11 am, I have charms ______ the laboratory and after that, I have herbology. ______ 12 pm ______ 2 pm, it's lunchtime! Next, I have history of magic ______ 2 pm. ______ 3 pm ______ 4 pm I have a break ______ the playground. Finally, ______ 4 pm, I have care of magical creatures and I finish school ______ 5 pm.
2. Complete with ON - AT - IN - FROM ... TO
Les prépositions de temps
J'utilise FROM... TO pour donner l'heure de début et de fin.J'utilise IN devant un mois, une saison, un pays, une ville, un moment de la journée.
J'utilise ON devant un jour précis.J'utilise AT devant une heure précise. /!\ exception => AT night.
3. Complète les expressions avec une préposition de temps (ON - AT - FROM...TO - IN)
_____ Monday. _____ 5:10 pm. _____ Sunday. _____ 3 pm _____ 4 pm. _____ Washington
_____ spring. _____ October, 6th. _____ France. _____ April, 5th. ._____ the afternoon.
_____ June. _____ Sunday. _____ 11 o'clock. _____ summer. _____ night.
_____ repair broken glasses _____ see the future _____ speak with snake _____ teleport _____ transform into an animal _____ travel in time
_____ make objects levitate _____ make potions _____ immobilize objects or creatures _____ play Quidditch _____ produce a spirit animal
_____ attract an object _____ cause instant death _____ create fire _____ create light _____ disarm someone
1. Number the vocabulary
U5 - Lesson 3 - My spells
avec: _______________ cassé: _______________
produire: _______________ voir: _______________ voyager: _______________ parler: _______________
attirer: _______________ créer: _______________ fabriquer: _______________ immobiliser: _______________
2. Translate: What's the English for...?
3. Recap on the last page: Select three spells you can cast and three spells you can't cast. Write a paragraph to present your capacities.
exprimer une capacité/incapacité
I can't + base verbaleI am not able to + base verbaleI don't know know to + base verbale
I can + base verbaleI am able to + base verbaleI know how to + base verbale
je peux + verbe je suis capable de + verbeje sais comment + verbe
je ne peux pas + verbeje ne suis pas capable de + verbeje ne sais pas comment + verbe
Magic spells
2. What's the English for...?
1. Use the vocabulary the describe the characters' capacities.
see the future travel in timespeak with snakes
teleportrepair objectsread people's mind
play Quidditchmake potionstransform into an animal
Students __________ ( ) have a pet. Students _________ ( ) transform into an animal. Students _________ ( ) be respectful. Students _________ ( ) help others.
Students __________ ( ) create love potions. Students __________ ( ) eat and drink in class. Students __________ ( ) discuss in class.Students _________ ( ) use magic spells on their classmates.
2. Explain the rules at Hogwarts.
Ces expressions sont suivies _______________________________
Les expressions pour exprimer...
une interdiction: _________________________________________ (tu n'es pas autorisé à...) ________________________________________________ (tu ne dois pas...)une permission: ___________________________________________ (tu es autorisé à...) une obligation: ______________________________________________________ (tu dois...)
Students are not allowed to use magic in the corridors between classes.Students are not allowed to use magic over the school holidays. First-year students are not allowed to have a broomstick. Students must not fight at Hogwarts. Students are allowed to have small pets only, such as an owl, a cat, a rat, or a toad. Students must stay in their dormitories after ten at night.
1. Read the rules at Hogwarts and complete the box.
U5 - Lesson 4 - Rules at Hogwarts
more horrible than more boring than more dangerous than more interesting than more modern than more beautiful than more generous than more delicious than more elaborated than
nicer than bigger than smaller than richer than poorer than cleaner than
tastier than uglier than funnier than scarier than
more delicious than more elaborated than
nicer than
tastier than
food in a normal school
food at Hogwarts
more horrible than more boring than more dangerous than more interesting than more modern than more beautiful than more generous than more delicious than more elaborated than
nicer than bigger than smaller than richer than poorer than cleaner than
tastier than uglier than funnier than scarier than
more interesting than more dangerous than
nicer than
funnier than scarier than
teachers in a normal school
teachers at Hogwarts
more horrible than more boring than more dangerous than more interesting than more modern than more beautiful than more generous than more delicious than more elaborated than
nicer than bigger than smaller than richer than poorer than cleaner than
tastier than uglier than funnier than scarier than
more beautiful than more elegant than more comfortable than
nicer than
uglier than
outfits in a normal school
outfits at Hogwarts
physical education in a normal school
physical education at Hogwarts
more horrible than more boring than more dangerous than more interesting than more modern than more beautiful than more generous than more delicious than more elaborated than
nicer than bigger than smaller than richer than poorer than cleaner than
tastier than uglier than funnier than scarier than
more boring than more dangerous than more interesting than
nicer than
scarier than funnier than
physical education
more horrible than more boring than more dangerous than more interesting than more modern than more beautiful than more generous than more delicious than more elaborated than
nicer than bigger than smaller than richer than poorer than cleaner than
tastier than uglier than funnier than scarier than
3. Observe les images et explique en anglais: le contenu de ton sac, ton emploi du temps, tes pouvoirs
Partie 2: Expression écrite ____/15
2. Lis et réponds au questions en français. ____/6
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
a. Quand fut fondé Poudlard? _______________ b. Dans quelle région se trouve l'école? Angleterre Ecosse Pays de Galles Irlande du Nord => Quel mot te le dit? "________________"c. Par quoi est protégé l'école? ________________ => Quel mot te le dit? "________________"d. Qu'est qu'un "Muggle"? ___________________________________________________________________________e. A quoi ressemble l'école pour les "Muggles"? ________________________________________________________ f. Traduis la devise de l'école. ________________________________________________________________________g. Quel est le rôle du "Sorting Hat"? __________________________________________________________________
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded around 990 A.D. by two wizards and two witches: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. It is located in a large castle somewhere in the Highlands of Scotland. The precise location cannot be discovered and the castle is protected by magic spells. To Muggles (people with no magical abilities), the school looks like an old, abandoned castle. The school's Latin motto is Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, which means "Never tickle a sleeping dragon." Hogwarts is divided into four houses and the Sorting Hat decides in which house pupils must go.
Hogwarts Houses
Partie 1: Compréhension écrite ____/15
Colours: _______________ Capacities: _______________
House: _______________ Founder: _______________Animal: _______________Personality: _______________ (tolérant), _______________ (sérieux) _______________ (patient), _______________ (travailleur)
Colours: _______________ Capacities: _______________
House: _______________ Founder: _______________Animal: _______________Personality: _______________ (têtu), _______________ (malin) _______________ (ambitieux), _______________ (ingénieux)
Colours: _______________ Appearence: _______________
House: _______________ Founder: _______________Animal: _______________Personality: _______________ (curieux), _______________ (intelligent) _______________ (créatif), _______________ (sage)
Colours: _______________ Capacities: _______________
House: _______________ Founder: _______________Animal: _______________Personality: _______________ (courageux), _______________ (loyal) _______________ (brave), _______________ (déterminé)
1. Lis et complète en utilisant les mots du texte (en anglais) _____/9
House Hufflepuff was founded by a Welsh witch named Helga Hufflepuff. Its emblem is a badger, a small black and white animal that lives at night. The house's colours are yellow and black. Pupils from Hufflepuff are serious, hard-working, patient, and tolerant because Helga Hufflepuff favored honesty and fair play. She was kind, friendly, and very compassionate. She is also famous for her magic cooking recipes.
House Slytherin was founded by an English wizard called Salazar Slytherin. Its emblem is the snake because Salazar Slytherin could speak Parseltongue, the language of snakes. Salazar Slytherin possessed the ability to read people's minds and liked power. The house's colours are green and silver. Slytherin's pupils are cunning, ingenious, and ambitious but they are also very stubborn.
House Ravenclaw's founder was Rowena Ravenclaw, a Scottish witch. Ravenclaw's pupils are clever, creative, curious, and wise. They always think before acting. The emblem of House Ravenclaw is an eagle and its colours are blue and bronze. Rowena Ravenclaw was also famous for her beauty and creativity. She was considered one of the greatest witches of her time.
House Gryffindor was founded by an English wizard named Godric Gryffindor. He was born in 993 and died in the 11th century. He was extremely courageous and knew how to duel with his sword. That's why Gryffindor's pupils are brave, loyal, and determined. Its emblematic animal is the lion and its colours are red and gold.
Test - Welcome to Hogwarts
Students ( ) have a pet. Students ( ) be respectful.
Students ( ) discuss in class.
Emploi du temps
Contenu de ton sac
Final mission - Welcome to Hogwarts (3)
Emploi du temps
Students ( ) have a pet. Students ( ) be respectful.
Students ( ) discuss in class.
Contenu de ton sac
Final mission - Welcome to Hogwarts (2)
physical education
Students ( ) have a pet. Students ( ) be respectful.
Students ( ) discuss in class.
Emploi du temps
Contenu de ton sac
Final mission - Welcome to Hogwarts (1)
Prendre la parole Volume ____/2 Prononciation ____/5 Fluidité ____/2
Comparer deux écoles Je fais trois phrases pour comparer Poudlard et une école classique ___/3
Présenter un règlement J'exprime une interdiction ___/1 J'exprime une permission ___/1 J'exprime une obligation ___/1
Parler de mes pouvoirsJ'ai mémorisé le vocabulaire ___/2J'utilise trois expressions pour exprimer la capacité ___/3
Présenter mon emploi du tempsJe fais des phrases simples ___/2Je maîtrise les prépositions ___/2
Présenter le contenu de mon sacJ'ai mémorisé le vocabulaire ___/2Je fais des phrases simples (there is/there are) ___/2Je maîtrise les articles ___/2
Final mission - Welcome to Hogwarts
Hogwarts houses
Gryffindor was founded by an English wizard named Godric Gryffindor. Godric Gryffindor valued courage, determination, bravery and loyalty. That's why Gryffindor pupils are brave, loyal, courageous and determined. Godric Gryffindor was born in 993 and died in the 11th century. He was excellent atal duelling with his sword. Its emblematic animal is the lion and its colours are red and gold.
lesson 04 : Hogwarts houses
House Slytherin was founded by an English wizard called Salazar Slytherin. Its emblem is the snake because Salazar Slytherin had the capacity to speak Parseltongue, the language of serpents. Salazar possessed the ability to read in people's mind and liked power. The house's colours are green and silver. Slytherin pupils are cunning, determined, ingenious and ambitious. They are also stubborn.
lesson 04 : Hogwarts houses
House Ravenclaw's founder was Rowena Ravenclaw, a Scottish witch. Ravenclaw pupils are clever, creative, curious and wise. They always think before acting. The emblem of House Ravenclaw is an eagle and its colours are blue and bronze. Rowena Ravenclaw was famous for her intelligence and her creativity. She is considered as one of the greatest witches of her time. She was also beautiful.
lesson 04 : Hogwarts houses
House Hufflepuff was founded by a Welsh witch named Helga Hufflepuff. Its emblem is a badge, a small black animal which lives at night. The house's colours are yellow and black. Pupils from Hufflepuff are serious, hard-working, patient and tolerant. Helga Hufflepuff favoured honesty, fairplay and hard work. She was kind, friendly and very compassionate. She is also famous for her magic cooking recipes.
lesson 04 : Hogwarts houses
With my magic wand, I can...
attract an object
cause instant death
disarm opponents
create light
repair broken glasses
immobilize objects or creatures
create fire
produce a spirit animal
make objects levitate
With my magic wand, I can create fire and repair broken glasses but I can't cause instant death because it is too dangerous.
L4 - My book of spells
McGonagall can transform into an animal.
Voldemort can speak with snakes
Snape can make potions but he can't read people's mind.
Hermione can repair objects and travel in time.
Harry can play Quidditch.
Parler de mes amis à PoudlardParler des sorts que je peux jeter
Ce que je dois revoir pour progresser:Les codes de la lettre, l'organisation du texteParler de mes fournitures scolairesParler de mon emploi du temps
Grammaire et vocabulaire:Je maîtrise les objectifs grammaticaux dans l'ensembleJ'utilise un vocabulaire varié/précisJ'utilise des connecteurs pour organiser mon récit
Respect des consignes:J'ai inclus tous les éléments J'ai respecté les codes de la lettre J'organise mon récit en courts paragraphesJ'utilise une ponctuation adaptéeMon travail est soigné, j'y ajoute ma touche personnelle
Unit 1 Welcome to Hogwarts
First... Then... After that... In addition... Finally...andbecause but / however also that's why
Name and signature.
Dear .............., I'm writing to tell you about my first week at Hogwarts. First, ......................................................................................... Yours sincerely,
My spells
My friends
My timetable
My bag
Writing a letter
Unit 1
code de la lettre connecteur