Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:



Transformações na Adolescência

The human body

Know your body from within


A adolescência e o processo de crescimento. As mudanças físicas, as novas formas de pensar, as modificações nas relações sociais. A sexualidade e o amor, o crescimento moral e religioso. Despertar para novas responsabilidades e assumir valores éticos.


text + image
Highlighted phrase
relevant data
graphic + text
table + text
text + icons
inserted content
interactive question

Use images in your presentation

Great title

+ info

And use this space to describe it. It is essential for a presentation to have a greater visual impact.


Fenómeno biológico que se refere às mudanças morfológicas e fisiológicas resultantes da reativação de mecanismos neuro-hormonais. Inicia com os processos de pubarca, adrenarca e gonadarca e termina com o completo crescimento e fusão total das epífises ósseas, com o desenvolvimento dos carateres sexuais secundários e com a completa maturação da mulher e do homem e da sua capacidade de reprodução.

Período de transição entre a infância e a vida adulta 10 aos 19 anos (OMS) Desenvolvimento físico, mental, emocional, sexual e social Inicia com as mudanças corporais da puberdade e termina quando o indivíduo consolida seu crescimento, a sua personalidade e a integração no seu grupo social. Fase crucial para o desenvolvimento de autoestima e aumento das responsabilidades sociais e familiares

+ info


An Awesome Title

Período de transição entre a infância e a vida adulta 10 aos 19 anos (OMS) Desenvolvimento físico, mental, emocional, sexual e social Inicia com as mudanças corporais da puberdade e termina quando o indivíduo consolida seu crescimento, a sua personalidade e a integração no seu grupo social. Fase crucial para o desenvolvimento de autoestima e aumento das responsabilidades sociais e familiares


Mudanças na Adolescência



An Awesome Title

An Awesome Title

An Awesome Title

Principais Mudanças fisicas/biológicas


Descoberta da sua identidadeInseguranças e receios Do ponto de vista cognitivo, atinge-se o estádio das operações formais

Operações formais

Mudanças Psicológicas

Inseguranças e Receios

Help break the monotony.

Descoberta da Ida Identidade

They are a support to add additional information

Descoberta da sua identidadeInseguranças e receios Do ponto de vista cognitivo, atinge-se o estádio das operações formais

Operações formais

Mudanças Psicológicas


... e sensação de imunidade perante riscos

Desenvolvimento das emoções

.. compreensão da implicação das novas emoções

O Adolescente e a família

Animate your content and take it to the next level.

An Awesome Title

Animate your content and take it to the next level.

O Adolescente e o Grupo de pares

Animate your content and take it to the next level.

+ info

+ info

+ info

Adolescência e Sexualidade

Statistics convey professionalism and a greater sense of accuracy.An additional tip: always try to include the source.

A sexualidade é "uma energia que nos motiva a procurar amor, contacto, ternura e intimidade, que se integra no modo como nos sentimos, movemos, tocamos e somos tocados, é ser-se sensual e ao mesmo tempo sexual; ela influencia pensamentos, sentimentos, ações e interações e, por isso, influencia também a nossa saúde física e mental" (OMS, 1992). '


  • É na adolescência que se começam a evidenciar os comportamentos socioafetivos e sexuais
  • A sexualidade de cada pessoa é influenciada pela sua cultura, pelas suas características genéticas, pela sua educação familiar e pelo meio social e ambiental em que se insere.
  • A sexualidade nos adolescentes é uma fase do desenvolvimento humano em eles experimentam e exploram as sensações sexuais. O interesse pela sexualidade intensifica-se durante o início da puberdade, e a sexualidade costuma ser um aspeto vital da vida dos adolescentes.

Adolescência e sexualidade

Awesome title

inserted content

Insert Social Media

Insert Map

Insert Audio




Mudanças corporais Femininas

I am a cool subtitle, ideal for providing more context about the topic you are going to address

An Awesome Title

from the info, it comes through the eyes

of purchases are emotional

An Awesome Title

The brain processes visual information

An Awesome Title

Describe the problem you are going to solve and, above all, the reason why your idea is interesting

Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through our sight and, in addition, we retain 42% more information when the content is moving.

An Awesome Title


I am a cool subtitle, perfect for providing more context about the topic you are going to discuss

Here you can put a highlighted title.

Your contents are liked, but they only engage if they are interactive. Capture the attention of your audience with an interactive photo or illustration.

An Awesome Title

Sections like this will help you stay organized

I am a cool subtitle, perfect for providing more context about the topic you are going to address

An Awesome Title


Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication structure.

Prioritize and give visual emphasis to the main content.

Define secondary messages with interactivity.

Set a flow through the content.

+ info

Measure the results.


Images help break the monotony, they also visually illustrate what you want to convey and can be a support to add additional information that you couldn't express through text.

Sections like this will help you get organized.

Write a cool subtitle

Write an awesome subtitle

An Awesome Title

Boring Presentation

You know a presentation is boring when you see that drowsiness takes over your audience, no one has understood anything you've said, you hear snores from your audience, and there's so much text that not even an image fits.

Presentation WOW

You know a presentation is WOW when you keep your audience's attention, everyone assimilates the information you have shared, you turn interactivity and animation into allies, and you hear the applause from the audience.


An Awesome Title

An Awesome Title

+ info

+ info

+ info

Great Title

Animate your content and take it to the next level

+ info

+ info

+ info

Great Title

Animate your content and take it to the next level

Great Title

Animate your content and take it to the next level

Great Title

Animate your content and take it to the next level

Great Title

Animate your content and take it to the next level

Great Title

Animate your content and take it to the next level

Write an awesome subtitle here to provide context


Write an awesome subtitle here to provide context

Multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOW effect in your creations. Including a musical thread, audios, or sound effects here... Always adds up!

Write an awesome subtitle here to provide context

Write an awesome subtitle here to provide context



To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

You can express numbers like this

Even if you explain it orally afterwards

This way you will keep the attention of your audience







You can briefly describe the timeline of your presentation and present the milestones reached orally so that nobody falls asleep.

Don't forget to give them interactivity and animation!

You can represent numbers like this

Even though you explain it orally later

This is how you will keep the attention of your audience

interactive question

Awesome title

Interactive question

Awesome title

interactive question

Awesome title


With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also, highlight a specific phrase or data that will be etched in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to the information and simplify the data to convey it to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.

What you are reading: interactivity and animation can make even the most boring content fun. At Genially, we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well, 90%of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight, and we also retain 42% more information when the content moves.

A great presentation is clear and structured in order to transmit information in an orderly and hierarchical way, and to convey engaging content to the brain. Animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars for this purpose.Tags, windows, links, audios... With Genially, you can include any type of interactivity to add additional content and provide it with an animation in order to capture the attention of your audience.

Remember to publish!

Did you know...We retain 42% more information when the content moves? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture the attention of your audience.

With this function...You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Here you can put a highlighted title

A great title

A great title

With this function...You can add additional content that excites the brain of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Statistics convey professionalism and a greater sense of truthfulness.A bonus: always try to include the source.

Here you can place a highlighted title

Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication's structure.

Prioritize and give visual weight to the main content.

Define sub-messages with interactivity.

Here you can place a highlighted title

A brilliant title

A cool title

With this function...You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Here you can put a highlighted title

A great title

A brilliant title

With this function...You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Here you can put a highlighted title

Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication structure.

Prioritize and visually emphasize the main content.

Define sub-messages with interactivity.

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Here you can put a highlighted title

Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication structure.

Prioritize it and give visual weight to the main thing.

Define sub-messages with interactivity.

Attention! In Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.

Did you know...The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Did you know that...We retain 42% more information when content is in motion? It's perhaps the most effective resource to capture your audience's attention.

Did you know that...We retain 42% more information when the content is moving? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture your audience's attention.

In Genially you will find more than 1,000 templates ready for you to enter your content and customize them, which will help you tell your stories.

Cool title

Cool title

Did you know...The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

With this function...You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Adolescente e a família

Redefinição do seu papel e da sua identidade no seio familiar.

PProcura da autonomia e independência em relação à família

PFrustração e contestação se/quando esta independência lhes é negada

Oportunidade parental de transmitir confiança e adotar uma base de comunicação segura e eficaz com o adolescente

O Adolescente e o Grupo de pares

Garante uma segurança e um suporte externo à família.

Confere um contexto relacional onde se possa afirmar (sem a hierarquia implícita no seio familiar)

Possibilidade de novas experiências, novas relações sociais e íntimas e descoberta da sexualidades.

Proporciona ligação emocional e favorece o desenvolvimento de competências afetivas, sociais, cognitivas e aquisição de normas e valores sociais

With this function...You can add additional content that excites the brain of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Did you know...We retain 42% more information when the content is moving? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture the attention of your audience.

Here you can put a highlighted title

Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication structure.

Prioritize it and give visual prominence to the main elements.

Define sub-messages with interactivity.

Here you can put a highlighted title

Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication structure.

Jerarquizarla y darle peso visual a lo principal.

Define sub-messages with interactivity.

Did you know...We retain 42% more information when the content moves? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture your audience's attention.

In Genially you will find more than 1,000 ready-to-use templates for you to input your content and customize them, which will help you tell your stories.

Cool title

Cool title

Did you know that...We retain 42% more information when the content is moving? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture your audience's attention.

Here you can put a highlighted title

Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication structure.

Prioritize and give visual weight to the main content.

Define secondary messages with interactivity.

Did you know...The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Here you can place a highlighted title

Interactive visual communication step by step.

Plan your communication structure.

Prioritize and give visual weight to the main elements.

Define secondary messages with interactivity.

In Genially you will find more than 1,000 templates ready for you to input your content and customize them, which will help you tell your stories.

Cool title

Cool title

With this function...You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

With this function...You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Statistics convey professionalism and a stronger sense of credibility.A plus: always try to include the source.

Statistics convey professionalism and a greater sense of authenticity.A plus: always try to include the source.

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

With this function...You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

With this function...You can add additional content that excites the brain of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Cool Title

Watch out! In Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so that you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.

Statistics convey professionalism and a greater sense of credibility.A plus: always try to include the source.