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Do Now/ Transition- 5 Minutes

Direct Instruction- 10 Minutes

Reflect/Question/Assess5 Minutes

Collaborative Practice10 Minutes

Reflect/Question/Assess5 Minutes

Independent Practice10 Minutes

Exit Ticket/Closure- 5 Minutes

50 Minute Lesson Guide

Do Now/ Transition Students come into class and have a routine. They should gather materials needed, there is a "Do Now" activity. The teacher will go over the "Do Now" and provide students with learning objectives.

Direct Instruction Teacher provides direct instruction on what students will be doing during class relating to the lesson objective. This is the “I do” portion of the lesson. May include reviewing errors from the previous day’s exit ticket.

Reflect/Assess/Question This is an opportunity for students to ask questions about direct instruction. Have students identify what it was that they learned, things they are still unclear on. Determine learning needs for partners. Brain break if necessary.

Collaborative practice/additional practice time with teacher Students should be assigned to work with partners or in a group to practice skills taught during direct instruction. Students who need more teacher-led practice will complete the practice with the teacher as a guide. This is the “we do” portion of the lesson.

Reflect/Assess/Question This is an opportunity for students to ask questions about direct instruction. Have students identify what it was that they learned, things they are still unclear on. Determine learning needs for partners. Brain break if necessary.

Independent practice/small group instruction Students work independently to practice skill. Small groups of students meet with the teacher during this time to provide support for independent practice and reteaching. Students identified for small group may be from previous lessons or today’s lesson

Exit Ticket/Closure Students complete the ticket out the door. This formative assessment will help teachers gauge mastery or need for reteaching.