Sarah Kistler IDD Portfolio
Sarah Kistler
Created on June 30, 2024
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Learning Design Portfolio
Sarah Kistler
University of Alabama At BirminghamInstructional Design & DevelopmentSummer 2024
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Growing up, I idolized my teachers. They were the adults in my life who knew it all, and who always greeted me with a smile. From the time I was very young, I knew I wanted to be like them. After becoming an educator myself and teaching through the pandemic, I realized that I really enjoyed creating online material to help my students learn. I also realized how much I love supporting other teachers. I decided to pursue a master's degree in Administration and a second in Instructional Design and Development to diversify my skillset and potentially serve in a leadership role supporting both teachers and students in their learning journeys.Along the way, I've grown committed to using my skills to support educators and inspire students through effective instructional design.
About me
- 2019-2021 Russell County Middle School / 7th Grade Language Arts
- 2021-2024 Drake Middle School / 6th Grade Language Arts
- 2012-2018 Columbus State University
- 2021-2022 Auburn University
- 2023-2024 University of Alabama at Birmingham
- 2018-2019 Fort Middle School / 6th Grade Social Studies
Learning Design Philosophy
my work
Planning & Analysis
my work
Case Study: Accessibility
For IDD 630 (Performance Systems Technology), I conducted a needs assessment survey to gather data about the eductation and experience levels of the teachers in my school, as well as their interests regarding training.For the final question on the survey, I asked teachers about factors they felt were hindering their performance in the classroom. I asked this question because in addition to their training interests, I wanted to know if there were other issues that I felt professional development could solve.The results of this survey were used to inform the design of a lesson plan template as a training solution.
Learner needs assessment
view case study
I wrote this case study as an assignment for IDD 620 (Universal Design). The goal of this assignment was to come up with recommedations for desinging online courses for learners with disabilities.In the case study, I discuss what Universal Design for Learning is, and how to best design online material for those with dyslexia, low vision, and those on the autism spectrum.The case study is linked below, as well as an infographic that condenses the information from the paper.
view Needs Assessment
view Infographic
Design & Development
my work
Marzano Traning Information video
I developed a training for teachers based on the Marzano method of instruction as part of IDD 610 (Instructional Design).I decided to create this course because some of our teachers recieved official training over this information during the summer, but some were not part of the training.Many teachers had some background knowledge on the Marzano method, and because most of our teachers are experienced and have advanced degrees, I created this course as an overview to refresh their memories or get them acclimated to the approach.
Marzano Method Training Course
I created this video using Camtasia to be part of the Marzano method training course I designed for IDD 610. The course activities were added to my district LMS, and learners were expected to watch this video before advancing to other parts of the course.I chose to create a video to introduce the course as it effectively balances informing those new to the Marzano method and refreshing the memories of those already familiar with it. The video also explains the district's intentions with implementing the Marzano approach.
view Course Design Plan
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Notable Projects
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Game-BasedCollaborative Design
As part of IDD 670 (Multimedia Design) I had a chance to work with Articulate Rise 360 and Articulate Storyline. I used the two applications to create a training for teachers about how to use technology more intentionally in the classroom.This project later became my focus for my practicum project because I am passionate about integrating technology in my lessons. In my school, I saw that many teachers were using technology to substitute what students could do with pencil & paper. I wanted to remind teachers of the power that technology can put in the hands of students.
Articulate Rise 360 and Storyline
This project is one of the most creative and interesting ones I've done in the IDD program. It was a group project for the IDD Elective course, where the material was co-designed by the professor and students. Students were grouped based on theirn interests, and my group focused on game-based and experiential learning. We created an interactive game board for learners to complete using a platform called Miro. My contribution to the project is "The Place-based Kingdom."
view ONline Course
view Gameboard
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Learner/Instructor Guide
For my final practicum project, I decided to rework my intentional technology course and plan for it to be implemented in the upcoming school year. Instead of keeping it as an online course, I redesigned it as a three-part collaborative workshop. My approach to this training is to give teachers a chance to discuss their uses and struggles with technology and play around with AI tools. At the end of the course, teachers are to use what they learn to design an engaging lesson with the help and observation of an instructional coach.
Final iteration of Technology Course
Initially, I created only an instructor guide for this course. After discussing with my professor, I also developed a learner guide.Traditional instructional approaches place all the control with the instructor, dictating both the content and the pace of learning. Providing a learner guide lets students preview information and work at their own pace. Allowing for learner autonomy is essential for effective design.
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