Ayanna Reyes
Created on June 30, 2024
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By: Ayanna Reyes
My Green Glimpse
Sustainability refers to the capacity to maintain or support a process continuously over time. In academic discourse, it encompasses the intersection of environmental, social, and economic systems, aiming to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
What is Sustainability?
Within this section I will disscus the how shoping second hand can help reduce our carbon foot print, along with showing some of the great finds i found peronally.
Living Sustainaibly
Claudio, L. (2007). Waste Couture: Environmental Impact of the Clothing Industry. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(9), A448–A454.
Claudio (2007) discusses the extensive environmental footprint of the clothing industry, highlighting that the production of textiles involves significant energy and water consumption, as well as the use of harmful chemicals and the generation of waste. By purchasing second-hand clothing, consumers extend the life cycle of existing garments, thereby minimizing the need for new clothing production. This reduction in demand leads to fewer resources being consumed and less waste being generated. Additionally, second-hand shopping reduces the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills, further decreasing the environmental burden. By opting for second-hand clothing, consumers can make a substantial contribution to lowering their carbon footprint and mitigating the environmental impact of the fashion industry.
Waste Couture
These pants used to be my dads, the shoes a coworker gave me, and the shirt I got for $4. this is my go to lazy look
My Finds
My favorite Def Leopard shirt is not a new find, I bought it five years ago at a flea market and it is a staple shirt.
I found this cute cowgirl shirt and then cut it into a halter top. My boots were also from a family member.
These pants were given to me by a friend because they did not fit her and then I bought my necklace off of depop ( an online resale shop)
We live in a world where concuption is rampant and having the newest thing is seen as a status symbol. My take away from the journal I found and my own experience is that there is always new life to be given. I remeber as kid hating getting hand me downs, but now most of my clothes come from swaping with friends and family along this second hand stores.
Behavior Change
During the time of this course I decided to take part in "Meatless Mondays." This meant that for the next 5 weeks I would not eat meat on Mondays, which I personally thought was going to be hard as I love to east meat. So ere we will further into how this small change affects the greater good along with my personal experience.
Tseng, A. A. (2020). Equivalent Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Mahayana Buddhists Practicing Vegetarian Diets. Journal of Religion and Health, 59(1), 598–613.
Tseng (2020) explores the potential for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction through the adoption of vegetarian diets by Mahayana Buddhists, highlighting how dietary choices can significantly impact one's carbon footprint. The production of meat, particularly from ruminant animals such as cattle, is associated with high levels of GHG emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). These emissions result from various stages of the meat production process, including feed cultivation, enteric fermentation in animals, manure management, and transportation. By cutting down on meat consumption, individuals can lower their carbon footprint in several ways but not limited to the following.- Reduced Methane Emissions - Lower Energy and Water Usage -Decreased Deforestation By choosing plant-based foods over meat, individuals can make a meaningful impact on their carbon footprint, contributing to global efforts to reduce environmental harm.
Eat Like a buddhist
I did eat meat once, this had chicken in it
My Meals
That being said I did eat meat once on a Monday during the course of this summer term. I had chicken with my Pad Se Ew when ordering Thai food. When eating is when I found that ordering meat was almost second nature. Thanks to this class I was able to learn more about the effects meat consumption has and even build some better habits.
I found that it was honestly very easy to not eat meat once a day. I also came to the conclusion that I do not eat very much and despite what my meals look like I do not have the taste palate of a child. I expected it to be much harder but I came to realize that I do not really have a ton of meet products in my house to begin with.
Take away
Civic engagement
I found a politician that already makes an effort to advocate for environmental sustainability and will introduce them to you here. Then discuss a a local policy that can be implemented to support sustainability.
Bernard "Bernie" Sanders, a prominent U.S. Senator, has been a strong advocate for clean energy alternatives throughout his political career. His advocacy is characterized by several key initiatives and policy proposals aimed at combating climate change, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and promoting renewable energy sources. Here are some of the ways Sanders has championed clean energy:- Green New Deal - Legislative Proposals - Climate Emergency Declaration By pushing for comprehensive policies that address both environmental sustainability and social equity, Bernie Sanders aims to create a cleaner, more just energy future.
Bernard Sanders
Objective: To promote sustainable development and environmental stewardship within the community by encouraging green practices, reducing carbon footprints, and enhancing the quality of life for current and future generations. Policy Statement: The City of Fairview commits to fostering sustainability through the implementation of practices and initiatives that promote environmental, economic, and social well-being.
My own policy
Support the use of rainwater harvesting systems and xeriscaping techniques in residential and commercial landscaping.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Collaborate with local schools to incorporate sustainability education into curricula and support student-led environmental projects.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Conduct regular workshops, seminars, and events to educate residents on sustainable practices and the benefits of a sustainable lifestyle.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Implement composting programs for organic waste and encourage residents and businesses to participate in composting initiatives.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Preserve and expand green spaces, parks, and community gardens to enhance biodiversity and provide recreational opportunities for residents.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
This project and course taught me more about the environment that I am so lucky to be apart of. I was aware of some of the factors that can contribute to this but was able to better understand and expand my knowledge more during this course. My favorite part is hands down this project. It was so fun and interactive and made me more mindful of my own actions and than lead to more problems. Though I made what seamed like small changes they made me more aware and I will continue to follow them after the class is done. My mom always says that we only have one body and we need to treat it right, the same can be said about our earth and the earth deserves better.
My conclusion
Got an idea?
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