Coding Day 1 Course
Felix M
Created on June 30, 2024
More creations to inspire you
Today we will learn about the blocks intro to scratch.
Day 1: Scratch Intro
Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the Scratch Foundation, a nonprofit organization. Scratch promotes computational thinking and problem solving skills; creative teaching and learning; self-expression and collaboration; and equity in computing.
First Project!!!!!
Blocks groups are in seven groups or nine groups (if you count the variables and my blocks) The groups are motion, looks, events, control, sensing, operators, variables, and my blocks
+ info
Scratch blocks are puzzle-piece shaped lines of code that are used to create code in the Scratch programming language. Blocks are grouped into seven categories based on their shapes and functions, and each block is represented by a circle of a different color. Blocks that perform a similar task are put into the same category and share a common color. For example, a yellow block might be an "event" block that looks for when a button is clicked, and a purple block connected to it might be a sound block that plays a sound when told to by the yellow block.
Scratch wouldn't work without them, they are more important that stack blocks
Stack Blocks
Hat blocks are blocks that are like hats, they are always ontop of the code
Hat Blocks
Stack blocks are the blocks you use to code and are the main type.
Hat blocks are crutial as they are used to even start programs
- Elon Musk
I taught myself how to program computers when I was a kid, bought my first computer when I was 10, and sold my first commercial program when I was 12.
Watch more video of Scratch
Scratch Video's
Learn about Backdrops
Learn about Sprites
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make the content fun.
In the visual programming application Scratch, sprites are graphic objects that can be programmed to act as characters or main characters in a project. Sprites can move, interact with other sprites, respond to user input, and perform actions based on written code. For example, a sprite might be programmed to say hello, play a sound, or move to the right.
Sprites are crutial as they are the things that move, talk, and do things.
Sprites can be created from scratch or imported from external sources, such as images or animations. The Scratch library includes sprites such as penguins, starfish, and dinosaurs, and users can also customize existing sprites by changing their color or adding or removing features. Once a sprite is created, users can program it with scripts, costumes, and sounds. Each sprite has its own set of scripts that control its behavior and interactions with other sprites and events
Sprites 1.1
What are costumes
Sprite 1.34
How to make better sprites
Sprite 1.33
How to draw sprites
Sprite 1.32
How to make sprites
Sprite 1.31
Sprites 1.3
In Scratch, a backdrop is an image that can be displayed on the stage, which is the background of a project. Backdrops can be used to create different levels or pages in a project, and can help keep an audience's interest engaged when telling a story.
How to make better backdrops.
How to make backdrop
Scratch statistics
One of the major uses of backdrops in Scratch is to make animations for a game or a project. What operations can be done for backdrops in Scratch? In Scratch, the user can choose a backdrop, paint a backdrop, surprise, and upload a particular backdrop.
They make your games more interesting!
For cool scratch projectsSince I couldn't find a video about him, I got another video
Known for his estonishing games
Known for his games and tutorials, which we will do later!
Famous Scratcher
Scratch Videos
This section is to watch videos on free time.
Videos, Videos, Videos
How to make better scratch projects
How to get scratch cat hat blocks forever
Scratch Hacks
Who doesn't like videos
This activity will immerse us in an interactive activity designed to put into practice the concepts learned during the course.
This activity will immerse us in an interactive activity designed to put into practice the concepts learned during the course.
Create and project
First Project
Instructions 2
Instructions 1
You can figure it out yourselves and then look at the solution if you need help.
Create Project
Go to scratch
Make an account (hint: don't put real name as your acount name)
Make a project
Your goal is to make a scratch cat move 20 steps on a beach when the flag is clicked
In this section, you will have the opportunity to test your acquired knowledge throughout the course. Our interactive quiz will provide a detailed assessment of your understanding of key topics. Get ready to challenge your skills and reinforce your learning as you move towards mastering the fundamental concepts. Don't miss the chance to demonstrate everything you've learned so far!
Felix Ma
recognizing your commitment to learning and your mastery of the course content. Congratulations on this significant achievement!
Lauren Ma
For completing Day 1 succesfuly
Your opinion is crucial.Complete our assessment survey and help us improve
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3/5 Fun or boring
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Course completed!
Sit back and relax, and enjoy the video!
Sit back and relax, and enjoy the video!
- Motion - These blocks make your sprite move!
- Looks - Can change effects, including color, size, and costume.
- Sound- Changes volume, pitch, and sound effects.
- Events - If _____ happens do ______
- Control - Repeat loops, stop all, and clones!
- Sensing - toching mouse or certan color, key pressed, and more!
- Operators- math operation blocks, join blocks, and more!
- Variables - Make, edit and change variables, and lists and much more!
- My Blocks- Functions
You can also add extra blocks including pen, text to speech, music, and much more!
My blocks allow you to create new blocks for a sprite. You give the block a name and then define what the new block does using other Scratch blocks. You can use your new block in any script on the sprite that owns the block.
- Go to
- Put account name, birthday, acount name, password
- Press create
Sit back and relax, and enjoy the video!
Sit back and relax, and enjoy the video!
Sit back and relax, and enjoy the video!
Sit back and relax, and enjoy the video!
Get the scratch cat as sprite and beach as backdrop.
Get when flag clicked.
Then get move forward block and put 20 in it.