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Consequences of colonization in modern times

The term "artificial states" refers to countries who were colonaliced and influenced by external powers. That just made them lose their indigenous social, political, and economic structures. Those effects were not desired by the people on the ground, leading to an ''artificial state', meaning not one of their own or just a copy their own but different.

What does the author refer to by the term "artificial states"

The people of the newly independent nation dont have knowledge on how to keep the nation-state going. Thats because they were left out during the independence process and had no idea on how the country was being run out.

How does colonization affect modern independent countries that used to be colonies?

Neocolonialism can be understood as something similar to colonization, because it's basically the involvement of more powerful states in the domestic affairs of less powerful ones. They become reliant to the powerful states.

What is Neo-colonialism?

- Indigenous civilizations, such as the Maya, were disrupted, and their populations significantly reduced due to violence and diseases brought by the Spanish - The land was taken by the Spanish and the indigenous population were left with nothing. Instead they had to labour in their own taken lands to survive- The political powe was taken by the Spanish or rich families. No indigenous people were allowed to be at the top. This has improve during the years but still nowadays not even the 50% of the government’s workers are indigenous.

analysis of the effects of colonization in Guatemala

+ info

  • Peláez, S. M., Lovell, W. G., Lutz, C. H., Neve, S. M., & Lovell, W. G. (s. f.). La Patria del Criollo: An Interpretation of Colonial Guatemala. https://www.dukeupress.edu/la-patria-del-criollo
  • Caldwell, M. (2018, 18 mayo). The Effects of Colonization: How it Happened and How it Still Continues. Medium. https://medium.com/@megancaldwell62/the-effects-of-colonization-how-it-happened-and-how-it-still-continues-b463350d1ac5


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