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The meaning

The construction phases

The designers

The winning project

The competition

The sanctuary in figures From the crypt to the crowning of the Sanctuary 103 m and 30 cm From the floor to the steel structure 74.30 m lThe stainless steel structure 20 m 8 m the steel structure 12 m the stele with the statue of the Madonna Capacity: 11.000 people standing 6.000 seated

The competition

To find the most suitable architecture to commemorate this miraculous event, an international competition open to all was held. During the competition, the city of Syracuse experienced a significant moment, indeed for a month and a half, the 91 participating projects were exhibited at the school on Via Isonzo and outside the school, flags from the 17 participating nations waved, underscoring the national character of the event. The competition attracted international attention, because although many churches had been built in the previous years, none had the size and importance that was intended for this sanctuary, thus it was an opportunity to engage with the theme of ecclesiastical architecture, no longer on a parish scale but internationally, as are the great pilgrimage sanctuaries.

3° prize – 314253 Architect: E. Schiffer (Colonia)

2° prize – TURRIS DAVIDICA Architects: G. Guillaume & R. Sarger (Paris)

HIGHLIGHTED PROJECT ALMA MATER Architects: V. Gandolfi & M. Righini
We do not know the names of all the participants, as the competition was held anonymously, each project was identified by a motto, and the identifying envelopes were only opened for those projects that were identified as winners or worthy of mention.

The competition

NOTED PROJECT - - MIRACULUM Architect Herbert Rimpl (Wiesbaden)

The competition

The competition


The judging committee, with 10 votes out of 11, declared the project by the two young French architects Michel Andrault and Pierre Parat, as the winner. The project was presented with the motto 'crown with nine white rays on a blue field'.

The winning project


The winning project

In the implementation phase, the project underwent several modifications, without losing the original image. The structure, daring and pioneering, required the intervention of the structural engineer Riccardo Morandi.

The winning project

La Défense (Parigi)
Università di Parigi Tolbiac
torre Totem sul Front de Seine
omnisports de Bercy - Parigi

Michel Adrault & Pierre Parat

The designers


The designers

6 november 1994
29 august 1968

The construction phases

That a monument changes the landscape is not new, so it has been for the pyramids, for the great temples, for the domes of the churches. No civilization has given up leaving a strong mark of its time, and neither is our time willing to do so, even if often the fragility of certain technologies and some materials that are not always able to withstand time as in the past emerge.Everyone arriving in Syracuse, even if unaware of the miracle, when seeing this great building is prompted to inquire and is stimulated to know more.

The meaning

The sanctuary of Syracuse is a strong sign in the city's skyline, but monumentality is in itself a strong sign and as a testimony of an extraordinary event has every right to be so, because it stands out from the ordinary like the event it celebrates.
The silhouette of the building has given rise to various interpretations. Among the most recurring interpretations, we recall: • The lighthouse that guides us through the storms of life and leads back to safe harbor; • The tent in which the mother is always ready to welcome her children; • The tear, which descends on the world to induce humanity to reconsider its conduct.

The meaning

The meaning

The intentions of the architects do not refer to any of these interpretations but hark back to French Gothic, revisited in a modern key. As in ancient cathedrals light was seen as an emanation of divine presence and the gaze was directed upward to contemplate the light, in the same way in the sanctuary of Syracuse, those who enter look upward, guided by the blades of light that cross the structure throughout its height.
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