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Competency Based Learning


Personalized Learning


Problem Based Learning





Standards Based Grading

Jane KrauseDepartment of Graduate Teacher Education Concordia University St Paul CI 525: Innovations in Learning and Teaching, Cohort 407Professor Corri Gilbertson 8 June 2024

Learning is Personal

“You can build something incredible if you put the effort in on the front end, and then keep putting the effort in until you turn the lights off and close the door for the last time. But it won’t be ‘easy’” (Burgess, 2018).



Bonnie Lathram — Mar 17, 2022, Sara Tahir — Jul 18, 2023, & Krista BarronAnh Nguyen — Dec 12, 2023. (2022, January 11). An introduction to competency-based learning: What, why, how. GOA. https://globalonlineacademy.org/insights/articles/an-introduction-to-competency-based-learning-what-why-how Burgess, D. (2018). Teach like a pirate: Increase student engagement, boost your creativity, and transform your life as an educator. Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. Cleaver, S. (2023, October 27). 35+ differentiated instruction strategies every teacher can use. We Are Teachers. https://www.weareteachers.com/differentiated-instruction-strategies-to-try-out-this-year/ Herold, B. (2019, November 5). What is personalized learning?. Education Week. https://www.edweek.org/technology/what-is-personalized-learning/2019/11 Mindfulness definition: What is mindfulness. Greater Good. (n.d.). https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/mindfulness/definition Mindfulness exercises for kids in the classroom. Waterford.org. (2021, October 22). https://www.waterford.org/resources/mindfulnes-activities-for-kids/ What is PBL?. PBLWorks. (n.d.). https://www.pblworks.org/what-is-pbl Willis, J. (2023, September 18). How metacognition can improve learning outcomes. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/fostering-metacognition-boost-learning/ WNET. (2021, January 27). Microaggressions in the classroom. PBS LearningMedia. https://tpt.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/cb19-ss-microaggressions/microaggressions-in-the-classroom/ Young, J. R. (2023a, May 9). Is it time to rethink the traditional grading system? - edsurge news. EdSurge. https://www.edsurge.com/news/2023-05-09-is-it-time-to-rethink-the-traditional-grading-system Young, J. R. (2023b, November 30). As schools move to change how kids are graded, some families push back - edsurge news. EdSurge. https://www.edsurge.com/news/2023-11-30-as-schools-move-to-change-how-kids-are-graded-some-families-push-back

Competency Based Learning

Competency Based Learning is meant to simulate how people work, learn, and collaborate in the real world outside of school in a meaningful way. It is meant to help students apply the content in a way that provides more meaning and transfers knowledge to new experiences.


Metacognition teaches students how their brain works and to be aware of their own learning. Through this process, students are able to better monitor their understanding and recognize the strategies that help them to succeed. With this awareness, students become better able to self advocate, more motivated, and better equipped to succeed.

As you've learned more about how the brain works and how students learn, what have you learned about your own brain and the strategies that work best for you? Have you learned strategies that help your brain overcome areas that might be challenging?


IIn addition to ensuring that our classrooms are a welcoming place for all academic levels and abilities, it is crucial to make sure that our classrooms are a welcoming place for everyone, including all races, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, family structures, religions, and so much more. The attached link provides a helpful video to provide more awareness to microaggressions that could be affecting the students in our classrooms.

Problem Based Learning

Problem based learning involves students applying their content knowledge to solving a real world problem. This allows students to apply critical thinking skills and deepend their understanding by living the story of those academic concepts in real world applications.

Creating a problem based learning activity can be intimidating and time consuming. Can you think of one unit you can create a problem based learning project for?


Differentiation is ensuring that lessons are accessible to all students through the content, teaching or learning process, product being assessed, and the learning environment. Differentiation can look quite different depending on the content and grade level. Cleaver provides a wonderful list of ideas on how to differentiate in a variety of settings in the attached link (Cleaver, 2023).

Personalized Learning

Personalized learning can have a variety of meanings depending on the context. It includes some form allowing students different needs to be met or interests to be considered. Some examples of personalized learning are giving students leveled texts to provide the proper level of challenge, ways to group students based on different levels of support or interest, allowing students to choose the level of class or specific electives they would like to take, or providing students choice for a project or assessment.

Standards Based Grading

Young describes Standards Based Grading as, "you set up a list of learning objectives, things that students should be able to do by the time they finish the course, and you tie the grade in the course to just simply how many of those things they have accomplished" (Young, 2023a). The purpose is to allow all students to achieve mastery at their own pace and have a grade that reflects the proper degree of mastery of that course.Some parents argue that schools adopting standards based grading are turning their kids into guinea pigs to test a new method that they don't see as properly proven. They claim that this method discourages their students from doing hard work and completing necessary tasks by taking points away from homework.

What do you see as the benefits of Standards Based Grading? What do you see as the downsides? Would you consider implementing them into your class?


Greater Good defines mindfulness as "maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens" (Mindfulness definition: What is mindfulness).Waterford.org provides 51 activities to bring mindfulness into the classroom. These activities range from quick practices that can be done in less than a minute to lengthy practices that can use a large portion of a class period. They provide a great mix of activities that can be used with students of all ages.

How can you incorporate mindfulness into your classroom? Can you incorporate it daily? Weekly? Before assessments or particularly stressful topics? How do you think you and your students would benefit from incorporating mindfulness practices?