Green - Module 8
Kayla Green
Created on June 25, 2024
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Kayla Green
Module 8-Final Screencast
- Promotes student agency in 3rd-5th grade
- This will help as they continue to be more independent
- More online interaction along with the classroom interaction will give students more opportunities to practice skills with the 4Cs - communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity
- Students will be able to work with others within the class
How Do These Relate?
- Provide more personalized instruction - not just differentiated instruction
- Incorporate online interaction when using technology in the classroom
- Create more dynamic groupings using data
- A one size fits all approach does not work
- All students are unique and have different stengths and challenges
- All students are capable of academic achievement
- every students needs must be met with supports for them to learn, grow, and achieve goals
School Culture
- I've been using this for the past 4 years without realizing it was a blended learning model
- Allows for differentiated instruction to meet all needs of students
- Allows for the use of technology - especially when you don't have enough for each student
- I can now run this model more effectively with the knowledge from this course
- Students are constantly mastering goals
Station Rotation Model
- Access
- Students miss lessons or activities due to
- behaviors
- related services
- absent
- Students need to access these materials to participate effectively
- Can be solved with utilizing technology - students can make this up at a different time
- Social/Emotional
- Students need to make good use of their time
- Life skill
- Can promote more student agency
Problems of Practice
- Technology in the classroom is amplifying or transforming the activities
- Students will complete interactive activities such as playing games, EdPuzzle videos, and collaborating with others through Padlet or FlipGrid
- Example: Students create a poster using Canva for a research project and share the information through a screencast
- Encourage the 4Cs through different activities and assessments
- Example: Students create a "product" and a plan to sell the product for career readiness - students can work in groups
- This project could cross over to math giving students more time (extend)
- Extending time - students can complete assignments at home if they were not finished at school
- This could also be done during times of the day - even if we're not working on that specific content area
- Through the use of an LMS (Teams)
- Collaborating or communicating on Padlet and FlipGrid
- Play games on IXL - when appropriate
- Interactive lesson on PBS Learning Media
- More creative activities and allowing students to use a playlist to choose
- Rows - to maintain safety
- Specific area in the room for group work (away from independent work)
- Small group at the front of the room with the Smartboard
Classroom Layout
- Online integration- technology used during station rotations (reading and math) and when appropriate for other subjects - Examples: IXL, PBS Learning Media, EdPuzzle
- Online interaction- Padlet and FlipGrid for collaboration
- Data practices- Utilize IXL data to create different groups for units - students won't stay in a "4th" grade math group
- Personalization- Give students more choice in the types of assessments they complete to show what they've learned (may utilize a playlist)
- Going over expectations/behaviors - especially at the beginning of the year and after breaks
- 3 before me - new strategy
- Recorded instructions (if available) and written instructions
- Use of timers for students to switch stations
- Use of station rotation slides at the front of the room for students to switch to the appropriate station
- What to do when finished with an assigned task
- What would blended learning look like during social studies or science? This is something I haven't done before.
- How can I get more teachers involved in blended learning at school?
- Blended learning allows for more hands-on or authentic learning
- Groupings can be dynamic - even if students aren't on the same instructional level - this can be based on what they need for a specific skill
- Blended learning can take various forms
- Flipped classrooms can be done within the classroom - this meets needs in classrooms that do not have access to technology outside of school
- Station Rotation Model can look different from classroom to classroom and can still be effective
AHA Moments and Questions