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Created by Troy park


In this presentation you will learn about fish. But not just any type of fish, cool and interesting fish you may not have known before. Let's take a dive in a meet these creatures.

Types of Fishes

Barreleye Fish

Macropinna Microstoma

How big is a Barreleye Fish

A Barreleye fish is acaully small only reaching up to 6 in and from 2-5 oz.

What do Barreleye fish eat?

Scientist know they eat zooplankton but they found inside the stomach, crustations from the tentacles of siphoniphores.

Predators of Barreleye Fish

Scientist are unsure of what predators it may have but are assuming they are larger fish due to no form of self-defense.

Cool Facts

The The

There fins allow them to stay motion less in the water allowing it to easily look up

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The front of Barreleye Fish that looks like its eye is for smell where as the green things are the actual eyes

Goliath Tigerfish

Hydrocynus Goliath

How big is a Goliath Tigerfish?

The average Goliath Tigerfish is 4.9 feet long and 110 lb. The biggest ever recorded was 154 pounds


The Goliath Tigerfish mostly ambushes smaller fishes and sometimes eats smaller members of its own species

Predators of Goliath Tigerfish

This fish is mostly eaten by crocodiles but also they get eaten by human. One fish can feed a whole village

Cool Facts

These fish have self replacing teeth

Goliath Tigerfish need high oxygenated water to survive

Flowerhorn Fish

Amphilophus Hybrid

How big is a Flower Hornfish

Flower Horn Fish are from about 11"-13" and weight about 1 lb

What do Flower Hornfish Eat?

Flower Hornfish are not very picky eaters unlike Tomax. They are onminvores that eat crustations, insects and plant matter. If they are kept in captivity they will eat high quality fish food and pellots, or live food such as brineshrimp, blood

Predators . . . . . . . .

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Flowerhorn Fish have only 1 predators and thats bigger fish.


Flowerhorn fish are from $20-$40 per pound at low quality due to a lot of demand and not enough supply

Flowerhorn Fish can recognize their owner when kept in captivity because they are very smart

Harryfrog Fish

Antennarius Striatus

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How big is a Hairy Frogfish?

Hairy Frogfish grow to be about 8 in and just over 1 oz. Hairy frog fish can change color to match its surrounding for camoflauge.


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Hairyfrog fish eat many things such as crustaceans and flounders. They have a worm looking bait In front of them to draw in prey.

What eats me?

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Hairy Frogfish aren't eaten a lot they only get eaten by scorpion fish and lizardfish

Bet you didn't know

Hairy Frogfish bite in 1/6000 of a second.

Hairy Frogfish have really big stomachs and can eat things double its size


Psychrolutes Marcidus

How big is a Blobfish?

Blobfish can reach up to 2 feet and weight up to 21 lb.

Im hungry.

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Blobfish eat crabs, lobsters, sea urchins, and mollusks. To eat it floats and eat whatever passes it.

Nobody wants me :(

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The blobfish has no enemies other than humans

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Blobfish are native to Oceana

Blobfish is actually considered one of the best fishes in the world to eat

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