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Water pollution

What is water pollution?

Water pollution is the release of substances into bodies of water that makes water unsafe for human use and disrupts aquatic ecosystems. Various sources contribute to water pollution, including substances from the air (acid rain), soil erosion, chemical fertilizers and pesticides and plastic.

Water pollution also affects marine systems, which can be contaminated by pollutants from rivers or streams or direct sources like ships or oil spills.

Human activities that generate domestic sewage and toxic waste cause water pollution by contaminating water with disease-causing microorganisms and poisonous substances. Oil spills are another source of water pollution that have devastating impacts on surrounding ecosystems.

Microplastics are often found in marine wildlife and can become concentrated in humans who consume seafood because of biomagnification. Oil spills strand and kill many different marine species.

Italy has a precarious relationship with water, with recent extreme weather events highlighting regional disparities and national shortcomings. As Italians face the prospect of more regular water restrictions, the nation is developing a renewed respect for this precious and finite resource.

About italy

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In the last century, part of the Italian territory has been subjected to a strong impact due to the increasing presence of several industrial, mining, and agricultural activities, which gradually determined its environmental decay.

Questo è un paragrafo pronto a contenere creatività, esperienze e storie geniali.

Questo è un paragrafo pronto a contenere creatività, esperienze e storie geniali.

Consequently, the Italian Government adopted a national program, similar to that defined by the U.S. Government “Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act”, to protect human health and terrestrial and marine environment from hazardous substances released in the most impacted areas.


Unfortunately in Taranto there’s a steel company called “Ilva” that in the 20th century was the largest steel producer in Italy. Ilva is harmful because of its smoke, in fact it damages the air and especially the sea. The sea next to Ilva is so polluted and fish are toxic and irradiated. For this reason some people prefer going to the Big sea than the Little sea which is more polluted..

Taranto is a city in southern Italy (Puglia). It is known for being the first Spartan colony founded in 706 B.C.It is also known as “The city of the two seas” because it is washed by the Big sea and the Little sea. In Taranto you can admire the Greek archeological remains and the beautiful sea. Its typical products are mussels, which are exported all over the world.

How to prevent water pollution

There are different ways in order to prevent water pollution such as wastewater treatment, green agricolture, stormwater management, air pollution prevention, plastic waste reduction, water conservation.

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