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Non-sellable returns (NSR) are refunds and replacements issued for items that are returned in a non sellable condition such as:

  • Defective
  • Customer damage
  • Carrier damage
  • Vendor damage
  • Fulfiller damage





SOLICIT: Acc in N status/ NSSI ≥ 40% NSC ≥ 3, NSCamt ≥ $200 CLUSTER: Acc in N status NSSI ≥ 40% NSC ≥ 5

WARN: Check if 1 RMA created PA NSSI ≥ 40% NSC ≥ 4 NSCamt ≥ $300 Check if 1 RMA created PA NSSI ≥ 40% NSC ≥ 4

CLOSE: 3 warns in past 2 years NSSI ≥ 40% PA NSC ≥ 18 in TTM NSCamt ≥ $1500 4 warns in TTM NSSI ≥ 70% PA NSC ≥ 22 in TTM NSCamt ≥ $2000 IMPORTANT: DO NOT close if there are no other abuse issues in primary or strongly related acc, even if rest of the ths met.

When a cx intentionally does not return n item after obtaining an advance concession. When advance concession are issued and a (RML) is generated, the cx is expected to return the item to Amazon within 30 days.



failed return abuse



MDR concessions abuse occurs when customers return an item to the fulfillment center (FC), and the item returned is different from the item that was originally sent to them.


Materially Different Returns

Customer Classification

BRT Classification



Check acc tenure, status and email


Check recent annotation w, enf, sanitization, TR, MDR, Bad, Pack.


Calssify MDR Confidence


Classify cx risk


If low conficende, Calculate MDRSI >25%


step by step


Verify relations and transfer guidelinesTAKE ACTION

Returnless refunds (RR) are concessions issued in the form of free replacements and refunds on orders that are Non-returnable items such as grocery, baby products, gym products, protein powders, and so on. Hazardous materials (hazmat) such as lithium-ion battery operated products and wine bottles. Non-economical items that have a higher return shipping, restocking, and return processing fee than the price of the item. Customer claiming that they received items in open or unusable condition.



Returnless Refunds

Steps: 1. Tenure 2. Acc status 3. Internal acc/ business 4. Check OH 5. Concessions ----- RR SI 6. Check order level 7. Check recent annotation: San, Rei, Ab 8. Check rels 9. Take action

Reason codes: MerchandiseNotAsDescribe DamageDuringTransit FreeRepl GeneralAdjustment DifferentItem

RR NA Cx risk Classification Table

Acc in N status/ NSSI ≥ 40% NSC ≥ 3, NSCamt ≥ $100




Question 1/3






Which of the following BRT is considered as High confidence.






Question 2/3





Question 3/3




Which of the following codes can be considered as RR?


If you believe it will work, you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't, you will see obstacles. - Wayne Dyer -

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1. Check account status2. Search the referred orders in Recent Annotations Widget, this might be the reasons: a. Failed Returns Abuse Concessions:

Steps Account Level:

If the account is in Solicit / Warn Status: 1. Verify if the account is already enforced, validate the prev enforcement. 2. Use the Queuing logic to identify the FLRSI on the account, do not use the FLRSI mentioned in Post Warning Summary Widget. - If the FLRSI >10%, continue the investigation. - If the FLRSI <10%, take no action.

If the account is in Normal status: Use the queuing logic to identify the FLRSI on the account, DO NOT consider the Concessions Summary widget SI, only if FLR SI is not mentioned in queueing logic.*

1. If the FLRSI >10%, continue the investigation. 2. If the FLRSI <10%, take no action (Check if no other ab, nor transfer guidelines)

Check the Risk Classification Matrix to validate if the Cx is Low, Medium or High Risk.

- BAU value < USD 50/40 GBP /50 Euro and no redphone image is available-The AFN SI is below 10% in the TTM period nd no redphone image is available.

No action

- BAU count ≥ 1 in TTM - BAU value ≥ USD 50/40 GBP/ 50 EUR- AFNSI ≥ 10% in TTM BAU_solicit


-Account (o rel) already solicit -BAU count ≥ 1 Post Action - BAU value ≥ USD 50/40 GBP / 50 euro AFNSI ≥ 10% in TTMBAU_warn


2.Click the blue-colored eye icon to view the return pictures uploaded by the FC.

How to use RedPhone:

1. Open the RedPhone page. Enter the MDR RMA ID in the text box and click the search icon.

3.Upon clicking the blue eye icon, the tool will display a window with the captured images along with the ASIN and other order details.

1. Look for the order in Order Level Refunds / Concessions or Recent Physical Orders Widget. 2. This order may not be yet refunded. 3. Verify the order ID mentioned is a valid FLR. 1. If valid FLR: consider the D21 Intransit SI mentioned in queuing annotation, if >10% 2. If valid FLR: Consider the D21 Intransit SI mentioned in queuing annotation, if <10%, take no action.

In transit

1. The Cx manipulates the mailing label to send it to another location instead of the Return Center or FC. We may warn if: 1. The order must not be processed and return condition must be N/A 2. AFNSI >10% 3. Open UPS tracking, check if the order shows as returned as per UPS tracking, check in View details and Shipment progress. 4. Open AMZ Return Tracking and validate if the place where it was delivered is different to destination, for example: 5. If 20 days have passed from RMA creation and the order has not been delivered to correct location.

Mailing Label Manipulation (MLM) abuse (US only)

1. Cx returned small packaged compared to what was sent, FC annotations indicate #toosmall, for example: FLR_high_confidence_close. If it has the # and the AFNSI >10%, you can close the account with the blurb. If the previous conditions do not met, continue the investigation as MDR SOP indicates.

High Confidence Empty Box Returns (Applicable for DE / ES / FR / IT / UK)

1. Check if the account has 1 FLR in TTM + order queued (check relations): (if no FLR in TTM, nor other ab, pass the account)2. Validate if the queued order is a valid FLR: - If the return tracking shows picked up: calculate 20 days have passed since it shows as picked up and the tracking was not updated. consider it as valid FLR. -If the return tracking shows delivered: calculate 20 days since it shows as delivered. If the order has not been processed post 20 days, consider it as valid FLR. *To validate if the order has been processed, check if it was returned, if it shows as sellable or returned, if it was processed, do not consider it as valid FLR.

Steps for Refund Interception:

- If the RMA has been created without any update or it shows an error, consider if the Return Due Date has expired or calculate 30 days post RMA creation if Return Due Date is not available.

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Post validating the FLR queued:

If the account is in Normal Status: Validate if the account has at least 1 FLR in primary or rels in TTM. Yes: continue investigation, validate FLR in TTM. No: pass account If the queued order is valid and it has other FLR in TTM, use forward-looking SI (Future FLRSI), adding the amount of the order and take action if needed. If the queued order is not valid, proceed with the investigation in TTM without considering that order. If the account (or rel) is in Solicit / Warn Status: Validate if the account has at least 1 FLR in TTM. Yes: continue investigation. No: pass the account If the queued order is valid, use forward-looking FLR SI post action to add the value of the order to the FLRSI and take action if needed. If the queued order is not valid, investigate the account excluding it.

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1. Tenure 2. Account status 3. Internal account / Business account 4. Concessions info ( Concessions summary Widget in Normal / Post Warning Widget if enforced). 5. NSSI and Non- sellable concessions count. 6. Check order level *3 NSC / NSSI 40% ---- Solicit *4 NSC / NSSI 40% ---- Warn 7. Check recent annotations 8. Check rels 9. Take action

steps & reminders:

  • Consider it as different NSC if different ASIN.
  • The NSC should ALWAYS have RMA.
  • For warning, ALWAYS check at least 1 RMA has been created post action.
  • ALWAYS check the amount of the orders to consider it or not against the cx
  • DO NOT manually calculate NSSI
  • DO NOT close the acc if all the NSR item returns that cx has made are soft line items.
  • DO NOT take actions base on the following reason codes:
-Promotional balance -Warranty replacement -Item price reduction -Shipment charge reduction - Prime subscription extension

* To consider an order for next enforcement, check the Return Due Date PA / FLR referral is PA. * We can consider for FLR investigation the RMAs created outside 3 months. * An order may have multiple RMAs created, check all of them before considering it against the Cx. * Always check with crtl + F in Retrocharge to confirm its the correct order information.

General reminders:

* We should consider RMA and ASIN count for FLR count, check the RMAs have different final tracking to consider as multiple FLR instances. * Keywords search in source of Recent Annotations Widget: MLM, FLR, bad, pack. * Always check Risk Classification Matrix.

1ST SCENARIO≥1 RR instance RRSI >25% ≥5 orders in TT2ND SCENARIONormal status, Medium risk cx ≥3 RR instances ≥20%


Solicit sent ≥1 RR Post Action≥ 10% RR SI


Warn sent 1 RR Post Action≥10% RR SI


* Scenario 1 - Solicit: * FLRSI >10% * 2 or more EXCH_REPL or FREE_REPL (medium risk cx) * Not retrocharged * Scenario 2 - Solicit: * FLRSI >30% * 3 or more abusive FLR instances or 3 or more EXCH_REPL or FREE_REPL (high risk cx) * Not retrocharged * Scenario 3 - Solicit: First FLR instance * <5 orders * FLR instance amount >150 EUR or >200 US / CA * AFNSI >60% * Not retrocharged


* Scenario 1 - Warning: * 1 FLR instance * >10% FLRSI * Not retrocharged


* Scenario 1 - Closure: * 1 FLR instance * >10% FLRSI * Not retrocharged


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  • * Formula to calculate AFNSI: Sum of DNR SI + FLR SI + RR SI + FLR SI + MDR SI = AFN SI
  • * If NSR Solicit, and account is meeting thresholds twd MDR, proceed with warning.
  • * If the ASIN shows as Boomerang, consider as LC.
  • * If the order is not delivered to the customer, do not consider the queued MDR as valid and continue investigation excluding this OID
  • * DO NOT enforce a customer for NSR abuse if queued in any of the MDR queues even if the thresholds are met. Ignore NSR investigation completely when an account is queued in MDR queues. MDR SOP Update.msg

* HIGH CONFIDENCE: * Any BRT with #toosmall in the FC comments. * LOW CONFIDENCE: * If the order tagged has Warehouse Deal (WHD) signal.* * All BRTs queued for Boomerang or Too Late MDR. * Check if Andon cord.** * If #redphone in FC comments, in case the image does not match BRT type. * Amazon Second Hand / Amazon Second Chance. * Formula to calculate AFNSI: Sum of DNR SI + FLR SI + RR SI + FLR SI + MDR SI = AFN SI* If NSR Solicit, and account is meeting thresholds twd MDR, proceed with warning. * If the ASIN shows as Boomerang, consider as LC. * If the order is not delivered to the customer, do not consider the queued MDR as valid and continue investigation excluding this OID.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

respuesta cORRECTA...

  • The Cx exceeded the Return Due Date.
  • 20 days have passed since the 1st scan date and there has been no further update on the return tracking. (lost in transit, never returned and third-party carrier returns)
  • Check if the order was retrocharged or not, if retrocharged , do not consider:

HOW to validate flr instances:

1. Settle or Completed = retrocharge successful = we do not consider against cx 2. Hard Declined = retrocharge unsuccessful = we consider against cx even it says retrocharge under Operation column

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