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Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

The uses ofWOULD

‘Would’ es uno de los verbos auxiliares modales más versátiles, ya que se utiliza en diferentes situaciones para diversos propósitos.


Unreal or hypothetical situation




Polite Requests& Polite questions

Polite offers & invitations

Past habits (repetitive actions in the past)

  • When I was living in Edinburgh, I would go to Princess Street garden every afternoon and eat my luch looking at the castle.
  • In my childhood, my father would take us to the cinema every Sunday evening.
  • My sister would cry every morning before going to school.

Past habits (repetitive actions in the past)

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

  • Would you like to be a part of our startup?
  • Would you like to join us tonight for dinner?
  • Would you like me to book a cab for you?
  • Would any of your friends be interested in watching the film with us?

Polite offers & invitations

Adding ‘please‘ to the request makes the request even more polite.

A menudo usamos would para hacer solicitudes educadas.Y también usamos can or could to make requests, too.

  • Would you please move forward a bit, please?
  • Would you give me a lift, please?
  • Would you lend me your phone for a minute, please?
  • Would you share your current location, please?

Polite Requests

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

  • Would you like some cheese in your pasta?
  • Would you like to try the cake I've just baked?
  • Would your friend mind if I join you?

Polite questions

  • I would like to open a school for underprivileged children.
  • They would like you to sing for them.
  • We would like to do something for the community.
  • I would like some water, if that’s possible.

To make wishes/desires

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

  • The students would like to visit the new museum.
  • She would like to travel.
  • They would be there on time.

Would podemos usarlo para posibilidades en un futuro.

To show possibility

  • Going there without knowing them would not be the right thing to do.
  • Proposing her on her birthday would be a great surprise.
  • That job would make you good.

To give opinions

I would like to see a movie

Subject + WOULD + Main verb + Complement


I would not like to see a movie

Subject + WOULD NOT/WOULDN'T + Main verb + Complement

NEGATIVE structure

Would I like to see a movie?

WOULD + Subject + Main verb + Complement + ?


Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

A. to the park on weekends.B. you with your homework.C. a new book every week.D. some tea, please?E. a slice of cake for dessert.F. her grandmother in the summer.G. to Japan if we had more money.H. to the beach every summer.I. some water, please?J. a movie every Friday night.K. attend the meeting tomorrow?L. to see the new art exhibit

  1. I would like
  2. He would go
  3. They would help
  4. She would love
  5. We would travel
  6. Would you like
  7. Would she
  8. I would read
  9. He would eat
  10. We would watch
  11. Would they
  12. She would visit


Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.


Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.


Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

This would be of great use!