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Royal societyscience exhibition

We are investigating short wavelength UV light to cut away unwanted cells like tumours, and remove infections, without harming the surrounding healthy tissues.

It can be split into 3 categories, UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC light is known to kill bacteria.

UV light has both positive and negative effects.

UV light is a form of radiation that is emitted from the sun.

using uv light for clinical applications

How do we transport UV light to areas of the body non-invasively?

Normal optical fibres are long strands of solid glass which transmit light.

our optical fibre based technology

Deep UV light cannot be transmitted through a normal solid glass optical fibre.

We have solved these problems in u-Care by making specially designed fibres which transmit light through a hollow core, essential for guiding light at deep UV wavelengths.

our optical fibre based technology

At the University of Bath we have a fibre fabrication facility where we use silica glass tubes and doped silica rods to make optical fibres. A meter long silica tube is pulled into thin fibres but pulling the glass fibre out of a hot furnace faster than we feed the structure in.

How Do we make our optical fibres?

How Do we make our optical fibres?

COnstructing the pre-form chandelier

A collaboration between the University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, and the University of Bath

Deep ultraviolet light therapies


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