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Murder Mystery in the Classroom



There has been a murder in the classroom, and you are the detectives. We need your help to solve this murder mystery! But be careful! Every choice has consequences.A teacher, Ms Norwood, has been found dead in the classroom. When the police arrived at the crimescene, there were 3 students already standing next to the body. Mr Miller, another teacher at the school, was in the classroom next to where Ms Norwood was murdered. But who did it?

Er is een moord gepleegd in de klas en jullie zijn de rechercheurs. We hebben jouw hulp nodig om dit moordmysterie op te lossen! Maar pas op! Elke keuze heeft consequenties. Een lerares, mevrouw Norwood, is dood in de klas gevonden. Toen de politie in de klas kwam, stonden er al 3 leerlingen naast het lichaam. Mr Miller, een andere leraar op de school, zat in het klaslokaal naast waar de lerares gevonden was. Maar wie heeft het gedaan?


Where to begin?

Listen to the interviews of the suspects

Inspect the evidence of the crime scene

You chose: evidence

Jij hebt gekozen: het bewijsmateriaal.

These items are what the police found at the crimescene. Click on the items to reveal more details and information about the evidence item.

Deze items zijn wat de politie vond op de moord plaats. Klik op de items om meer details en informatie over het bewijsitem weer te geven.

Done investigating

The salad bowl was partly eaten and found on the teacher her desk.

The backpack was filled with the agenda, pens, teabags (as she was an English teacher), a fork and knife, and some "to do" notes.

This is a teacup. The teacup was half empty, and it had poison inside, mixed with the tea. The tea was English Breakfast tea, Emily Norwood's favourite.

In the agenda were a few noteworthy points: the week before, Emily Norwood had a scheduled appointment with a "JM". She also had appointments throughout the week with "Ed". "Ed" is mentioned a few times, 5th October, 2023 8:00 - with Ed to school. 16:00 - Teacher meeting with JM 6th October, 2022 18:00 - parent night with Eddie 19:10 - parent night with Emma 19:30 - parent night with Jim 10th October, 2023 14:00 - Go over homework with Ed. 16:00 - Teacher meeting with Mr Miller 17:00 - talk with JM at school 18:00 - Go home from school 18th October, 2023 16:00 - detention with Jim 16:45 - Eddie Next week: 23rd October, 2023 16:00 - appointment with lawyer 18:00 - talk to Ed

This letter was found on Emily Norwood's desk. It was signed with JM.

These pens were used often by the teacher, Ms Norwood.

These were just graded tests. These were the students who did the test and their grade: Jolie : 6.5 Eddie: 8.7 Jim: 4.8 Ashley: 7.1 Emma: 5.5

This is a vial filled with poison. the vial is the same type of vial they use at the school for chemistry. What kind of poison it is, is unknown and where it comes from, is unknown also.

These keys were the keys to the classroom and her house.

The teacher, Emily Norwood, took this from a student. The student was given detention after he drew this picture of the teacher, making a fool of the teacher. This student was Jim, he is a troublemaker and hates the teacher.

You have chosen: the interviews.At arrival of the crime scene, you found 3 students already there: Jim, Emma, and Eddie. The police also found a connection to Mr Miller, another teacher at the school.Play the interviews by clicking on the button.

Je hebt gekozen voor: de interviews. Bij aankomst in het klaslokaal waar de moord gepleegd is, waren daar al 3 studenten aan: Jim, Emma en Eddie. De politie vond ook een connectie met meneer Miller, een andere leraar op de school. Speel de interviews af door op de knoppen te klikken.

Interview 1: Jim

Interview 2: Emma

Interview 3: Eddie

Interview 4: Mr. Miller

I am done listening. To the next page!

Because you chose Interview, you will only get the list of evidence:

  • Drawing of the teacher
  • Salad bowl
  • The teacher's bag
  • Tea cup
  • Agenda

  • Letter
  • Pen
  • Graded tests
  • Poison vial
  • Keys


Because you chose evidence, you only get a summary of what each suspect says.Click on the person icon to reveal the summary.

Omdat je bewijs hebt gekozen, krijg je alleen een samenvatting van wat elke verdachte zegt. Klik op het persoonspictogram om de samenvatting weer te geven.


Mr Miller




Mr Miller and Ms Norwood met each other at university 15 years ago. A few years ago, Emily Norwood came to work at the school Mr Miller already worked at. Now they are just colleagues. They respected each other, and he will miss her. Yesterday, when the murder happened, he was in his classroom next door, working. He says that everybody adored Emily, except for the students who were found in the classroom by the police.

Eddie: Eddie does not say much. He did not like the teacher, but he did think she was a good and kind teacher. More than that, he does not want to say.

Emma: Emma only gets good grades, but Ms Norwood gave her a 5.5. She is very angry and annoyed, and needed to talk to her about that grade. As Emma says, that grade is important to her future, and she is extremely angry that she would not change the grade for her. She is annoyed and irritated and is angry. She was on her way to talk to Ms Norwood when she saw Eddie. They talked, later Jim joined them out of nowhere and together they walked to the classroom, where they found the teacher dead.

Jim: Jim really hated the teacher. He never liked her and is happy that he does not have to look at her anymore. Yesterday, when the teacher was found murdered in the classroom, Jim had detention in that hour. He left the classroom and Ms Norwood in it, and when he came back with Eddie and Emma to the classroom, they found her dead on the floor. He admits it is shocking to see your teacher dead, but he hated her, and will not miss her classes.

Congatulations! You have received all the details on the evidence or the interviews.

Gefeliciteerd! U heeft alle details over het bewijsmateriaal of de interviews ontvangen. Klik op de afspeelknop om het interview te beluisteren, of klik op het item om meer over het item te lezen.

Click on the play button to hear the interview, or click on the item to read more about the item.

Wait, what is that? Let's see on the next page!

Interview 1: Jim

Interview 2: Emma

Interview 3: Eddie

Interview 4: Mr. Miller

The salad bowl was partly eaten and found on the teacher her desk.

The backpack was filled with the agenda, pens, teabags (as she was an English teacher), a fork and knife, and some "to do" notes.

This is a teacup. The teacup was half empty, and it had poison inside, mixed with the tea. The tea was English Breakfast tea, Emily Norwood's favourite.

In the agenda were a few noteworthy points: the week before, Emily Norwood had a scheduled appointment with a "JM". She also had appointments throughout the week with "Ed". "Ed is mentioned a few times, 6th October, 2022 8:00 - with Ed to school. 7th October, 2022 18:00 - parent night with Ed 19:10 - parent night with Emma 19:30 - parent night with Jim 10th October, 2022 14:00 - Go over homework with Ed. 17:00 - talk with JM at school 18:00 - Go home from school 13th 16:00 - detention with Jim 16:45 - Eddie Next week: 18th October, 2022 16:00 - meet up with lawyer 18:00 - talk to Ed

This letter was found on Emily Norwood's desk. It was signed with JM.

These pens were used often by the teacher, Ms Norwood.

These were just graded tests. These were the students who did the test and their grade: Jolie : 6.5 Eddie: 8.7 Jim: 4.8 Ashley: 7.1 Emma: 5.5

This is a vial filled with poison. the vial is the same type of vial they use at the school for chemistry. What kind of poison it is, is unknown and where it comes from, is unknown also.

These keys were the keys to the classroom and her house.

The teacher, Emily Norwood, took this from a student. The student was given detention after he drew this picture of the teacher, making a fool of the teacher. This student was Jim, he is a troublemaker and hates the teacher.

What's that?

You see in the corner of your eye a yellow post-it note underneath the table. You read what it says:

Speak with Ed about JM...

JM? Did you see JM somewhere before?

Nope, never seen it before.

I know it from somewhere

As you are busy investigating, but you see a figure staring through a crack of the door. They run away. Do you run after them, or keep investigating?

Terwijl je bezig bent met onderzoeken, zie je een figuur door een kier van de deur staren. Ren je achter ze aan, of blijf je onderzoeken?

I keep investigating the crime scene, I am sure this is where I will get the answer to the murder mystery!

Go after the person. This person is not looking at us for no reason!


Because you remembered correctly, you get a fingerprint list. Use it well!

Take a picture of it! Then you can zoom in/out and access it at any time :)




Mr Miller


Where, oh, where did you see "JM" before... It must have been...

In the agenda! Now I remember!

Never mind! It must have been nothing.

On the letter! How could I forget!

You look around the room. You see a bin, a cabinet, tables. Where do you start looking?

The bin

The cabinet

The tables

The cabinet:

You search through the cabinet. Nothing special. Some dictionaries, books, some pens, mostly paper. And a news article on another shelf. Hm, interesting acticle...

Let's have a closer look

The bin:

You search through the bin. Nothing special. A salad wrapper, some pens, mostly paper. And a news article. Hm, interesting acticle...

Let's have a closer look

The tables:

You search through on the tables, under the tables. Nothing to see, except for some inappropriate scrabbles. And an article, on the corner of a table in the back.Hm, interesting acticle...

Let's have a closer look

The news article


Answer the questions about the article

How the teacher, Emily, helps single mothers.

How a teacher, Emily, helps students who have single parents.

How Emily handles being a teacher and a single parent.

What is the subject of the text?

question 1/5

The full-time teachers and single parents.


The underclass

Who is the forgotten group in teaching?


Yes, children are easy

No, teenagers are always the problem.

No, some problems have no easy solutions.

Is it easy being a single parent in the morning?


No, because being a single parent is hard.

Yes, eventhough she has no partner, she is happy with her son.

No, she will never have a happily ever after.

Is Emily happy being a single mother and a full-time teacher?


The father never knew she had a baby

It is for the better

The father did not want the baby

Why did Emily raise her child alone?




Wrong answer


This is only a few weeks ago. How interesting, and yet this makes you ask more questions.Why is this article here? Do we know the son? Is she maybe still in contact with the kid's father? Or, does the father know?You think about what you just learned, and our suspect list. Which suspect might be linked to this article?Emma, Eddie, Jim, or Mr. Miller?

Dit is pas een paar weken geleden. Wat interessant, en toch zet dit je aan tot meer vragen. Waarom is dit artikel daar geplaatst? Kennen we de zoon? Heeft ze misschien nog contact met de vader? Of weet de vader het? Denk aan wat je net hebt geleerd en onze verdachtenlijst. Welke verdachte zou aan dit artikel kunnen worden gekoppeld? Emma, Eddie, Jim of meneer Miller?


You glance over the classroom, looking at the tables, the windows, and the wallpaper at the back of the classroom. But something looks odd when you look at one of the large posters in the back. You walk towards it and investigates.

As you walk towards the poster, you see a door handle. You try to open the door, but it seems to be locked. You go to the evidence table, and grab Ms Norwood's keys. Trying the keys on the door, but it does not seem to budge. Instead, you decide to open it by force. Eventually, you manage to break open the door. Now you are standing in a storage room storing tall cupboards with many folders, lesson materials, novels, and more posters. In which cupboard should you start looking?



You walk to the right side of the stock room, and look at the desk. You see a few files and, hidden behind some books, a notebook full of calculations with dangerous chemicals. The name is scratched through, and a post-it note on the notebook says; "Apprehended by Mr Miller". Maybe we can decipher whose name has been scratched through?


Answer all the questions to find the picture





Present Simple:She often ______ (read) books before bed.









"Maybe Eddie _____ (to be) the killer and wanted to kill Ms Norwood."




Fill in the correct conjugation of the verb




Does ... know

_____ Eddie ______ (to know) that Ms Norwood was killed?

Does ... knows

Do ... knows


What word fits the definition best?






It _____ (to shock) for many students to hear that Ms Norwood past away.

Is shocking

Are shocking


Conjugate the verb into the right tense.





Am writing

I _______ (to write) a big report on this case.

Are writing

Is writing

what word fits the definition best?




Continue the investigation

Now we know to whom this notebook belongs. Eddie? And why would Mr Miller apprehend a school notebook with calculations?



You head back into the classroom and reflect on what you just learned. If Eddie wrote these calculations, does that mean anything? And how about the fact that Mr Miller took the notebook off of Eddie. Why would he do that, or what was he planning to do with it?

You walk towards the left of the storage room and go through some boxes in the cupboards. You come across a file sticking out of one box. Eddie's file. Let's look what it says.

Every day, the detectives ________ (search) for clues about their teacher's mysterious death.







Each morning, the detectives ________ (meet) in the classroom to discuss the case.







What fits best?Eddie's full name _____ Eddie Jason Norwood.


has been





What fits best?Eddie _____ upset whenever a teacher talks about his father.


have been becoming

was becoming




Mr Miller _____ (to give) him the most hours to be in detention.





Oh no! Try again!

File completed!


Interesting... You walk back into the classroom.

You run after that person, but they are really fast. You are getting tired, all hallways seem the same. After a few corners, you notice a sticky-note on the floor. Do you go back to the crime scene with the note, or leave the note and keep following the person?

Je rent achter die persoon aan, maar het persoon is echt snel. Je wordt moe, alle gangen lijken hetzelfde. Na een paar gangen zie je een plakbriefje op de vloer liggen. Ga je terug naar het klaslokaal met het briefje, of laat je het briefje achter en blijf je de persoon volgen?

Take the note and go back. This must be important!

We are so close! Let's keep following! We almost got them!

You keep following the person, but they are faster than you are. Suddenly, the person you were following is gone. You stop running and look for any clues of where that person might have gone. Out of nowhere, you notice an open classroom. You know that the school is closed, and everything should be locked up. So how it this classroom open?

Je blijft de persoon volgen, maar je wordt moe en ze zijn sneller dan jij. Plots is de persoon die je volgt weg. Je stopt met rennen en zoekt naar aanwijzingen van waar die persoon naartoe is gegaan. Uit het niets zie je een klaslokaal open staan. Je weet dat de school gesloten is en dat alles op slot zit. Dus waarom is dit klaslokaal open?

Let's look inside the classroom! We might find new evidence.

Let's stay in the hallway, here must be a clue to where the figure went.

You step inside the classroom, and you hear something. As if someone is crying. You walk to the back of the classroom, and find Eddie, sitting on the floor, crying. What do you do?

Je stapt de klas binnen en je hoort iets. Alsof iemand huilt. Je loopt naar de achterkant van het klaslokaal en vindt Eddie huilend op de grond. Wat doe jij?

You take him into custody. You are sure he is the killer!

You sit next to him, and you listen to what he has to say.

You sit next to him. You both do not talk for a minute. But then...

Listen to the story

You are shocked with what you just heard. Mr Miller, the father of Eddie, and Ms Norwood's lover. This you did not see coming! But what does this mean? You walk with Eddie through the hallway until you see a police officer. You hand Eddie over to the police officer, who will bring him home. You walk back to the crime scene.

Je bent geschokt door wat je zojuist hebt gehoord. Mr Miller, de vader van Eddie, en de geliefde van Ms Norwood. Dit zag je niet aankomen! Maar wat betekent dit? Je loopt met Eddie door de gang tot je een politieagent ziet. Je geeft Eddie aan de politieagent, die hem naar huis zal brengen. Je loopt terug naar het lokaal.


You look around the hallway. There are some group tables and some couches for students to lounge during their break. But right now, you hear only silence. You look behind a couch, nothing there. You look behind a painting, nothing again, except for some chewing gum. Where do you look next?

Je kijkt de gang rond. Er zijn enkele groepstafels en enkele banken waar studenten tijdens hun pauze kunnen hangen. Maar op dit moment hoor je alleen stilte. Je kijkt achter een bank, niets daar. Je kijkt achter een schilderij, weer niets, behalve wat kauwgom. Waar kijk je verder?

Look behind the flower pot

Look under the table

You look behind the flower pot and you see something. It is a recording. You listen to the recording.

Click on the button to listen to the recording.

Emily? As in Emily Norwood? And who is Jake, and who are they talking about? With all this new information and evidence, you go back to the crime scene. Maybe you can connect the dots.

Emilie? Zoals in Emily Norwood? En wie is Jake, en over wie hebben ze het? Met al deze nieuwe informatie en bewijs, ga je terug naar de plaats delict. Misschien kun je de punten verbinden.

Back to the crime scene

You look under the table, and you find a key, glued under the table by chewing gum. You pull it from under the table, and look closely. It looks like a key to a classroom. You look at the doors around you, and so you start trying every door. But it takes some effort trying all the doors.

Je kijkt onder de tafel en je vindt een sleutel, die met kauwgom onder de tafel is geplakt. Je trekt hem onder de tafel vandaan en kijkt goed. Het ziet eruit als een sleutel van een klaslokaal. Je kijkt naar de deuren om je heen, en dus begin je elke deur te proberen. Maar het kost wat moeite om alle deuren te proberen.

Let's try opening the doors!





Answer the true or false to find the right door for the key.

This sentence is grammatically correct:The detectives of this case have worked very hard.



Question 1/5

Word order

Question 1/5

You are one door closer to finding the right door! Keep going!


Next Question




Question 2/5

The verb "to give" is correctly used in the sentence below:The police officer give great tips on how to solve this murder mystery.

Present simple

Question 2/5

Although we have not found the right door yet, we know we are close! Let's try the next one!

Next Question



The sentence below is correct:Ms Norwood is a better teacher than Mr Miller.



Question 3/5


Question 3/5

We are half way there! Keep going! you are doing great!


Next Question




Question 4/5

This sentence is correct:The teacher is the sweeter teacher of the school.


Question 4/5

Wauw! You are amazing detectives solving these problems! We only have to try a few more doors! One more question!

Next Question



This sentence is correct:Ms Norwood and Mr Miller must know each other well, because they have been working together a long time.



Question 5/5

Capital letters

Let's open the door!

Question 5/5

Well done! You found the right door!



Oh no! Incorrect

Fast! let's try again!

YES! You found the right door!

You put the key in the keyhole and it turns. Finally! You open the door and it appears to be a storage room. It has different vials, burners, and much more. It seems to be a chemistry storage room. But why would someone want to use this room, and why hide the key? Did someone make the poison in the chemistry classroom, and got their supplies from this room? So many questions, but the most important question is:Who would do this? You look around the storage room. What else do you see? A receipt to a pharmacy. And what is that? a photo?!

Je steekt de sleutel in het sleutelgat en hij draait. Eindelijk! Je opent de deur en je ziet een berging. Het heeft verschillende flesjes, branders en nog veel meer. Het lijkt een opslagruimte voor chemie te zijn. Maar waarom zou iemand deze kamer willen gebruiken en waarom de sleutel verbergen? Heeft iemand het gif gemaakt in het scheikundelokaal en zijn voorraden uit deze kamer gehaald? Zoveel vragen, maar de belangrijkste vraag is: wie zou dit doen? Je kijkt rond in de berging. Wat zie je nog meer? Een ontvangstbewijs naar een apotheek. En wat is dat? een foto?!


The foto is a photo of Ms Norwood and Eddie. They seem happy together. You turn the photo around and you see it has something written on the back.

De foto is een foto van mevrouw Norwood en Eddie. Ze lijken gelukkig samen. Je draait de foto om en je ziet dat er op de achterkant iets geschreven staat.

This is what I want. I will get what is mine-JM

You look closer at the photo. Suddenly, the door closes behind you. You run to the door, but it does not open.

Je kijkt beter naar de foto. Opeens valt de deur achter je dicht. Je rent naar de deur, maar die gaat niet open.

What do you do?

beat the door down with your fist

kick the door until it opens

Why are Ms Norwood and Eddie in the picture together? and who is JM?

Waarom staan mevrouw Norwood en Eddie samen op de foto? en wie is JM?

Well... that did not work...And now you have a bruised hand. Great job.....Maybe kick the door in this time..

Nou... dat werkte niet... Nu heb je een gekneusde hand. Misschien deze keer de deur binnen trappen..

kick the door until it opens

You got out of the storage room. But who closed the door and locked you in? You look around, but no one is there. Just as you want to walk away, you notice something yellow in the bin, next to the door of the storage room. You take it out of the bin and see it is a Yellow Letter. This student must have been send out of the classroom. You read what is filled in, and you read:Name: JimTeacher: Ms Norwood

Je kwam uit de opslagruimte. Maar wie deed de deur dicht en sloot je op? Je kijkt om je heen, maar er is niemand. Net als je weg wilt lopen, zie je iets geels in de prullenbak, naast de deur van de berging. Je haalt het uit de prullenbak en ziet dat het een gele letter is. Deze leerling moet uit de klas zijn gestuurd. Je leest wat er is ingevuld, en je leest: Naam: Jim Docent: mevrouw Norwood

Go back to the crime scene

Solve the puzzle now.No time to lose!

Read the note when you are back at the crime scene.

You got the note. But it is ripped to pieces.

Puzzle quiz

Answer the questions to puzzle the note together


Question 01

Fill in the correct form:Look in here! ____ agenda is full with information.

A. Her

C. Hers

B. Herself

Question 02

Fill in the correct form:Hey! give that back! That flashlight is ____.




Question 03

Fill in the correct form:She ____ (to walk) to school with her son every day. Interresting.

A. walks

C. has been walk

B. walking

Question 04

Fill in the correct form:This ____ (to be) such a difficult case.

A. are

C. is

B. has

Question 05

Fill in the correct form:The teacher ____ (to read) a lot of books. How typical for an English teacher.

A. read

C. reading

B. reads

Question 06

Fill in the correct negative form:Oh no! We ___________ (to have) her laptop!

A. have

C. aren't have

B. don't have

Question 07

Fill in the correct negative form:She _____ (to be) a mean teacher. She is very kind.

A. is not

c. are

B. is

Question 08

Fill in the correct form:_______ (she / to have) any friends that might know who killed her?

A. Do she has

C. Does she have

B. Does she has

Question 09

Fill in the correct form: ______ (she / to be) a good teacher? or did she have a lot of enimies?

A. Is she

C. Did she is

B. she is

Question 10

Fill in the correct form: Tomorrow, we ____ (to find out) who her killer is. I am sure of it!

A. out find

C. find out

B. finds out

Start over?


You have puzzled together what the note says!


Oh no!

Let's try again!


Because you filled in the quiz correctly, you get a fingerprint table. Use it wisely!

Take a picture of it! Then you can zoom in/out and access it at any time :)




Mr Miller


Grades? Revenge? Regret? These are serious threats. But who would write this? And would this person really murder a teacher? You walk back to the crimescene, but on your way there you see Jim.

Cijfers? Wraak? Betreuren? Dit zijn serieuze bedreigingen. Maar wie zou dit schrijven? En zou deze persoon echt een leraar vermoorden? Je loopt terug naar het lokaal, maar onderweg zie je Jim.

Talk to Jim. Maybe he wants to talk to you.

Go back to the crime scene. We have more important things to do!

You see Jim and walk towards him. You ask what he is doing here while the school is closed. Jim, the vexed boy that he is, wants to talk to you. Listen to what he wants to say.

With a lot to think about, you walk back to the classroom. Hit send on the question after listening to go to the next page

You come back into the classroom. A police officer comes to you and says: "Detectives, a piece of evidence is missing. Someone came into the classroom while we were not looking, and took something. We do not know what it was." You walk to the table where the evidence is. Do you know what is missing??

Je komt terug in de klas. Een politieagent komt naar je toe en zegt: "Detectives, er ontbreekt een bewijsstuk. Iemand kwam de klas binnen terwijl we niet keken, en nam iets mee. We weten niet wat het was." Je loopt naar de tafel waar het bewijs ligt. Weet je wat er ontbreekt??

The agenda

The water bottle

The dictionary

The agenda

The agenda had some events happening with one person. But this does say something about the person taking it. The agenda must have had something written in it, that the thief did not want us to see. Bad luck missing that piece now. But maybe the thief left some clue behind of who the thief. Maybe you can find it on this page. Have a look around before clicking 'Next'

Op de agenda stonden enkele evenementen met één persoon. Maar dit zegt wel iets over de persoon die het neemt. Er moet iets in de agenda hebben gestaan, wat de dief niet wilde dat we zagen. Pech om dat stuk nu te missen. Maar misschien heeft de dief een aanwijzing achtergelaten van wie de dief was.


It is time!

You have been given enough clues and information to solve the murder mystery. So, finally, who do you think the murderer is??


Mr Miller



Click on the icon above the person to give your final answer of who you think the murderer is.


You have solved the murder mystery!!! You are a true detective and a natural in solving problems! Well done and good job!Now onto the next murder mystery, detective!


The item is not missing, however where the agenda was, is now an empty space. In the agenda were many events with one person mentioned the most. The agenda must have had something written in it that the thief did not want us to see. Bad luck missing that piece now. But maybe the thief left some clue behind which might reveal their true identity.

Het punt ontbreekt niet, maar waar de agenda stond, is nu een lege ruimte. Op de agenda stonden evenementen met één persoon. Er moet iets in de agenda hebben gestaan, wat de dief niet wilde dat we zagen. Pech om dat stuk nu te missen. Maar misschien heeft de dief een aanwijzing achtergelaten van wie de dief was.


Oh no!!

Unfortunatley, you have arrested the wrong person and the murderer still walks free. We have noticed your amazing detective skills, but unfortunatley this time you have chosen wrong. Try again!

Try Again!